An honest question for all quempsum fans. Freddie.B.Cocky, 38 minutes ago...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 1999
Greenville, SC
Damn Freddie if yer going to rile em up go all the way!

Freddie also meant to ask his country cuzins, "Should the stature of pitckfork also be removed from the statehouse grounds when they make the building name change?
Why are obvious, annoying Clemson fans allowed on this site? I know for some of can have an interesting conversation...but really...if they are here to downgrade our university...I say block them.
I absolutely think the statue of Bill Tillman should be removed from the statehouse grounds. Although, I'm from Columbia and never knew there was one on the grounds. You'd think it would have been gone long before the rebel flag?
There are very few people that know much of anything about Ben Tillman, Reconstruction, or the Union Leagues.

Just Google Union Leagues and you'll see why there isn't much history taught about reconstruction.
Heaven forbid it be taught that US government troops armed free blacks in the South, and encouraged them to steal what they wanted from local whites by force. In other words, they created a domestic terrorist organization.
That is NOT going to be taught.
Yes- I was also not aware of the statue but if it there, it should come down with the flag and Tillman Hall should be renamed. He was truly evil. So no argument from me.
nikolas22, the original thread asked for replies from "all Quempson fans". Would you not have us answer Freddy B. Cocky's original question concerning the 1981 NCAA football championship?
nikolas22, the original thread asked for replies from "all Quempson fans". Would you not have us answer Freddy B. Cocky's original question concerning the 1981 NCAA football championship?
I guess I read too swiftly...sorry! Still feel the same way.

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