Did Ellis Johnson carry Spurrier?


Jun 1, 2008
We know Ellis is not head coach material but he put a solid defense on the field and much of the time we have put a sub par offense on the field.
Our D carried some of those teams. EJ, Lawing, etc.. Won't say it was just EJ, though our LBs could hit and play then, but he was a part of it.
One was as a head coach and Auburn's defense is worse this year. You have to be willing to work hard at recruiting. From the last two years Spurrier = Brad Scott
Ellis, a once in a lifetime compilation of defensive talent from instate, and an underrated stud QB.
in short, you want the answer to be no. But, based on product since EJ left, the answer MUST be yes.
Ellis is a very good defensive mind, tough coach who gets kids to play hard, and a heckuva recruiter too. He was here from 2008-2012. Compare both recruiting and defense from before he came and since he left and you have the clear answer.
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EJ brought a certain toughness to this team. Never satisfied, always focused about if we can stop this or plan for that. He wasn't about anything but coaching.

Spurrier is a finesse coach and a laid back coach. Once EJ left, the country-club atmosphere invaded the entire program again.

You can tell the coaches are enjoying their lives and their paychecks. There is no sense of urgency or accountability in this program. AT ALL.
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I don't think Ellis carried you guys. I think you guys were just very very strong, athletic, and very fast. The overall level of talent has gone down little by little. When you look at the Gamecocks now you see Cooper, Skai Moore, the linebacker that was recently moved to MLB (name is slipping my mind), and Nunez as the ones who really stand out. Well, Brandon Wilds too. However, during the 5 game streak SC was just a very physical team who imposed their will on other teams. Obviously I always wished for those days to end, but I didn't think it would he that quick. And that is not smack talk. That is pure honesty. I really think it is a lack of talent overall. I honestly think Spurrier needs to go. I know there will be some that slam me simply for being a Clemson fan. Just look over the orange and hear what I'm saying. Look at the call in show where Spurrier said that the job pays well and he wasn't throwing in the towel. I think he will have to be fired to get rid of him and I was told by a fellow Gamecock fan who is a friend of mine that you just don't fire Spurrier. If not, there is no telling how low it could get with 3 more years. Just my honest opinion.
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I don't think Ellis carried you guys. I think you guys were just very very strong, athletic, and very fast. The overall level of talent has gone down little by little. When you look at the Gamecocks now you see Cooper, Skai Moore, the linebacker that was recently moved to MLB (name is slipping my mind), and Nunez as the ones who really stand out. Well, Brandon Wilds too. However, during the 5 game streak SC was just a very physical team who imposed their will on other teams. Obviously I always wished for those days to end, but I didn't think it would he that quick. And that is not smack talk. That is pure honesty. I really think it is a lack of talent overall. I honestly think Spurrier needs to go. I know there will be some that slam me simply for being a Clemson fan. Just look over the orange and hear what I'm saying. Look at the call in show where Spurrier said that the job pays well and he wasn't throwing in the towel. I think he will have to be fired to get rid of him and I was told by a fellow Gamecock fan who is a friend of mine that you just don't fire Spurrier. If not, there is no telling how low it could get with 3 more years. Just my honest opinion.
The reason we were so physical during those years at least on defense had more to do with what Lawing and EJ demanded from their players than anything else. They changed the "DNA" of the team by what they demanded in the weight room and on the field. And as position coaches, they were unbelievably good.
Judging from Ellis' 0-12 season at Southern Miss (one year after they went 12-1 under Larry Fedora), I would say "no."
I don't think Ellis carried you guys. I think you guys were just very very strong, athletic, and very fast. The overall level of talent has gone down little by little. When you look at the Gamecocks now you see Cooper, Skai Moore, the linebacker that was recently moved to MLB (name is slipping my mind), and Nunez as the ones who really stand out. Well, Brandon Wilds too. However, during the 5 game streak SC was just a very physical team who imposed their will on other teams. Obviously I always wished for those days to end, but I didn't think it would he that quick. And that is not smack talk. That is pure honesty. I really think it is a lack of talent overall. I honestly think Spurrier needs to go. I know there will be some that slam me simply for being a Clemson fan. Just look over the orange and hear what I'm saying. Look at the call in show where Spurrier said that the job pays well and he wasn't throwing in the towel. I think he will have to be fired to get rid of him and I was told by a fellow Gamecock fan who is a friend of mine that you just don't fire Spurrier. If not, there is no telling how low it could get with 3 more years. Just my honest opinion.

I don't disagree with anything you said except I don't think Spurrier will have to be fired. If it gets bad enough, I think he'll walk away. I'm not sure if he'll do that this year, but I think he walks away before Tanner has to fire him.
Ellis couldn't carry Spurs jockstrap when it comes to being a Head coach. Period.
But Spurs would love to have EJ's old defenses right now, which was the point of the thread. EJ's defenses carried this team for quite a while. Spurrier has had some struggling offenses while here.
All our coaches keep doing the same thing on defense and offense. Can't block, plays need to be quick and short. You don't need to keep throwing the ball 30 yards down field and getting turnovers. No pressure again on a freshman QB, why not go to an all out fire blitz cause you got nothing to lose cause no one can cover. Just stubborn coaches who refuse to change their ways.
Judging from Ellis' 0-12 season at Southern Miss (one year after they went 12-1 under Larry Fedora), I would say "no."
You do realize that the job qualifications and skills for defensive coordinator and head coach are different, right?