 posted by Irmo Cock:
and how we compare to Climpson...we have 11 4 star commitments and Climpson has 12 4 star or higher commitments. Wooo what a HUGE difference.
This post was edited on 2/3 9:14 AM by Irmo Cock
What I see is Clemson has usually had higher ranked classes and we still beat the crap outta them. Dilbo and crew turn 5 stars into 4 and 4 into 3. I think our coaches do a better job of evaluating. Of course you don't hit on every one and the top 250 recruits can't all be in the top 25 or the top 50, but most of the time they're all pretty equal. Relax and remember where we are now. Youth hurt us on defense last year, but I see that changing. QB is the key this year.Originally posted by Laziness:
Well I saw this morning where 14 of Ohio State's 22 starters in the championship game were ESPN top 300 recruits the year they signed. Pretty sure that is more the rule than the exception for championship teams. Signing top players doesn't guarantee success, but it sure makes the odds more likely. And if anyone can't see that Clemson is killing it in recruiting, either you are being naïve or petty. We need to step up our game in recruiting. Can you imagine what Spurrier could do with the players Clemson is bringing in lately? Thank god Clemson has a cheerleader and not a coach.
This post was edited on 2/3 10:25 AM by Laziness
This post was edited on 2/3 10:26 AM by Laziness
I will be shocked if Spurrier ever beats Clemson again. I just don't see him being here long enough. Optimism is a good thing, but you're just not realisitc at all. And our coaches do not do a better job of evaluating. Their quarterback is better than anything we have, period. And damn near every coach in the country agrees with me, because they all recruited him. I specifically mentioned quarterback because you say that's the key this year.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
What I see is Clemson has usually had higher ranked classes and we still beat the crap outta them. Dilbo and crew turn 5 stars into 4 and 4 into 3. I think our coaches do a better job of evaluating. Of course you don't hit on every one and the top 250 recruits can't all be in the top 25 or the top 50, but most of the time they're all pretty equal. Relax and remember where we are now. Youth hurt us on defense last year, but I see that changing. QB is the key this year.Originally posted by Laziness:
Well I saw this morning where 14 of Ohio State's 22 starters in the championship game were ESPN top 300 recruits the year they signed. Pretty sure that is more the rule than the exception for championship teams. Signing top players doesn't guarantee success, but it sure makes the odds more likely. And if anyone can't see that Clemson is killing it in recruiting, either you are being naïve or petty. We need to step up our game in recruiting. Can you imagine what Spurrier could do with the players Clemson is bringing in lately? Thank god Clemson has a cheerleader and not a coach.
This post was edited on 2/3 10:25 AM by Laziness
This post was edited on 2/3 10:26 AM by Laziness
Agreed. Both are important, but coaches are more important. You need both to sustain any long term success though.Originally posted by basses:
Recruits are not as important as good coaches being able to coach guys up, even 2 and 3 star players. Even with a 4-5 star, Ward and company can't get it done. Proved it this year, absolutely no improvement from start to finish. 2015 will be a disaster with these guys.
I know where the taters DO have us You are a bunch of whiny girls. We've won 40 games in 4 years. We spanked climpson's butts with the so called better recruits 5 out of 6 years and you whine and cry like a bunch of girls. I am ashamed you call yourselves Gamecocks. You need to change YOUR mascot to GameChicken for sure! Please de-commit!Originally posted by Cackdiesel:
I will be shocked if Spurrier ever beats Clemson again. I just don't see him being here long enough. Optimism is a good thing, but you're just not realisitc at all. And our coaches do not do a better job of evaluating. Their quarterback is better than anything we have, period. And damn near every coach in the country agrees with me, because they all recruited him. I specifically mentioned quarterback because you say that's the key this year.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
What I see is Clemson has usually had higher ranked classes and we still beat the crap outta them. Dilbo and crew turn 5 stars into 4 and 4 into 3. I think our coaches do a better job of evaluating. Of course you don't hit on every one and the top 250 recruits can't all be in the top 25 or the top 50, but most of the time they're all pretty equal. Relax and remember where we are now. Youth hurt us on defense last year, but I see that changing. QB is the key this year.Originally posted by Laziness:
Well I saw this morning where 14 of Ohio State's 22 starters in the championship game were ESPN top 300 recruits the year they signed. Pretty sure that is more the rule than the exception for championship teams. Signing top players doesn't guarantee success, but it sure makes the odds more likely. And if anyone can't see that Clemson is killing it in recruiting, either you are being naïve or petty. We need to step up our game in recruiting. Can you imagine what Spurrier could do with the players Clemson is bringing in lately? Thank god Clemson has a cheerleader and not a coach.
This post was edited on 2/3 10:25 AM by Laziness
This post was edited on 2/3 10:26 AM by Laziness
I do think we've coached better than them in the past, so I'll give you that. But we did not coach better than them last year and we have the same coaches going forward. They had better players and better coaches than us last year.
And finally, the top 25 and top 50 recruits most often are significantly better than those in the bottom part of the top 250. They are not all pretty equal. Of course, there are those who don't pan out, but you are kidding yourself if you don't think there's a difference.
Look at your last ten national champions and SEC champions (they're the same in most years, as you know). You'll see that they have owned the top rated kids. I'd do it myself but I don't have the time and I don't really need to. I already know the answer. This coach 'em up crap only works if you actually do it, and we are not doing it.
\thread in 2nd postOriginally posted by Cackdiesel:
I don't live and die by recruting rankings, but Clemson has 5 of the top 50 guys in the country and 7 of the top 100. We have 1 in the top 100. Based on rankings alone, there is a very big difference in these 2 classes. You are choosing to ignore this. These 2 classes aren't close in terms of quality based on the rankings.
Now, the rankings may or may not be bs, I don't know. But based purely off of the rankings, they are blistering us.
This post was edited on 2/3 9:29 AM by Cackdiesel
Next time keep your little laughing emoticon to yourself if you can't handle differing opinions.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
I know where the taters DO have us You are a bunch of whiny girls. We've won 40 games in 4 years. We spanked climpson's butts with the so called better recruits 5 out of 6 years and you whine and cry like a bunch of girls. I am ashamed you call yourselves Gamecocks. You need to change YOUR mascot to GameChicken for sure! Please de-commit!Originally posted by Cackdiesel:
I will be shocked if Spurrier ever beats Clemson again. I just don't see him being here long enough. Optimism is a good thing, but you're just not realisitc at all. And our coaches do not do a better job of evaluating. Their quarterback is better than anything we have, period. And damn near every coach in the country agrees with me, because they all recruited him. I specifically mentioned quarterback because you say that's the key this year.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
What I see is Clemson has usually had higher ranked classes and we still beat the crap outta them. Dilbo and crew turn 5 stars into 4 and 4 into 3. I think our coaches do a better job of evaluating. Of course you don't hit on every one and the top 250 recruits can't all be in the top 25 or the top 50, but most of the time they're all pretty equal. Relax and remember where we are now. Youth hurt us on defense last year, but I see that changing. QB is the key this year.Originally posted by Laziness:
Well I saw this morning where 14 of Ohio State's 22 starters in the championship game were ESPN top 300 recruits the year they signed. Pretty sure that is more the rule than the exception for championship teams. Signing top players doesn't guarantee success, but it sure makes the odds more likely. And if anyone can't see that Clemson is killing it in recruiting, either you are being naïve or petty. We need to step up our game in recruiting. Can you imagine what Spurrier could do with the players Clemson is bringing in lately? Thank god Clemson has a cheerleader and not a coach.
This post was edited on 2/3 10:25 AM by Laziness
This post was edited on 2/3 10:26 AM by Laziness
I do think we've coached better than them in the past, so I'll give you that. But we did not coach better than them last year and we have the same coaches going forward. They had better players and better coaches than us last year.
And finally, the top 25 and top 50 recruits most often are significantly better than those in the bottom part of the top 250. They are not all pretty equal. Of course, there are those who don't pan out, but you are kidding yourself if you don't think there's a difference.
Look at your last ten national champions and SEC champions (they're the same in most years, as you know). You'll see that they have owned the top rated kids. I'd do it myself but I don't have the time and I don't really need to. I already know the answer. This coach 'em up crap only works if you actually do it, and we are not doing it.
I'm not miserable at all. I was simply pointing out that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. And I'm not overly optimistic or pessimistic. I'm realistic and here's what I think.Originally posted by gnashcock:
Sad that a Gamecock would have to defend an optimistic position on a Gamecock board against a so-call Gamecock fan. Either you: * Are truly miserable and this is just another venue to be that way, * Are so worried that your friends will make fun of you even more if "your team" loses again, * Or, are just a troll. Pretty bad when Clemson fans on our board make more sense and are more reasonable than all of this crap. Here's a clue...nobody was happy with the way last season went, but my god, man, either back off the ledge or jump. Or better yet, why bother any more? So much pain and misery can't be good for you. Maybe a relaxing hobby during the fall would be a better option. Just looking out for you.
Oh really? Ohio State's 2010 class was ranked #26 with an average star ranking of 3.39 with 8 four stars and 9 three stars.Originally posted by ToddFlanders:
Recruiting rankings are only important if you want to win a national championship. Since 1998, every FBS national champion has had at least 3 of 4 of their previous classes ranked in the Top 10.
So no, USC vs. clem in rankings aren't going to make a bit of difference. Of course neither is going to win a national championship either.
What Laziness said.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
Oh really? Ohio State's 2010 class was ranked #26 with an average star ranking of 3.39 with 8 four stars and 9 three stars.Originally posted by ToddFlanders:
Recruiting rankings are only important if you want to win a national championship. Since 1998, every FBS national champion has had at least 3 of 4 of their previous classes ranked in the Top 10.
So no, USC vs. clem in rankings aren't going to make a bit of difference. Of course neither is going to win a national championship either.
And the next year they had 10 4 stars, but I didn't see the ranking. Still less than what we have in this class.
This post was edited on 2/3 3:02 PM by Irmo Cock
This post was edited on 2/3 3:02 PM by Irmo Cock
That info came directly from their own site. So take it up with them.Originally posted by Laziness:
Irmocock, going off rivals since this is a rivals site, Ohio State's last 4 classes have been 11th, 4th, 2nd, and 3rd. Since they just won the title, not sure they really support the argument you were making. Pretty sure they would agree recruiting rankings matter a lot.
This post was edited on 2/3 3:40 PM by Laziness
OSU's 2011 class was ranked # 11
Their 2012 class was ranked #4
Their 2013 class was ranked # 2
your theory just got blew up.
Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
Oh really? Ohio State's 2010 class was ranked #26 with an average star ranking of 3.39 with 8 four stars and 9 three stars.
And the next year they had 10 4 stars, but I didn't see the ranking. Still less than what we have in this class.
While you're right about their past delusions, they are bringing in classes now that can compete with anyone. I hate that as much as you do, but it's true.Originally posted by The Dude#:
NSD remains the biggest day of the year for Clemson football. It is the day that fuels their delusion into the next season; they have been defending national champions for 30 years.
Scroll down to see the statsOriginally posted by Rollerdude123:
OSU's 2011 class was ranked # 11
Their 2012 class was ranked #4
Their 2013 class was ranked # 2
your theory just got blew up.
Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
Oh really? Ohio State's 2010 class was ranked #26 with an average star ranking of 3.39 with 8 four stars and 9 three stars.
And the next year they had 10 4 stars, but I didn't see the ranking. Still less than what we have in this class.
DO you want to list ours over the same period? Hmmmm?Originally posted by Laziness:
Irmocock, Yes, if every class was like their 2010 class they would be going 7-6 like us too. But then they killed it in recruiting in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. #11, #4, #,2, and #3. Somehow they managed to win a title with their 40+ ESPN top 300 recruits on their team last year. But you're right, rankings don't matter. Why is this so hard for you to grasp?
Anybody who uses more than 2% of their brain would know that if you're consistently in the top 20 in recruiting that you can compete with anybody, any time, anywhere. PeriodOriginally posted by Cackdiesel:
He does not want to grasp it. His mind is made up and nothing that has happened or happens in the future will change his mind. This is as simple as it gets and he refuses to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with his stance, facts be damned.
Sure you can compete, but if you want to the national championship you need at least three Top 10 classes (at least in the BCS era) in your last four. That's how OSU was on their 3rd string QB and he played well enough to beat 3 top 10 teams coming off the bench. Because they had top 10 recruiting classes in each of the last three years.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
Anybody who uses more than 2% of their brain would know that if you're consistently in the top 20 in recruiting that you can compete with anybody, any time, anywhere. PeriodOriginally posted by Cackdiesel:
He does not want to grasp it. His mind is made up and nothing that has happened or happens in the future will change his mind. This is as simple as it gets and he refuses to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with his stance, facts be damned.
Anyone who uses more than 2% of their brain would know that the four teams in this past years playoffs would have named the score on us. We could not have competed with any of the four for more than a quarter without getting blown the hell out. Period.Originally posted by Irmo Cock:
Anybody who uses more than 2% of their brain would know that if you're consistently in the top 20 in recruiting that you can compete with anybody, any time, anywhere. PeriodOriginally posted by Cackdiesel:
He does not want to grasp it. His mind is made up and nothing that has happened or happens in the future will change his mind. This is as simple as it gets and he refuses to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with his stance, facts be damned.