Fans holding up 4 fingers at the start of the 4th quarter is about as lame as it gets

Have you missed clemson walking arm-in-arm with dabo in the middle? The only thing missing is a purple headband with an ostrich feather over his right ear, and instead of those khaki's he 'ought be wearing stretch pants, with a Dom DeLuise pair of socks Burt Reynolds just handed him.
Have you missed clemson walking arm-in-arm with dabo in the middle? The only thing missing is a purple headband with an ostrich feather over his right ear, and instead of those khaki's he 'ought be wearing stretch pants, with a Dom DeLuise pair of socks Burt Reynolds just handed him.
That's one vivid imagination right there. :)
It absolutely is silly. As a player I thought it was dumb. I remember the first time we did it in high school and I asked someone "why are we doing this"? The response was "because it's the fourth quarter". Like we don't already know that? Are we supposed to now REALLY try hard. It is a pretty silly thing.

I also think the locking arms thing we do is silly as well.
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It's not nearly as cherry as the wave, but it's very fruity indeed.
It absolutely is silly. As a player I thought it was dumb. I remember the first time we did it in high school and I asked someone "why are we doing this"? The response was "because it's the fourth quarter". Like we don't already know that? Are we supposed to now REALLY try hard. It is a pretty silly thing.

I also think the locking arms thing we do is silly as well.
X you don't like anything Dabo does
You guys just have to be able to put things in perspective. I know that holding up 4 fingers is supposed to indicate the beginning of the 4th quarter. However, I just pretend that people are holding them up in tribute to the '4 Horsemen' NWA wrestling faction!!! Ric Flair, Ole Anderson, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard(managed by JJ Dillon). It works for me.
THAT'S ANOTHER ________________ FIRST DOWN!!!!!!...I hate that.
Good Lord! Isn't that the truth. Well, we haven't heard that very much this season. Currently it's more like;

'That's another Gamecock MISSED ASSIGNMENT!!!' or 'That's another Gamecock ARM TACKLE!!' or '..............another 3 AND OUT!!!'
Good Lord! Isn't that the truth. Well, we haven't heard that very much this season. Currently it's more like;

'That's another Gamecock MISSED ASSIGNMENT!!!' or 'That's another Gamecock ARM TACKLE!!' or '..............another 3 AND OUT!!!'

That's another horrible play call in the red zone!!
I was wrong about the origin. Apparently it was Bear Bryant. Shouldnt be surprised. Didnt they invent football??

"Today, it’s common for football teams to hold up four fingers at the end of the third quarter, as a way to state that the fourth quarter will belong to them. Patton said that is something Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant did long before anyone else had heard about it."
What culture is responsible for shooting the bird? I don't remember seeing that used growing up. Of course I'd probably 'heard' about it (and had some 8th grader show me 'how' to do it) by the time I hit middle school but it just wasn't something we (that would be me, my friends and everybody I knew) ever did. It certainly wasn't 'instinctive' as it appears to be with some fans caught live on tape.

I honestly don't remember a single time in my life ever 'shooting' anyone a bird. I vividly remember screaming what I've always understood it to mean in some guy's face just before he put his fist in mine ... which was the only lesson ever required to teach me 'hit them FIRST'. I was probably 12 or 13 and it gave me two black eyes. I have never been hit first again, knock on wood.

What crass culture came up with this 'bird' thing? I think 'shooting birds' looks pretty stupid. The only exception might be a little 'OLD' lady doing it. I'd probably think that was funny. She'd have to bee older than 80 though, at least ... and look like Dudley Moore's grandmother in 'Arthur'.
It's cool when the game is close for teams to claim that the 4Q belongs to them...not so cool when you are getting whipped after 3Q.
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Have you missed clemson walking arm-in-arm with dabo in the middle? The only thing missing is a purple headband with an ostrich feather over his right ear, and instead of those khaki's he 'ought be wearing stretch pants, with a Dom DeLuise pair of socks Burt Reynolds just handed him.
THAT'S ANOTHER ________________ FIRST DOWN!!!!!!...I hate that.

The only thing that rivals this is when we are on D and its third down- everyone goes nuts trying to pump the team up, a few seconds later we are sitting back down shaking our head after giving up the first down... Remember that we still have not forced a first half punt this year...
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Yep, 4 fingers at the start of the 4th quarter is awkward, outdated, uninspiring, and ridiculous. I make a motion that we do away with it permanently.
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I have always hated the "that's another Carolina first down" thing...and maybe now we should hold up 5 fingers...insinuating we hope we can come back an at least take the game to overtime......
What culture is responsible for shooting the bird? I don't remember seeing that used growing up. Of course I'd probably 'heard' about it (and had some 8th grader show me 'how' to do it) by the time I hit middle school but it just wasn't something we (that would be me, my friends and everybody I knew) ever did. It certainly wasn't 'instinctive' as it appears to be with some fans caught live on tape.

I honestly don't remember a single time in my life ever 'shooting' anyone a bird. I vividly remember screaming what I've always understood it to mean in some guy's face just before he put his fist in mine ... which was the only lesson ever required to teach me 'hit them FIRST'. I was probably 12 or 13 and it gave me two black eyes. I have never been hit first again, knock on wood.

What crass culture came up with this 'bird' thing? I think 'shooting birds' looks pretty stupid. The only exception might be a little 'OLD' lady doing it. I'd probably think that was funny. She'd have to bee older than 80 though, at least ... and look like Dudley Moore's grandmother in 'Arthur'.
SS, what the hell does this have to do with 4th quarter finger? u hitting the bottle heavy right now.....stay on topic, please.
I always thought it was to remind everyone what quarter it is in case they somehow forgot. No seriously it is a very lame tradition by coaches, players and fans. Why not hold up fingers for each quarter then?
X you don't like anything Dabo does
That's absolutely not true. I am fully on board with almost everything he has done. The only thing I can complain about are the questionable legacy offers. Other than that I'm fully on board. Me saying I don't care for the locking arms is like me saying I don't care for purple pants. It doesn't matter because I'm old and the players / recruits like it which is all that matters.
How bout losing in the 4th Qtr by 30 points and Georgia driving again and hearing that crap, "3rrrrrrrrdddddd downnnnnnn!!!!".
It only seems appropriate when its a close game or we're winning, but it definitely looks bad when we're getting our doors blown off & holding up 4 fingers as if to signify one last bit of hope for the last quarter.
Yep, 4 fingers at the start of the 4th quarter is awkward, outdated, uninspiring, and ridiculous. I make a motion that we do away with it permanently.

And it's INCREDIBLY RIDICULOUS looking when people are doing it in the upper deck.

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