OT: just saw my first hummingbird of the year...


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Sep 8, 2001
anderson sc
actually i saw one tuesday. it checked out my feeder, but nothing was in it. so i put hummingbird food in it, and either him or another just came by for a drink.
oh, and a carolina wren built a nest, and it has babies in it, in my motorcycle helmet in the garage
Carolina wren bldgs just hatched in bucket on shelves in garage. Bucket had work gloves and other outdoor yard work stuff in it. Those things will build a nest anywhere
We have had hummingbirds for a couple of weeks....been watching them this afternoon...
Originally posted by spinrbait:
actually i saw one tuesday. it checked out my feeder, but nothing was in it. so i put hummingbird food in it, and either him or another just came by for a drink.
oh, and a carolina wren built a nest, and it has babies in it, in my motorcycle helmet in the garage

Just put our hummingbird feeder out today up here in Hendersonville. Got a wren sleeping under the porch light and the Bluebirds just finished there nest yesterday. Birds are such a hoot!
I saw a first 2 days ago....a male cardinal feeding a female cardinal

he'd fly up to the feeder and get a sunflower seed, then fly down to the back of a chair and the female would take the seed from his beak.....never seen that before....I Googled it and it's apparently part of the courting ritual.....pretty amazing.
Re: I saw a first 2 days ago....a male cardinal feeding a female cardinal

I put out a HB feeder Fri before last and saw first HB the following day. I use 1/3rd cup of sugar to one cup of water. Last year when I first put out HB food I used the old sugar from previous year and HBs did not like it. I had to buy fresh sugar. I had a bunch to feed last year. Hope it's the same this year. BBs have built a nest in one of the six boxes out in yard. Chickadees have built in two of them.
Re: I saw a first 2 days ago....a male cardinal feeding a female cardinal

Any of you guys have a problem with the blue birds crapping on your car mirrors? Then they smear it everywhere. I figure they see their reflection and think it is a rival. Maybe they are focusing on that orange belly.
Re: I saw a first 2 days ago....a male cardinal feeding a female cardinal

Originally posted by bogiecock:

Any of you guys have a problem with the blue birds crapping on your car mirrors? Then they smear it everywhere. I figure they see their reflection and think it is a rival. Maybe they are focusing on that orange belly.
Bluebirds are very territorial, they will defend their home area against any competitors, either real or imagined lol. Same with mockingbirds. Years ago I had a car with a sunroof that was like a mirror on the top of it. A mockingbird saw his reflection in it one day and it was on then. He was fighting his own reflection in the sunroof!!

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