Currently 29 Commitments ready to sign (or have signed)


Jan 15, 2007
Celebrate the guys we do have!!

Most on here are crying about the 9 or 10 commitments we lost We have pulled it together and replaced those guys and flipped a few ourselves.

We lost Arnette, but we gained Toure Boyd.

We lost Key but we also got Devante Covington back (not to mention Ulric Jones, Quay Lewis, D. Wideman, D. Sawyer, and Blackshear).

We lost Paris Palmer, but we kept Pellage, Zack Bailey and Dennis Daley and added Trey Derouen!

It's a revolving door, some go some leave, but it's amazing the doom and gloom of some of our fans.

We seriously filled the positions we needed.
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now.
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now. Just let go. Get ready for the BB game. sheesh. Stop trying to put positive spin on situations that are 100% negative. It's unnecessary.
Originally posted by ReadR00ster:
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now. Just let go. Get ready for the BB game. sheesh. Stop trying to put positive spin on situations that are 100% negative. It's unnecessary.
is your hysteria necessary?
Originally posted by ReadR00ster:
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now. Just let go. Get ready for the BB game. sheesh. Stop trying to put positive spin on situations that are 100% negative. It's unnecessary.
And how do you know these guys are poor substitutes? Because the stars told you so? Let me are a person who lives and dies by what these so called experts? Thank God you're not the coach or Shaw probably would have never been signed....smh
ReADROOster, let's say we win an 11th game in this 2015 season, Just suppose--

what are the chances you'd SHUT UP ?

"O ye of little faith."----
or ye TATERS.

You're whining like a pregnant cow--out in a rainstorm.
Rooster is posting nonsense all over this board. Some people have too much time on their hands and only see the negative in everything. I like our class and the guys already on the team.
Originally posted by nitro2400:
Rooster is posting nonsense all over this board. Some people have too much time on their hands and only see the negative in everything. I like our class and the guys already on the team.
R00Readster is acting like a crazed b*tch

no offense intended for crazed b*tches
Originally posted by nitro2400:
Rooster is posting nonsense all over this board. Some people have too much time on their hands and only see the negative in everything. I like our class and the guys already on the team.
But here's the problem. Some people have a different opinion than you regarding this class. Is it okay if these people voice their opinion or should they just keep their opinions to themselves? Is it only okay for them to speak up if they agree with you and people who share your opinion?

BTW, I like the class for the most part and given the year we had, we're probably lucky to have done as well as we did. There are certainly disappointments but every class has those. Do I think it's enough to win a championship - no, but that's just my opinion if it's okay to voice mine.

The real problem as I see it is that some people think that everyone should agree on everything.
Originally posted by ReadR00ster:
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now.
Please name the poor replacements. I see some super sold 3 and 4 stars.
Good post, OP! These guys actually want to be here and play for USC. I'm ready to welcome them aboard!
Rooster... It's sunshine "brakes". What is ridiculous to me is the amount of negativity and people just looking for the doom and gloom. Some of those that can't find anything in life but the negative have some crazy expectations. What I think is unnecessary is living a life of negativity. 100% negative? Sounds like you.
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now. Just let go. Get ready for the BB game. sheesh. Stop trying to put positive spin on situations that are 100% negative. It's unnecessary.

100% negative? Really? Or are you just putting that label on yourself? Seems to me you are wanting to be 100% negative if you can not see that even though we lost some kids we still are way above 100% negative..
You probably are also one of the negative lovers that want to fire all or coaches after 1 sub par season because now 7 wins are not good enough because the same coaches won 10 for 3 years in a row.. I think a lot of our fans have some how
got into Dabo's Orange KoolAid or maybe just plain stupid!
Agreed CockIt75. I posted the other day that I think our Staff did a good job of bringing solid commits into the fold after the de-commits started. De-commits are never desired, but in my opinion we recovered in pretty good fashion. Go Cocks!
Originally posted by CockIt75:
Rooster... It's sunshine "brakes". What is ridiculous to me is the amount of negativity and people just looking for the doom and gloom. Some of those that can't find anything in life but the negative have some crazy expectations. What I think is unnecessary is living a life of negativity. 100% negative? Sounds like you.
There is nothing freaking positive about a class where we lost 9 of our best commitments. It's poor recruiting and poor coaching and it's pisses me off when you delusional people that call yourself Gamecock fans try to defend this BS when heads need to be rolling for it. How about some d@mn accountability from these coaches! They are doing a poor job and their needs to be consequences for that.
Originally posted by chucktowncock:

Originally posted by nitro2400:
Rooster is posting nonsense all over this board. Some people have too much time on their hands and only see the negative in everything. I like our class and the guys already on the team.
R00Readster is acting like a crazed b*tch

no offense intended for crazed b*tches
Originally posted by GamecockWarrior:
ReadR00ster does the same negative schtick on another popular Gamecock message board. He's a tool bag of the highest order.
As a Texas Longhorn, I am surprised to see so many from Georgia on your recruit commitment list, is there a part of Georgia that most of these come from?
This staff has shown the ability to out rank the "experts" we have many staff reranked much higher, be us know how a kid will get to USC and grind and work and elevate their game.

The superbowl had no 5 star guys in it!

Just as Buck Belue said, Spurrier and South Carolina come into Georgia and get the Bulldogs B list recruits every year and then beat Georgia with those guys.

All i know is I like D Line and O Line classes because it takes time to develop those guys and their will be some misses, I like this class
Originally posted by Gradstudent:
This staff has shown the ability to out rank the "experts" we have many staff reranked much higher, be us know how a kid will get to USC and grind and work and elevate their game.

The superbowl had no 5 star guys in it!

Just as Buck Belue said, Spurrier and South Carolina come into Georgia and get the Bulldogs B list recruits every year and then beat Georgia with those guys.

All i know is I like D Line and O Line classes because it takes time to develop those guys and their will be some misses, I like this class
Yes, thank you gradstudent, the coaches know how to "coach'em up." Then they ride to work on a unicorn.

You people are ridiculous.
I agree winthropcock.. Coaches have done a good job of getting some solid recruits back int he mix.. Including a few Juco that will be an immediate help... I am also looking forward to seeing what Nunez brings in. Sound like his work ethic will be like #21.... That is what it will take to make a difference.. Go Gamecocks,
Yes- but Buck also knows that Georgia wins the East a lot more than South Carolina because they land more top prospects than does South Carolina.

Originally posted by Gradstudent:

Just as Buck Belue said, Spurrier and South Carolina come into Georgia and get the Bulldogs B list recruits every year and then beat Georgia with those guys.

All i know is I like D Line and O Line classes because it takes time to develop those guys and their will be some misses, I like this class
You'll have to wait until next year.

If he's playing this year - meaningful minutes- it won't be pretty.

Chris Clark said this morning that Nunez might be able to come in and get some playing time but as a passer- he has quite a bit of work to do.

Originally posted by section907:
I am also looking forward to seeing what Nunez brings in. Sound like his work ethic will be like #21.... That is what it will take to make a difference.. Go Gamecocks,
Life must be really sad for RedRooster and those others like him....what a way to go through a defeated and negative life! Keep all the Debbie Downers away from me, I love to live life and each day is a choice on how we will live it. College Football is a GAME, not a life. I played sports and football was my favorite, As a Sgt.I led a group of Marines for
15 months in Vietnam, I can tell you what is important in life and what is a game for FUN! God help your family and friends if they have to hear your bitching because life (Carolina Sports) doesn't always live up to your expectations and that it doesn't always seek your input ( I am guessing that you are/have been a pro or at least a college coach with at least a few championships) to "know how" out coaches have failed YOU!
Originally posted by ReadR00ster:
We lost a good number of our best recruits and replace some of them with poor substitutes and that is supposed to make people feel better. Everyone needs to pump their sunshine breaks. It's seriously ridiculous right now.
And some on here have probably helped to run off some of the players we lost. The constant call for coaching changes on here and the negativity that is spewed on here by some does not help. And some will justify all the negativity by saying "Do you believe that a recruit will base his decision on what is stated on a message board?" Those are fooling themselves if they don't think they read them. Talk to any one of them and they follow what's happening on these boards because that's what kids do these days...they follow this type of stuff...twitter...instagram...and so forth.

Certainly...and hopefully....the kids don't base where they are going on just a message board. But it speaks volumes to the aura and atmosphere of support that surrounds a program. And right now...a lot of the time...there's a lot of poison to the program on here sometimes.

It's a good class. Am grateful for the group that is hopefully going to help us win a championship. Looks like they are all good guys with the right work ethic and will work hard to get better.
Remember...there were no 5* players on either Super Bowl team Sunday...and the player that made the play to save the game was a D2 player from West Alabama. Believe we can and will win with these guys.
We have nine decommitments- not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight but nine. Out of those nine, six were four star recruits. I don't see how you could possibly call this a successful recruiting class. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up watching mediocre Gamecock football like i'm sure most of you did, but as someone who graduated in 2012 its frustrating to watch this go down. The fact that we have kept such average to below average to downright incompetent coaches on the staff is what ultimately lead to this. Arden Key isn't the type of player I would want in our colors, and I believe Lorenzo Nunez will be a nice quarterback, but this is still unacceptable.
And Bohoo... god forbid some posters on here accurately call out the coaches and hold people in position who get paid a nice salary to do their job!
Re: Maybe Cbreezy, Roller and that other guy (Re, ROO or

whatever that is) can get together somewhere and complain and whine and then talk about their great sports careers in Pee Wee and Little League. The rest of us can WELCOME the new signing class!
Our best teams have had 5 star players on them.

yes- the super bowl winning play was made by a division 2 player. We've had players step up and make big plays here and there. You don't build your team on that.

Originally posted by Garnet Man:

there were no 5* players on either Super Bowl team Sunday...and the player that made the play to save the game was a D2 player from West Alabama. Believe we can and will win with these guys.
Blackshear was'nt he the top pick last year a 5 star until he gor hurt in week 2. We stuck and he showed class by sticking to. Thats the kind of players we need the We not Me. Jo Pa had a saying It's the name on the front that matters not the back. Great day for USC we will be back next year . Look at Defensive side we have hitters and tacklers hungry guys wanting to show the world. last year poof gone.
CBreezy, You never saw mediocre Gamecock football with recruiting rankings similar to what we are bringing in today. With a 16th or 17th ranked class coming in and given the team we fielded last year and results and the "rumors" about coaching and the decommitments, I would say that ranking is a success given all factors. Yes, we could have been higher, but we have filled major needs and brought in immediate impact players from the JUCO ranks.

Fields, Key - I question if their hearts were ever here.

Fenton and Arnette are nearly identical to me. Our biggest loss I feel was going to be Austin Clark. We haven't quite replaced his loss.

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