NFL will not discipline Tyreek Hill


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2016
Yet another fact proving the NFL is garbage an unworthy of his fans. I guess Tyreek will now offer a reward to find the person that terrorized his 3 years old son and broke his arm.
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There is no real proof for the legal system to do anything. So, what do you propose the NFL to do? Just ban him because he is Tyreek Hill?
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There is no real proof for the legal system to do anything. So, what do you propose the NFL to do? Just ban him because he is Tyreek Hill?
He is on tape threatening the boys mother. That's enough for asuspension. They done it before. I agree there is no proof he broke the child's arm. But he did threaten the mother. I guess the child's arm was broken by the same mysterious character that murdered OJ s wife.
He is on tape threatening the boys mother. That's enough for asuspension. They done it before. I agree there is no proof he broke the child's arm. But he did threaten the mother. I guess the child's arm was broken by the same mysterious character that murdered OJ s wife.
You are really splitting hairs. So, you want to start suspending guys because they said "You should be scared of me." What does that even mean? You start suspending people for that and you won't have a league pretty soon. I get it that the kid has a past and you have an injured child. However, to ask the NFL to step in when the law won't is a bit much.
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You are really splitting hairs. So, you want to start suspending guys because they said "You should be scared of me." What does that even mean? You start suspending people for that and you won't have a league pretty soon. I get it that the kid has a past and you have an injured child. However, to ask the NFL to step in when the law won't is a bit much.
Zeke Elliot says hello.
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Zeke Elliot says hello.
...and Zeke Elliott's suspension was garbage as well and has caused more problems with a powerful owner than Roger Goddell needed. Jerry Jones was angling to get the owners to get rid of Goddell because of it. Goddell is not going to stick his neck out there unless he knows he has the evidence on a player from now on.
...and Zeke Elliott's suspension was garbage as well and has caused more problems with a powerful owner than Roger Goddell needed. Jerry Jones was angling to get the owners to get rid of Goddell because of it. Goddell is not going to stick his neck out there unless he knows he has the evidence on a player from now on.

I think if Hill had a squeaky clean past and had not ..KICKED HIS PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND IN THE STOMACH , this would probably be a slap on the wrist . It’s pretty obvious he’s just not a good dude . Hell of a player and one of the most exciting guys in the league but not a good guy . However you have a point . If the law won’t step in , the league really can’t do anything . What’s sad is unless there is video evidence like Ray Rice or Kareem Hunt the league can stick its head in the sand . I would almost bet the house that within the next few years Hill will do something stupid to derail his career or some DB with an agenda will obliterate him at some point .
You would think some of these morality police would be all over this and I'm all for it, but as stated earlier, if there is not enough evidence to arrest him, what can the NFL do! National guy on 107.5 yesterday was going off on this topic and his main argument was Brady getting four games for deflated balls. Where are the NFL's priorities?
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The no suspension has nothing to do with discipline. It has everything to do with $. If the NFL suspends Hill, dude could probably sue the hell out of the league. Since it has been determined there isn’t enough evidence to suspend, NFL probably realizes they’d lose that battle.

Sometimes there is more to these guy’s jobs. I’d suggest just moving on and watch the NFL. They aren’t suffering with any boycotts.
Typical decision. Common sense tells all that he is little more than a thug. But lack of evidence that he actually broke the kids arm gives the NFL an out. He is talented, and a star. That can often tip the NFL scales of justice.
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Typical decision. Common sense tells all that he is little more than a thug. But lack of evidence that he actually broke the kids arm gives the NFL an out. He is talented, and a star. That can often tip the NFL scales of justice.

Don't call him a thug. I'm sure he will offer a reward for evidence leading to the arrest of whomever broke his kids arm.
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