Z and Z from here on out?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2001
Soda City
They both need to be on the field full time (that's Zeb and Zaquandre in case you were wondering) disrespect to Doty but it's time to go back to Zeb.
Its time to go back to Zeb for next week to start but when he is not facing a 3 man front, with no blitz looks, it may become eventually apparent its time to go back to someone else.
True enough. EIU of all people showed the book on attacking the South Carolina offense from game one; clog the line while blitzing corners or safeties, as you note. Every team since has done the same. I’m not an offensive coordinator so I don’t know how to counter that with our personnel, but if Zeb is defeated I know another one that has already shown, repeatedly, that he cannot win the day, so I too hope we move past that choice.
Its time to go back to Zeb for next week to start but when he is not facing a 3 man front, with no blitz looks, it may become eventually apparent its time to go back to someone else.


Wasn't Brown supposed to have an nfl arm?

Wasn't Brown supposed to have an nfl arm?
Doty was supposed to be “head and shoulders” above the others; I think that can be put to rest.

This staff has a weird way of who sees the field. Brown, Jenkins, X White; prior to white yesterday, and that was likely due to JuJu, all have languished in PT yet have consistently produced impressively when in.

Who friggin knows.

Wasn't Brown supposed to have an nfl arm?
My concern is why did it take so long for the Coaches to finally pull Doty. That ship was taken on water big time and these Coaches never recognized it or was too damn hard headed to do anything about it until less than a minute left. Piss poor Coaching! I really believe they can not evaluate certain positions. QB ,Receiver, ect.
My concern is why did it take so long for the Coaches to finally pull Doty. That ship was taken on water big time and these Coaches never recognized it or was too damn hard headed to do anything about it until less than a minute left. Piss poor Coaching!
THAT was absolutely friggin bizarre.
All I've heard is the Coaches see them in practice have you, trust the Coaches. After what we have all witnessed these last several weeks. QB , Dk package are you F..... kidding me. EJ Jenkins makes a beautiful caught over the middle and they never target him again. Are they that damn blind?
He can throw it a mile.

The problem is we can't protect him long enough for receivers to get down field (thanks Vandy for playing prevent). But it does appear he gives us the best chance of winning. We can always go back to Doty, if necessary.

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