Holbrook, really???? You bring in Steagall to pinch hit in the T9th...

Cocky kebo57

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2004
A hop and a skip from the Lake Murray dam
With two outs and we're down one run with Schrock standing on 3rd... and Steagall has three straight whiffs against their ace reliever???? Just STUPID. If nothing else, pinch hit a fast runner and try the suicide bunt, that would have been better.SMH.
Hmmmph, coaches. I'd much rather have gamecockcentral posters decide what is best for the team. Coaches, who needs 'em?
Re: Is Destino ok ??????

Originally posted by Cocky kebo57:

I don't think they ever said if he was hurt bad or not. I'm sure his ankle will be very sore and probably stiff tomorrow, hopefully no broke bones.
I missed the game... What happened???
Re: Is Destino ok ??????

Originally posted by world famous 3rd base hecklers:

Originally posted by Cocky kebo57:

I don't think they ever said if he was hurt bad or not. I'm sure his ankle will be very sore and probably stiff tomorrow, hopefully no broke bones.
I missed the game... What happened???
Destino hit an infield grounder and was trying to beat the throw to first. It was low and hit him square on the ankle, not sure which one though.
Originally posted by Cocky kebo57:

With two outs and we're down one run with Schrock standing on 3rd... and Steagall has three straight whiffs against their ace reliever???? Just STUPID. If nothing else, pinch hit a fast runner and try the suicide bunt, that would have been better.SMH.
You know what? I don't even get mad at Holbrook anymore. I just let him do his thing and don't let it raise my blood pressure. SMH, too.
Remember when the garnetnecks questioned Ray's call on a PH...

a pitcher & he made an out. Later in same role he smacked one out. Seemed to shut them up from there on out.
Re: Remember when the garnetnecks questioned Ray's call on a PH...

Ok I'm waiting for the same role. Oh, by the way, Ray ain't coaching no more.
Re: Is Destino ok ??????

Said he wanted to stay in. Tommy said he walked back to the dugout fine.
Cocky Manson, Ray Tanner chose to retire from coaching, and wanted the AD position. I'm pretty sure he has coached his last game here.
This post was edited on 3/20 10:32 PM by searooster
Re: Remember when the garnetnecks questioned Ray's call on a PH...

Never said nothing about Bobby. Why don't you bring up June next.
People can get mad and huff but you can mark this post down...the Holbrook experiment at SC will not end well.

Unless he makes a significant change and hires a hitting recruiter, his days are numbered at SC....the man simply does not have what it takes to analyze or develop quality college hitters.

And this wasn't a case where he was given a rebuilding a job...the man had the keys to a Bentley with a full tank of gas turned over to him and he appears to be trying to drive it across a muddy field right into the ditch.

So........are they still playing tommorrow or is the season over? can't tell by the way some people act on here!! Geez......
Originally posted by SClanding:
People can get mad and huff but you can mark this post down...the Holbrook experiment at SC will not end well.

Unless he makes a significant change and hires a hitting recruiter, his days are numbered at SC....the man simply does not have what it takes to analyze or develop quality college hitters.

And this wasn't a case where he was given a rebuilding a job...the man had the keys to a Bentley with a full tank of gas turned over to him and he appears to be trying to drive it across a muddy field right into the ditch.

Was he not the hitting coach the 2 years we won a national title??
Originally posted by cock enforcer:

Originally posted by SClanding:
People can get mad and huff but you can mark this post down...the Holbrook experiment at SC will not end well.

Unless he makes a significant change and hires a hitting recruiter, his days are numbered at SC....the man simply does not have what it takes to analyze or develop quality college hitters.

And this wasn't a case where he was given a rebuilding a job...the man had the keys to a Bentley with a full tank of gas turned over to him and he appears to be trying to drive it across a muddy field right into the ditch.

Was he not the hitting coach the 2 years we won a national title??
Don't know if you noticed or not, but we couldn't hit then either.
I have doubts that Tanner will do anything. Has he fired anybody yet? I'm beginning to think Tanner as AD was the worst thing that could've happened. Too happy go lucky. I mean look no further than Mark Berson with men's soccer. A once proud soccer program has gone downhill, but he's still there. Why?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by AnCRooster:

Originally posted by cock enforcer:

Originally posted by SClanding:
People can get mad and huff but you can mark this post down...the Holbrook experiment at SC will not end well.

Unless he makes a significant change and hires a hitting recruiter, his days are numbered at SC....the man simply does not have what it takes to analyze or develop quality college hitters.

And this wasn't a case where he was given a rebuilding a job...the man had the keys to a Bentley with a full tank of gas turned over to him and he appears to be trying to drive it across a muddy field right into the ditch.

Was he not the hitting coach the 2 years we won a national title??
Don't know if you noticed or not, but we couldn't hit then either.
Our 2 championship years we hit .300 and .294........considerably better than our present .261.

Also, our fielding percentage for those years was .975 and .974........again, considerably better than our present .963.
Originally posted by Cyan-gamecock:
Hmmmph, coaches. I'd much rather have gamecockcentral posters decide what is best for the team. Coaches, who needs 'em?
Lol, yeah...we'd have 17 or so consecutive NC in every sport.

The coaches here ROCK...and they're cheap! Just think of the money we could save and the facilities we could construct. We could demolish the WB and build a stadium that would make Caesar roll over in his grave.

Shucks...we could even have the nations 1st booger flickin' team with a field that dwarfs Dung Valley.
Originally posted by Cocky kebo57:

With two outs and we're down one run with Schrock standing on 3rd... and Steagall has three straight whiffs against their ace reliever???? Just STUPID. If nothing else, pinch hit a fast runner and try the suicide bunt, that would have been better.SMH.
Do we have a "fast runner" that can bunt a 95 mph fastball...much less
put it down where he needs to put it and beat the throw? You do realize that
the faster the ball is traveling that 1) it is harder to bunt and 2) it
is harder to bunt in the direction you want it to go and 3) it is hard
to bunt it in the dirt to keep it from a defender making an easy out?

I know I'm late to the party and I see you haven't chimed in since your fly-by...but I'm starting to believe you could really be a better coach for USC.

Kinda like this guy...

Originally posted by AnCRooster:

Originally posted by cock enforcer:

Originally posted by SClanding:
People can get mad and huff but you can mark this post down...the Holbrook experiment at SC will not end well.

Unless he makes a significant change and hires a hitting recruiter, his days are numbered at SC....the man simply does not have what it takes to analyze or develop quality college hitters.

And this wasn't a case where he was given a rebuilding a job...the man had the keys to a Bentley with a full tank of gas turned over to him and he appears to be trying to drive it across a muddy field right into the ditch.

Was he not the hitting coach the 2 years we won a national title??
Don't know if you noticed or not, but we couldn't hit then either.
Who was the hitting coach when we lost the CWS finals to Arizona in 2012?? I think it was Holbrook back then. Arizona was knocking the covers off the ball against our very good pitching staff, beat us 5-1 and 4-1.
Ray Tanner knew it would be hard to continue to have 'championship' teams...that is why he made the move when he did. He had reached the top. It is VERY HARD to remain at the top. Hope the team has a successful year. Go Gamecocks!
Originally posted by Cocky kebo57:

With two outs and we're down one run with Schrock standing on 3rd... and Steagall has three straight whiffs against their ace reliever???? Just STUPID. If nothing else, pinch hit a fast runner and try the suicide bunt, that would have been better.SMH.
r u always premature?
Originally posted by USCAndy:
I have doubts that Tanner will do anything. Has he fired anybody yet? I'm beginning to think Tanner as AD was the worst thing that could've happened. Too happy go lucky. I mean look no further than Mark Berson with men's soccer. A once proud soccer program has gone downhill, but he's still there. Why?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You gotta love our fan base. We want a coach to be fired after every football, baseball, and basketball loss. You can't make this stuff up. (and of course Andy...........this thread is right down your ally).
Originally posted by USCAndy:
Has he fired anybody yet?
Great analysis there, FGF Apprentice.

Andy, remember when you complained for 2 seasons back to back about how bad our baseball team was and we won a national championship both years? I do. You should post more often. Laughing at you is one of the best things about reading FGF.

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