Caption Brett Favre's reaction to Caitlyn Jenner at ESPYs...


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Gold Member
May 12, 2009
Clapping is more than I would have done. ESPN is bending over backward to be "politically correct." Guess they have moved on from their love affair with Michael Sam. Funny how they ignore the fatal car crash he/she was involved in. What a joke!

I like his lady friend's facial expression. I think they're both being cordially "PC" and courteous. Favre has too much on the line if he shows his true feelings.

Disclaimer: I have no way of truly knowing how the boy really feels. Just going by gut feeling. And I doubt he would compromise his manhood later in life due to insecurity, falling prey and being bled dry by leeches, and a lust for fame and financial reward to the extent of altering his body, his pride and his morals.
How or why any man could or would do this is sickening, dishonorable and disgusting. Yet he's garnering awards for courage.
This country is lost.
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ESPN just continues to lose more credibility every day. If the thing is no longer a man, then it is no longer an Olympic medalist. This is what passes for courage these days?
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He's probably thinking, "Well, if I don't stand and at least put my hands together I will be called a hateful, backward, ignorant prude and then I will be assigned sensitivity training in a PC reeducation camp. I will then lose all my sponsorships and the NFL will distance itself from me."

Just guessing, but I bet that's not far from the truth. Bet you anything that leftist reporters will not stop now until they get Brett to say whether or not he thinks it is courageous for a dude to put on a dress and proclaim himself a chick...and if he does not enthusiastically spout the one acceptable answer ("But of course! How brave!") he will be absolutely tarred and feathered.

This much is true: one must bow before the new sexual orthodoxy or one will have to answer to the cultural gatekeepers. The tolerant left will not allow deviations from the new creed.

Paging Mr. Orwell...
He's probably thinking, "Well, if I don't stand and at least put my hands together I will be called a hateful, backward, ignorant prude and then I will be assigned sensitivity training in a PC reeducation camp. I will then lose all my sponsorships and the NFL will distance itself from me."

Just guessing, but I bet that's not far from the truth. Bet you anything that leftist reporters will not stop now until they get Brett to say whether or not he thinks it is courageous for a dude to put on a dress and proclaim himself a chick...and if he does not enthusiastically spout the one acceptable answer ("But of course! How brave!") he will be absolutely tarred and feathered.

This much is true: one must bow before the new sexual orthodoxy or one will have to answer to the cultural gatekeepers. The tolerant left will not allow deviations from the new creed.

Paging Mr. Orwell...

You pretty much hit that one out of the park.
I like what movie producer Peter Berg said in a meme:

The meme originated with the conservative Facebook group Main Stream Media Sponsored Boycotts. It juxtaposes a photo of U.S. Army veteran Gregory D. Gadson, a former Army football team member who lost his legs serving in the Iraq war, to an image of Jenner. “One man traded 2 legs for the freedom of the other to trade 2 balls for 2 boobs,”

Jenner is no hero!
Some scared folks in this thread. The big bogeyman isn't going to get you. It will be okay.

p.s. The reactions in this thread are exactly why the shit is rammed down your throat by ESPN. If you didn't care they wouldn't care.
He's probably thinking, "Well, if I don't stand and at least put my hands together I will be called a hateful, backward, ignorant prude and then I will be assigned sensitivity training in a PC reeducation camp. I will then lose all my sponsorships and the NFL will distance itself from me."

Just guessing, but I bet that's not far from the truth. Bet you anything that leftist reporters will not stop now until they get Brett to say whether or not he thinks it is courageous for a dude to put on a dress and proclaim himself a chick...and if he does not enthusiastically spout the one acceptable answer ("But of course! How brave!") he will be absolutely tarred and feathered.

This much is true: one must bow before the new sexual orthodoxy or one will have to answer to the cultural gatekeepers. The tolerant left will not allow deviations from the new creed.

Paging Mr. Orwell...

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
He's probably thinking, "Well, if I don't stand and at least put my hands together I will be called a hateful, backward, ignorant prude and then I will be assigned sensitivity training in a PC reeducation camp. I will then lose all my sponsorships and the NFL will distance itself from me."

Just guessing, but I bet that's not far from the truth. Bet you anything that leftist reporters will not stop now until they get Brett to say whether or not he thinks it is courageous for a dude to put on a dress and proclaim himself a chick...and if he does not enthusiastically spout the one acceptable answer ("But of course! How brave!") he will be absolutely tarred and feathered.

This much is true: one must bow before the new sexual orthodoxy or one will have to answer to the cultural gatekeepers. The tolerant left will not allow deviations from the new creed.

Paging Mr. Orwell...

I'm sure he didn't want to screw up his endorsements. I mean, is there a product Brett won't endorse?
So, Sulay, we are just supposed to sit back and say nothing about the new normal? Seems like the bigger a freak show you are these days the more you get celebrated by the people that know what we all should think and act like.. Tolerance is one thing(a lot of us have that - it`s only right) but celebrating that someone is gay or trans and that the old standards(traditional marriage, etc.) are discriminatory is more than I`m willing to do. I may not agree with Donald Trump all the time, but at least he is speaking out about his convictions and not letting people run over him. A vocal minority in this country is running roughshod over everyone else in this country who are having THEIR values seen as deviant, We better start speaking up. And I`m not talking about the flag - I was in favor of that coming down many moons ago.
Sulayman - the issue is they want everyone to not only accept this behavior but to celebrate it with them. One can say I think it's wrong, I don't agree with it and immediately that makes you a bigot, homophobe, etc. Logic has been completely turned upside down. Tolerance is a two way street, to the majority of them it means their tolerance only extends to my opinion/beliefs so long as they align with theirs.

I guess in today's world if you aren't a member of a so called "victimized group or some social transgression" then by virtue of not being being a part of it you are by definition the "transgressor".
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Some scared folks in this thread. The big bogeyman isn't going to get you. It will be okay.

p.s. The reactions in this thread are exactly why the shit is rammed down your throat by ESPN. If you didn't care they wouldn't care.
Not scared but getting very tired of it. There will be a backlash and they have no one to blame but themselves.
"The reactions in this thread are exactly why the shit is rammed down your throat liinic

We usually celebrate people getting help for their mental illness, not whacking off body parts as a consequence of that illness.

I am with the Mayo Clinic and its medical experts on this one.....they originated the surgery but discontinued the barbaric practice decades ago because their scientific studies found that the procedure did NOTHING to alleviate the underlying mental issues. The Mayo Clinic said that they should not be harming people as willing participants in a patient's mental illness or as part of a PC crusade.
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Like I said. Scared as shit. Run to the hills, boys. The apocalypse is coming!
You know what? You don't have care or celebrate anything. It's your right and freedom. If you want to let this make you mad, scare you and control any aspect of your life or existence, well, you have no one to blame but yourself. I personally don't give a shit about Caitlyn Jenner and didn't give a shit about Bruce Jenner. I don't let things I don't care about control my life. I just do what I want, instead. It's pretty simple and effective.
You know what? You don't have care or celebrate anything. It's your right and freedom. If you want to let this make you mad, scare you and control any aspect of your life or existence, well, you have no one to blame but yourself. I personally don't give a shit about Caitlyn Jenner and didn't give a shit about Bruce Jenner. I don't let things I don't care about control my life. I just do what I want, instead. It's pretty simple and effective.

Oh, look at me. I'm better, more intelligent and have a higher IQ than all of you here because I am not against deviant behavior and I can empathize, accept, interact and appreciate the forwardness of those who choose this lifestyle. And I don't mind it when the media and even sports networks create fictitious awards to celebrate them, discarding any social standards or moral convictions created by ignorance and serving no purpose other than hate.
Conversely, my high intelligence lends me to believe that any of you that disagree must be simple, ignorant, low IQ uneducated hicks from backwoods regions or trailer parks that can't comprehend or fathom change, and can only view and counter such change with anger and hate.

Nope. I think Caitlyn Jenner is an attention whore just like Bruce Jenner was. I don't let her bother me. I just live my life as I always would, and I feel good about where I am which is a position I made for myself. It's pretty simple and biologically speaking probably good for my heart and general well being. To each their own.
Hey, JeffTweedyFan...if you come back in here and read this, Wilco put out a surprise, free album the other day. It's pretty damn good. Just making sure you knew.

I couldn't figure out how to send a private message.

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