Can we all agree that last night was a GREAT WIN! I know many have been down on Holbrook, myself included. I think that what was concerning to many was how we were losing, approach at the plate, how we handled the pitching staff, and looking less than motivated in several games/series. For this Holbrook should be held accountable, just as any CEO would of his company. With that being said, for the other side of the argument who is now ready to start claiming that CH is an incredible coach and knew what he was doing all along, and is the best thing since sliced bread, should put down what they are smoking. Let the rest of the season play out before many start trying to retire his number out in the outfield with Ray's jersey. I want as much as anybody else for us to make it to the tournament, we still have some work to do to get there. Hopefully CH can "coach them up" to another win against LSU. It has been refreshing to see our guys playing to their potential. Go COCKS!