Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Wow....MAGA is already lining up excuses if they lose the election.

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You can’t argue with liberal cucks

Argue about what? You don't think Russia and Iran are trying to interfere with things with the election and make a mess?

Only a damn fool would think they aren't.

Leadership of both parties have talked about this in the last few weeks. Trump said Iran was trying to mess with things and wanted to kill him.
Why not just agree to Voter ID and stop all of the nonsense?

Every American citizen who wants to vote could get registered as we've previously discussed.

One party seems to really enjoy the muddied system for some reason?

This isn't rocket science.

IDs aren’t secure. We should just give everyone a microchip.

No chip. No vote.

Can even speed up the process and run it as a bank account so we don’t need cash anymore.
IDs aren’t secure. We should just give everyone a microchip.

No chip. No vote.

Can even speed up the process and run it as a bank account so we don’t need cash anymore.

It would be on a transparent public blockchain.

Don't trust >>> Verify.

This is one of the main things Blockchains do and the reason they were created.

They eliminate the human meddling and trust issue.

Look at politicians today.

They have no problem directly lying about something.

They know that you know they are lying -- but they don't care.

Web 3.0 -- Everyone should be happy there's a new technology to verify things rather than just trusting it's true.

But there's one party that wants nothing to do with that system.

Wonder why?

If you doubt this, look at how hard Gensler and Warren have gone after it for the last four years.

They are frauds.
It would be on a transparent public blockchain.

Don't trust >>> Verify.

This is one of the main things Blockchains do and the reason they were created.

They eliminate the human meddling and trust issue.

Look at politicians today.

They have no problem directly lying about something.

They know that you know they are lying -- but they don't care.

Web 3.0 -- Everyone should be happy there's a new technology to verify things rather than just trusting it's true.

But there's one party that wants nothing to do with that system.

Wonder why?

If you doubt this, look at how hard Gensler and Warren have gone after it for the last four years.

They are frauds.

So blockchain on a microchip inside the person?

That's the solution to prevent voter fraud.

Sign me up.
Open AI for the child-like minds.


Blockchain technology could ensure fair elections by providing a transparent, secure, and tamper-proof system for voting. Here are several ways in which blockchain could contribute to fairer elections:

1. Transparency and Auditability
Blockchain is a decentralized and public ledger where all transactions (votes) are recorded in a transparent manner. Once a vote is cast, it is stored on the blockchain, making it visible to anyone who has access to the system, ensuring transparency. This allows voters, auditors, and officials to verify that each vote was counted correctly, without revealing individual voter identities.

2. Immutability
Votes recorded on a blockchain are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered once entered into the system. This immutability helps to prevent vote tampering, as any attempt to change a vote would require control over the majority of the network (which is nearly impossible in a well-established blockchain system).

3. Decentralization
Blockchain operates on a decentralized network of nodes, making it resistant to hacking or manipulation. Unlike traditional voting systems, which can be compromised if a central authority or server is breached, blockchain's distributed nature ensures that no single point of failure can lead to election fraud.

4. Voter Anonymity and Privacy
Blockchain can incorporate cryptographic techniques, such as zero-knowledge proofs or homomorphic encryption, which allow votes to be verified without revealing the voter’s identity. This ensures that voting remains private while still allowing for the verification of results.

5. Real-time Voting Verification
Blockchain enables real-time verification and counting of votes. This reduces delays in vote counting and the risk of errors or tampering during the vote tallying process. Voters can even verify that their vote was cast and counted without seeing the votes of others.

6. Preventing Double Voting
By using blockchain to track each voter, the system can ensure that each voter casts only one vote, preventing issues like double voting or voter impersonation. This can be achieved through smart contracts that automatically validate whether a voter has already participated.

7. Remote and Accessible Voting
Blockchain-based voting systems can allow for secure remote voting, increasing accessibility for individuals who are unable to vote in person, such as those with disabilities or expatriates. The security of blockchain can ensure that remote votes are as trustworthy as in-person votes.

8. Resistance to Censorship
Because blockchain operates on a decentralized network, it can resist attempts by governments or other entities to censor or manipulate election results. Once votes are recorded on the blockchain, they cannot be erased or altered, even by powerful organizations.

9. End-to-End Verification
Voters could be provided with cryptographic keys or digital tokens that allow them to verify that their vote was cast as intended and recorded in the final tally, without compromising the secrecy of their ballot. This end-to-end verifiability could build trust in the electoral process.

Example Use Case: Estonia
Estonia has experimented with blockchain-based election systems to increase the security and transparency of their elections. Voters cast their votes digitally, and blockchain technology helps to verify the integrity of the process.

In summary, blockchain technology can enhance election integrity by providing transparency, security, immutability, and privacy, while reducing the potential for fraud, tampering, or errors. These features could strengthen public trust in electoral outcomes and ensure that elections are conducted fairly.
Man this Jack Smith guy just won't leave MAGA alone. MAGA supporters need to pony up more of their Social Security checks to help the poor guy out.

Special counsel files sealed court brief supporting his Jan. 6 case against Trump​

Open AI for the child-like minds.


Blockchain technology could ensure fair elections by providing a transparent, secure, and tamper-proof system for voting. Here are several ways in which blockchain could contribute to fairer elections:

1. Transparency and Auditability
Blockchain is a decentralized and public ledger where all transactions (votes) are recorded in a transparent manner. Once a vote is cast, it is stored on the blockchain, making it visible to anyone who has access to the system, ensuring transparency. This allows voters, auditors, and officials to verify that each vote was counted correctly, without revealing individual voter identities.

2. Immutability
Votes recorded on a blockchain are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered once entered into the system. This immutability helps to prevent vote tampering, as any attempt to change a vote would require control over the majority of the network (which is nearly impossible in a well-established blockchain system).

3. Decentralization
Blockchain operates on a decentralized network of nodes, making it resistant to hacking or manipulation. Unlike traditional voting systems, which can be compromised if a central authority or server is breached, blockchain's distributed nature ensures that no single point of failure can lead to election fraud.

4. Voter Anonymity and Privacy
Blockchain can incorporate cryptographic techniques, such as zero-knowledge proofs or homomorphic encryption, which allow votes to be verified without revealing the voter’s identity. This ensures that voting remains private while still allowing for the verification of results.

5. Real-time Voting Verification
Blockchain enables real-time verification and counting of votes. This reduces delays in vote counting and the risk of errors or tampering during the vote tallying process. Voters can even verify that their vote was cast and counted without seeing the votes of others.

6. Preventing Double Voting
By using blockchain to track each voter, the system can ensure that each voter casts only one vote, preventing issues like double voting or voter impersonation. This can be achieved through smart contracts that automatically validate whether a voter has already participated.

7. Remote and Accessible Voting
Blockchain-based voting systems can allow for secure remote voting, increasing accessibility for individuals who are unable to vote in person, such as those with disabilities or expatriates. The security of blockchain can ensure that remote votes are as trustworthy as in-person votes.

8. Resistance to Censorship
Because blockchain operates on a decentralized network, it can resist attempts by governments or other entities to censor or manipulate election results. Once votes are recorded on the blockchain, they cannot be erased or altered, even by powerful organizations.

9. End-to-End Verification
Voters could be provided with cryptographic keys or digital tokens that allow them to verify that their vote was cast as intended and recorded in the final tally, without compromising the secrecy of their ballot. This end-to-end verifiability could build trust in the electoral process.

Example Use Case: Estonia
Estonia has experimented with blockchain-based election systems to increase the security and transparency of their elections. Voters cast their votes digitally, and blockchain technology helps to verify the integrity of the process.

In summary, blockchain technology can enhance election integrity by providing transparency, security, immutability, and privacy, while reducing the potential for fraud, tampering, or errors. These features could strengthen public trust in electoral outcomes and ensure that elections are conducted fairly.

It's pretty obvious you get all of your "knowledge" from twitter and chatgpt.

None of this keeps someone from voting as another person which is why you claim to need voter ID.
Kamala Harris owns 4 luxury homes all from taxpayer dollars even though she's a complete idiot.

Trump hasn't made a dime from being in office. It's actually cost him.

Democrats literally count on their voters to have absolutely no logic or critical thinking skills of any kind whatsoever.

Flamer is delivering for them.
And they are 100% correct!!
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If you keep trolling disingenuously, no one is going to engage with you anymore.

Of course. When you can't answer a question you just accuse the other party of trolling.

Not being able to critically think is why your opinions lack merit.
The Democratic Party supports the same corporations who are causing the issue.


Sheldon Krimsky's 2000 book Hormonal Chaos (published by John Hopkins) is more important today than ever. It lays out the “environmental endocrine hypothesis,” which “asserts that a diverse group of industrial and agricultural chemicals in contact with humans and wildlife have the capacity to mimic or obstruct hormone function…fooling it into accepting new instructions that distort the normal development of the organism…these compounds have been implicated in more than two dozen human and animal disorders, including reproductive and developmental abnormalities, immune dysfunction, cognitive and behavioral pathologies, and cancer.”

Like the great Rachel Carson, Krimsky shared — bravely and meticulously — inconvenient scientific research. I say “bravely” because Krimsky knew the “industrial groups...poised to protect product and sector interests” were none too pleased to see their highly profitable chemicals exposed.

And what’s particularly striking is that on the back of this book, there’s a glowing endorsement from Senator John F. Kerry — “Sheldon Krimsky has written an extremely responsible book and has sounded an important alarm.”

Believe it or not, it was not long ago that concern about toxins in our environment and bodies was primarily a concern of the Left. Leftie writer-activists were the ones who struck fear into the hearts of industry scientists and (borrowing from Teddy Roosevelt) “the malefactors of great wealth.”

No longer. The Democratic party has become the party of the Establishment, of Big Pharma and Big Ag. Of Big Money. And people are catching on.

One chemical Krimsky singles out for criticism is atrazine. I was widely ridiculed in the media for raising concerns that it might affect sexual development in humans. Well, here’s what Krimsky says (p. 204): “More than 220 million pounds of pesticides known or suspected to be endocrine disrupters were applied to 68 different crops in recent years, with atrazine (classified by the EPA as a possible human carcinogen) alone making up 29 percent of the total weight and 22 percent of the total acreage treated.”

Today if you raise concerns like this that interfere with corporate profits and paradigms, you get called a “conspiracy theorist” or “irrational right-wing lunatic.”

Let us be haunted by these words from Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: “The common feature of all totalitarian systems is the prohibition of questions: every totalitarian regime first monopolizes what counts as rationality and determines what questions you are allowed to ask.”

This was long after they knew the shots were ineffective and causing issues....However, they were hiding data from Americans so people blindly took their word for it.

VP Kamala Harris’ border visit in Arizona today

NEW: Border Patrol Union Statement

"Her first visit to the southern border since June 2021 when she went to El Paso, TX. “After years of not just ignoring the problem, but helping create it, Vice President Kamala Harris is finally headed down to the border. This is nothing more than for her to check the box, but what it is in reality is a slap in the face towards the men and women that put their lives on the line every day, and also a slap in the face to the American public. Where has she been?"

- Art Del Cueto, VP, National Border Patrol Council.
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Man this Jack Smith guy just won't leave MAGA alone. MAGA supporters need to pony up more of their Social Security checks to help the poor guy out.

Special counsel files sealed court brief supporting his Jan. 6 case against Trump​


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