For those bashing Jon Hoke


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Gold Member
Aug 17, 2001
and wanting Muschamp (I was one of those guys) to come here instead of him, lets compare stats:

Auburn (through 3 games: Louisville, Jacksonville State, LSU):
Points against per game: 29.7
Average yards per game: 442.7
Yards passing against: 518
Yards rushing against: 810

South Carolina (through 3 games: UNC, Kentucky, Georgia):
Points against per game: 30.3
Average yards per game: 471.7
Yards passing against: 754
Yards rushing against: 661

Analysis: We both suck on defense.
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and wanting Muschamp (I was one of those guys) to come here instead of him, lets compare stats:

Auburn (through 3 games: Louisville, Jacksonville State, LSU):
Points against per game: 29.7
Average yards per game: 442.7
Yards passing against: 518
Yards rushing against: 810

South Carolina (through 3 games: UNC, Kentucky, Georgia):
Points against per game: 30.3
Average yards per game: 471.7
Yards passing against: 754
Yards rushing against: 661

Analysis: We both suck on defense.

And mis hamp is better? Right
and wanting Muschamp (I was one of those guys) to come here instead of him, lets compare stats:

Auburn (through 3 games: Louisville, Jacksonville State, LSU):
Points against per game: 29.7
Average yards per game: 442.7
Yards passing against: 518
Yards rushing against: 810

South Carolina (through 3 games: UNC, Kentucky, Georgia):
Points against per game: 30.3
Average yards per game: 471.7
Yards passing against: 754
Yards rushing against: 661

Analysis: We both suck on defense.

And Louisville is a poorly coached team...
i dont blame muschamp or hoke. both auburn's and our defense was in the making from several years back. you cannot make slow players fast. i blame ward and wanted him fired during halftime of the tennessee game last year.
i was big on muschamp too. i know he recruited well at florida. i think he just needed a better quarterback. but i love muschamps zeal and fire. i wish we had hired him as hciw. and let him bring in his own defensive staff. i wish we would do that now. spurrier could stay as head coach, but let muschamp have the say in recruiting instead of junior. i would like to see spurrier get 100 wins. i just don't want to take 4 or 5 years to do it.
I would still rather have Muschamp because he would have cleaned house on defense and brought his own coaches and because his team has given up less passing yards.
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and wanting Muschamp (I was one of those guys) to come here instead of him, lets compare stats:

Auburn (through 3 games: Louisville, Jacksonville State, LSU):
Points against per game: 29.7
Average yards per game: 442.7
Yards passing against: 518
Yards rushing against: 810

South Carolina (through 3 games: UNC, Kentucky, Georgia):
Points against per game: 30.3
Average yards per game: 471.7
Yards passing against: 754
Yards rushing against: 661

Analysis: We both suck on defense.

A little misleading: Auburn is giving up 5.65 yards per play; our defense is giving up 7.29 per play. Neither is very good, but ours in plain awful. (think about it: after watching Fournette shred Auburn's defense Saturday afternoon, did the possibility of Greyson Lambert being the co-SEC offensive player of the week along side Fournette enter your mind?)

Auburn's "hurry-up-and-throw-an-interception" offense has been a disaster for both sides of the ball. Hence, the starting quarterback was benched. Malzahn needs to put his ego aside and slow the game down a bit to help his defense.

We play a couple of poor offenses then next two weeks, so I expect some improvement. Nevertheless, I would still take Muschamp over Hoke. Most people would.
How about those that wanted the guy that expressed interest in coming to SC, Chavis? Is he terrible, too?
Chavis is nothing to write home to mom about, but better stats than Muschamp and Hoke.

Auburn (through 3 games: Louisville, Jacksonville State, LSU):
Points against per game: 29.7
Average yards per game: 442.7
Yards passing against: 518
Yards rushing against: 810

South Carolina (through 3 games: UNC, Kentucky, Georgia):
Points against per game: 30.3
Average yards per game: 471.7
Yards passing against: 754
Yards rushing against: 661

Texas A&M (Arizona St, Ball St, Nevada):
Points against per game: 22.3
Average yards per game: 337.0
Yards passing against: 526
Yards rushing against: 485

Yards per play: Auburn (5.65), South Carolina (, Texas A&M (4.57)

By the way....UCF is dead last in total offense, and it isn't even close. I felt that they should not even be able to score on us until I saw how many yards we give up per play,
It isn't a head DC problem but the reality that we have the WORST defensive staff in the SEC.

  • A DL coach whom was a miserable failure at UNC during a period when they were dismantling the decent defenses which Mack Brown had built before going to Texas...
  • A HIGH SCHOOL LB coach ....
  • and don't even start on the secondary staff.

It a rare combination...this horrid staff stinks at both recruit analysis, player development and technique coaching.
Seriously, you expect Muschamp or Hoke to turn it around the first year. Without any players they recruit. That's a well thought out observation.
Hoke just need to figure out that the cover 2 is not going to work in college. The space to stop the deep ball is what the cover 2 is all about. They give the short pass to keep the long ball out of play. In the mean time we are giving up first down, after first down, after first down.....not the NFL...this is college football where the slant route is a way of life....
We honestly shouldn't have given up as many passing yards through three games that we have if we would just play some press coverage on the WR's. We did in the 2nd half vs UNC, the 2nd half vs KY, but didn't at all vs Georgia. I don't understand it. No way that UGA qb goes 24 of 25 passing if we pressed those WR's. But anyway it is what it is
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Hoke just need to figure out that the cover 2 is not going to work in college. The space to stop the deep ball is what the cover 2 is all about. They give the short pass to keep the long ball out of play. In the mean time we are giving up first down, after first down, after first down.....not the NFL...this is college football where the slant route is a way of life....
I agree with that. The cover 2 could still be relatively effective if we jammed the WR's & gave our D line more time to rush the passer. We made it way too easy last Saturday. It worked the 2nd half of the UNC & KY game
Who said anything about turning it around? Hoke, an expert on the secondary, just had his unit break a record for highest percentage completion rate in the history of college friggin football. Ever. In decades. Thousands and thousands of games. And he made zero adjustments and left the same guys in the game running the same scheme. Just needed to worry gap control. Right.

How about this, I'll settle for not record setting sucking. How's that for thought out, ronin?
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Who said anything about turning it around? Hoke, an expert on the secondary, just had his unit break a record for highest percentage completion rate in the history of college friggin football. Ever. In decades. Thousands and thousands of games. And he made zero adjustments and left the same guys in the game running the same scheme. Just needed to worry gap control. Right.

How about this, I'll settle for not record setting sucking. How's that for thought out, ronin?
LOL! I hope Hoke somewhat restores our faith in him after tomorrow's game
I guess Hoke gets 3-4 more years to get his guys in there. Those high three and four star recruits can't be expected to keep the completion percentage under 96% and total defense better than 114 nationally. You can't expect his defense to be as good as the other 113 teams in front of us. It's not his guys.

You people are ridiculous. We're paying two guys 1.5 million as co-defensive coordinators and they are getting embarrassed. Historically embarrassed. You're the same people that said Horn was great and that Brad Scott needed one more year. These people are very well paid professionals and they're not producing. Plain and simple. Hell, even spurrier had called out Hoke twice.
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i dont blame muschamp or hoke. both auburn's and our defense was in the making from several years back. you cannot make slow players fast. i blame ward and wanted him fired during halftime of the tennessee game last year.
i was big on muschamp too. i know he recruited well at florida. i think he just needed a better quarterback. but i love muschamps zeal and fire. i wish we had hired him as hciw. and let him bring in his own defensive staff. i wish we would do that now. spurrier could stay as head coach, but let muschamp have the say in recruiting instead of junior. i would like to see spurrier get 100 wins. i just don't want to take 4 or 5 years to do it.

Will Muschamp is a failure as HC, and I would seriously question the mental state of Ray Tanner if he even considered it. if you can't win at Florida then you sure as crap are not going to win at South Carolina. He lost 7 in a row in 2013 and that included a lost to Georgia Southern. The offense was terrible, because he interfered way to much in the playcalling.. Just ask any Florida fan on how they feel about Muschamp.
I guess Hoke gets 3-4 more years to get his guys in there. Those high three and four star recruits can't be expected to keep the completion percentage under 96% and total defense better than 114 nationally. You can't expect his defense to be as good as the other 113 teams in front of us. It's not his guys.

You people are ridiculous. We're paying two guys 1.5 million as co-defensive coordinators and they are getting embarrassed. Historically embarrassed. You're the same people that said Horn was great and that Brad Scott needed one more year. These people are very well paid professionals and they're not producing. Plain and simple. Hell, even spurrier had called out Hoke twice.
This post FTW.
Ray Tanner just needs to strap on those AD balls he wanted so bad and get control of this situation because it's obvious Spurrier won't... And don't give a hot holy crap to take control.
Hell it pays well and he's got 3 more years on contract to allow this sideshow to go on. His own words.
[QUOTE="You people are ridiculous. We're paying two guys 1.5 million as co-defensive coordinators and they are getting embarrassed.[/QUOTE]

It is nearly outright theft what the defensive staff has taken from the program with their results.

We could save 1.4 million dollars by paying 4 drunks in Five Points about 40K a piece to produce an outfit that does not force a single punt in the 1st half of any game this season and to be so bad as to go an entire game without a team having a 3rd freaking down.

They should refund the university about half of the money they have stolen...
We weren't getting burned because we weren't playing tight press coverage. We were getting burned because we were playing way too soft on their recievers even for a soft zone, and then at the snap WE BACKPEDAL. WTF is that BS? We gave them easy slants every down because no one was ever near their receivers except a couple times by luck.
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We weren't getting burned because we weren't playing tight press coverage. We were getting burned because we were playing way too soft on their recievers even for a soft zone, and then at the snap WE BACKPEDAL. WTF is that BS? We gave them easy slants every down because no one was ever near their receivers except a couple times by luck.
No joke, if you are going to suck at least play aggressive, press and get burned some. That passive DB bs is crazy. We give up 15 yard slants like water. We even play the same coverage inside the 20 yard line. How does that happen? You are supposed to play 2-3 yards off on inside shoulder of the receiver and when he tries to cross you knock him down, or push him to outside and use sideline as another defender. JUST DON'T GIVE UP THAT DAMN EASY SLANT.
I haven't missed a kickoff in 47 years. That ends today. I'll be catching trout on the Wando River.

Need to see an effort to win. Got the game set to record.

Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
Seriously, you expect Muschamp or Hoke to turn it around the first year. Without any players they recruit. That's a well thought out observation.

Exactly. Not only is it not his players, it's a different scheme altogether. I dont understand why people year in and year out fail to understand that it takes a least half to a full season for the players to learn a new system when a new Coordinator or HC comes in.
It's very rare when a new coach comes in and there is immediate positive impact.
Exactly. Not only is it not his players, it's a different scheme altogether. I dont understand why people year in and year out fail to understand that it takes a least half to a full season for the players to learn a new system when a new Coordinator or HC comes in.
It's very rare when a new coach comes in and there is immediate positive impact. are right...not his players but it is his scheme...It's the cover 2 he brought from the NFL. If it's not working...make's not happening. The cover 2 is designed to give up the short pass to save the long pass. They learned the scheme...the scheme itself doesn't work in the college game....geez!
I wasn't expecting him to come right in & make chicken salad out of chicken shit. But someone on our staff has to make coverage adjustments. I'm not holding my breathe though. are right...not his players but it is his scheme...It's the cover 2 he brought from the NFL. If it's not working...make's not happening. The cover 2 is designed to give up the short pass to save the long pass. They learned the scheme...the scheme itself doesn't work in the college game....geez!

Monte Kiffin won a Super Bowl with the Bucs running the cover 2. He brought the scheme to UT and SoCal for a couple of years before he son fired him (or he resigned to spare his son having to fire him).

I don't know anyone else in D1 who runs it as their base defense. I don't claim to know every defense run by every team, so it could be more common than I know.