Basketball League in Baghdad?

When they first showed him, he made the Johnny effing Football "money" signal with his fingers. That told me all I needed to know about him. After that, it was a love affair between the cameramen, announcers, and him.
Originally posted by Carolina Bo:
I wonder if he gets paid in goats.
Probably not. There are enough foreign leagues out there that pay in currency that I don't think he'd take a job wherein he gets paid in livestock. Also, he'd probably lose money in trying to transport something with so little value back to the US from Iraq.
Originally posted by Carolina Bo:
I wonder if he gets paid in goats.
Should ask many of our former players who weren't NBA material but played successfully and made careers playing overseas.

Then again, to be an American playing basketball is Baghdad is a ballsy thing.
Originally posted by Carolina Bo:
I wonder if he gets paid in goats.
Cash in a brown paper bag. That's how it's done in a lot of foreign leagues.

And my information is directly from the dozen or so guys I know from SC over the years that have played around the globe. When I asked one of them when he was coming back Stateside to play ball, his response was: "Man, I ain't NEVER coming back to that 'mofo'!!"

Most have come back. That one never did.
Someone said his team's nickname is the Bombers !