Anyone catch the Texas A & M fans getting tossed from the Florida game?


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2021
I totally missed this story, probably because I was traveling over the weekend.

2 Aggie fans yelling at the Florida dugout, apparently mentioning the murders of the children of O'Sullivan's wife (her children) one of which was a former Florida bat boy.

They were removed from the stadium. Hopefully, their names will be exposed publicly for their shameful actions. From what I understand, some have already mentioned their names online but I haven't seen it.

I was totally unaware of O'Sullivan's wife's story. But read about it today. What a tragedy.

I can not fathom what kind of human scum screams about the murder of a young person (or anyone) at a game as a way to try to verbally attack another team other than it is human garbage that has lost a moral compass.

I would guess these two guys have probably lost their jobs as a result of this decision and likely lost some friendships and probably cost themselves some family relationships.
I'll have to look it up. That is low and inexcusable. Is that his second wife you're talking about? I remember when we were playing them in 2011 he had his young kids in Omaha they showed on tv while going through a divorce with his first wife.
I'll have to look it up. That is low and inexcusable. Is that his second wife you're talking about? I remember when we were playing them in 2011 he had his young kids in Omaha they showed on tv while going through a divorce with his first wife.

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