Fast & Furious Monday Morning Observations

The talent is not there, the coaches are not in place to win what is Ward teaching the
D line no pressure etc. Every coach on D has to go, maybe even John .
The talent is not there, the coaches are not in place to win what is Ward teaching the
D line no pressure etc. Every coach on D has to go, maybe even John .

Appreciate the thoughts...not sure firing the entire defensive staff is the answer, but there are definite problems across the board that don't seem to have simple answers.
If Ward and Adams had been let go last year, which should have happened, then Hoke could have brought in his coaches. Now we seem to have this mess where numerous coaches are calling plays on D.
Appreciate the thoughts...not sure firing the entire defensive staff is the answer, but there are definite problems across the board that don't seem to have simple answers.
Mass firings? No. Grady Brown should have never been touched but moving Ward to "help" with the DLine when that unit was clearly the weakest link last year is just mind-boggling. He has absolutley no experience there and he was the D Coordinator of that unit while it was non-existent. How in this world was he retained to bolster it?
Staying in the soft cover 1 baffles me. UK picked us apart in it the first half and then got ultra conservative the 2nd half or they couldve continued. At what point to we say lets play some cover 2 or cover 0? I understand the bend but dont break mentality of playing cover 1, but if I were SOS I would have told Hoke he better change defenses at half or he is fired. So I agree we are not very talented on defense, but our coaches arent putting our guys in a position to be successful either with their coverage schemes. People will continue throwing 7 yard slant routes on us until we make a coverage change. We are not good open field tacklers, and we can not get pressure with only 6, so why have we sold out to cover 1?
Get used to 10-yards-of-cushion Hoke. The same keep everything in front D at Florida his entire time there. His D needs a good, well-coached D-line which we don't have. Our DBs are the worst in Div ! for the second year in a row but remember "Whammy is a great recruiter" bs
Get used to 10-yards-of-cushion Hoke. The same keep everything in front D at Florida his entire time there. His D needs a good, well-coached D-line which we don't have. Our DBs are the worst in Div ! for the second year in a row but remember "Whammy is a great recruiter" bs

This kind of confused me as I watched your game the other night. UGA was eating you up with 5-7 yard patterns. No defensive line is quick enough to get to the QB every time on a 2-3 step drop so it they were just going back to it again and again. I was wondering why not at least try to jam them at the line or give 5 yards instead of 7-10. It was frustrating for me to watch as a fan of football so I can imagine how bad it was to watch that as a gamecock fan.
This kind of confused me as I watched your game the other night. UGA was eating you up with 5-7 yard patterns. No defensive line is quick enough to get to the QB every time on a 2-3 step drop so it they were just going back to it again and again. I was wondering why not at least try to jam them at the line or give 5 yards instead of 7-10. It was frustrating for me to watch as a fan of football so I can imagine how bad it was to watch that as a gamecock fan.

I agree and hate the cushion. I call it the "let em catch it" D and think its a play-not-to-lose mentality. The CBs we have play scared.
The Ga. QB should've been picked by our outside LBs 2-3 times but they are coached by Botkin and he is a HS coach. Our outside LBs have no idea where to go or how to tackle.
16. Really like the decision to get away from garnet-on-garnet and white-on-white uniforms this season. Monochromatic unis look good when you're winning, but look silly when you're losing. Not sure how to explain it.

Really? This is one of your critical observations of the game? Since when does the color of the uniforms have anything to do with playing the game? This is the stupidest commentary I have ever heard about a game. I'm just surprised that #17 wasn't that you didn't like the songs the band was playing, or that the uniforms got too dirty during the game. smh.
16. Really like the decision to get away from garnet-on-garnet and white-on-white uniforms this season. Monochromatic unis look good when you're winning, but look silly when you're losing. Not sure how to explain it.

Really? This is one of your critical observations of the game? Since when does the color of the uniforms have anything to do with playing the game? This is the stupidest commentary I have ever heard about a game. I'm just surprised that #17 wasn't that you didn't like the songs the band was playing, or that the uniforms got too dirty during the game. smh.

Not sure why this bothered you so much, but sorry it did.
Really gotta feel for Cooper, we all thought our offense would run through him, but it's apparently running through Spurrier's lost mind. Why we don't incorporate him more is beyond me. Have teams figured out how to slow him down? He was unstoppable against UTjr last year at home.