Fist off, as a mixed race person living in s.c., born here and lived here for almost 50 years. the flag debate is not worth debating. The flag does stand for hatred and anyone who is trying to justify it staying is lying to themselves because they are closet racist and think that by knowing or associating with black people that they aren't.We have heard all of your arguements for it staying and fobecause your forefathers died defending it, taxes, state rights, and we were to poor to own slaves. well all of that is true to a certain extent, but when your ancestors lost the war what did the do? They took that flag and used it to terrorize black people, they came and lynched blacks who spoke up, who gained wealth, who won public office, they enacted jim crow laws, all to keep blacks beneath thier poor selves. Any Honor in that? And the also got enough resistance to this tactics back then that they had to wear hoods to concel thier identies. Klan anyone? when blacks were freed they could possible progress more than poor whites and poor whites couldn't be hired as overseers to beat, demean and rape black women. In other words they lost their status, that is why you fought so hard then and you fight so hard now. I now know that a business now in lexinton, pelion and even columbia that flys that flag doesn't want my business, I've been to many of them and been refused service many times. Most want even let you in the door. I know you have you complaints about blacks and I do to, and there are some black neighbor hoods I won't go into either, not only because I ain't black enough, but because they are gang run, just as the flag supporters are. we had more prosperous blacks right after the civil war than we have now. some were senators and councilmen. But you took their land and homes and robbed them of a future the could leave to thier kids. so everybody started out in poverty and lost hope. how do you build in a land of oppression? Get a job you say? who's gonna hire a black when the flag wavers will attack them for helping a negro? Affirmative action was enacted to help even the field of actions you created. there is no love or honor in that flag, you spit in the face of the church members who marched to take it down in 2000, whats changed? You flag lovers will call to fire Tanner, spurrier, and any USC coach who ask for it to be removed, your hate is that strong. You're only showing your true colors when you defend it .Everyone is use to fox news by now and you can't hide anymore, We know everyone is pissed about about a black POTUS, and you are losing your mind. But your also exposing yourselves. hell I ain't gonna lie, I am afraid also of the pants off the azz wearing, loud music ,ghetto niggas. I don't want me and family seeing them everywhere either. But your holding back people progressing added to this. you helped creat this monster and I'm not gonna justify what they do, I carry against them and you.Eitheway I slice it you are both terrorist an against everything america was supposed to be. we tried it you way for 150 years since the war ended, let do something new.