I'm kinda worried about UGa

Yeah, because she's just going to walk away from a team that she built, and will have it's best chance at a NC in 2016. You're a special kind of genius.
Just saying........their wallet is thicker than hours.......& I've always heard women prefer thickness.
Some guy called in about that this morning on the call in show (can't remember which one, because they are both so special). I don't think UGA would sling any more money her way than what she is currently making and as a previous poster stated, the team she is currently putting together still has probably not reached it's peak. C'mon we are leading the nation in attendance, so there is tremendous support in the GC community for she and her team.
Why do you think their walled is deeper than ours? I don't understand why so many of us think we cannot compete salary wise for any coaching position. A coach is only worth so much. If SOS had won multiple national championships here, wouldn't we be paying him twice what he's making now? Would that be a strain on us financially in light of success like that?
Why do people think UGA is light years ahead of us? That may have been the case 15 years ago but not now. USC has some of the BEST facilities in the SEC. Dawn has built a winner, just got a raise+ extension, and our attendance leads the nation. Dawn is'nt going anywhere! Take that to the bank. Oh and UGA's pockets are not that much deeper than ours. We have to get it out of some of our fans heads that UGA is oh so much better than USC. We have been neck and neck with them the last 10 years in all sports and lead them in some. Just for kicks, We won 2/3 in mens basketball, 2/2 in womens basketball, beat them last year in football, beat them in equestrian, and we may beat them in baseball in a couple of weeks. So chill out.
Originally posted by Rod Dangerfield:
Worried they'll come tempt Dawn Staley with an enormous wad of cash.
Let's see if we can just be happy for 1 day.....starting now...
Originally posted by Scooter2001:
Some guy called in about that this morning on the call in show (can't remember which one, because they are both so special). I don't think UGA would sling any more money her way than what she is currently making and as a previous poster stated, the team she is currently putting together still has probably not reached it's peak. C'mon we are leading the nation in attendance, so there is tremendous support in the GC community for she and her team.
Some guy. You mean rod called in
Originally posted by Rod Dangerfield:
Just saying........their wallet is thicker than hours.......& I've always heard women prefer thickness.
when it comes to wallets that is absolutely true, and in fact it is the only thing that matters
I read somewhere UGA franchise is more valuable but there operating budget or cash available is about the same as ours if not a little behind us. They are getting ready to lay out some serious bucks on facilities and they are trying now to raise some money. I'm not saying they don't have the supporters to do it but they are having trouble getting the money together.

Another story I thought interesting was one told to me by my son on Sunday. His roomate at UGA lives in Gainesville GA and has done verry in the insurance business. He has previously been a big time high roller for UGA. He is late 50s in age.

He told my son that he has cut way back on his support and has quit buying tickets. His reasoning was game times, TV length of games, weather and flat did no longer like the hassle of parking,tailgating, etc.. I think there are a lot of people like that who were formally big supporters of college football.

I made the decision some time ago but I live four hours away. Thursday night games would be out for me. Noon games would mean a pretty early start and night games would be getting back home at three AM. Locals and close in folks may not see this as a problem but I think it is becoming a problem for a lot of we "seasoned" Gamecoks" Since all the games are on TV now my favorite start time is Noon, rest, 3:30.
Georgia has mediocre basketball facilities and worse than mediocre fan support. There is no way Dawn would leave USC for UGA.
Let's just list the reasons to stay

Already makes much more than UGA pays
Better arena and practice facilities
Much better fan base
Has national championship talent for the next three years already on campus
This is her program, she fixed it, she built it, she owns it. Andy Landers was at UGA 36 YEARS. Everything there is a reflection of him and his legacy and whoever takes that job will have tread some what lightly. And anyone who did not play for him will be a suspect outsider.
UGA is 4-5 year rebuild to get to our level. You don't trade your brand new Mercedes for a used Honda Civic
I personally don't believe we will let Coach Staley get away because of money. I think we will beat any offers. If Coach Staley leaves it will be for some other reason other than money, imo.
Not going to happen. USC is now one of the top 2-3 jobs in women's basketball, and is also one of the top-five paying jobs. We just led the nation in attendance, garnered a #1 seed for the second straight year, and will have the nation's #1 recruit for 3 more years.
Originally posted by Judge Gaffney:

Originally posted by bosoxcock:
Staley makes enough now...its women's basketball, for God's sake
She's not making nearly what she's worth. We got a bargain.
You must be a democrat.. they like to spend everyone else's money..900k a year to coach women's bball..ridiculous

In 2009-10, Tennessee lost about $715,000 on the sport and Connecticut lost about $725,000. Oklahoma lost about $1.1 million on the sport in 2006-07 and more than $1.6 million in 2009-10.

Women's basketball is a "non revenue" sport and that's ok, but 900k to a coach....enough

Women's NCAA tournament loses money

This post was edited on 3/17 11:03 PM by bosoxcock

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