OT - recycling old electronics ???

Cocky kebo57

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2004
A hop and a skip from the Lake Murray dam
I have a collection of old (obsolete 2G) cell phones, wall warts, car chargers, and some other obsolete electronics like 10yr old DISH receivers, remotes, and bad hard drives that have been piling up. I'm in the Lexington area, where can I take these to get them recycled?? I don't think our local waste recycle stations will take them? Or will they?
Check a few sites online, you may be able to sell the cellphones for a little cash. There's also a kiosk in most malls that you can sell you cellphones to.

Your county recycling center should have a designated site for old electronics as well.

Bestbuy's will recycle tvs and usually has a recycling area in the front of stores for phones and batteries.
Best Buy will take old electronics. I think you are limited to how many you can bring each day. If it is an old computer they will take the hard drive out and give it to you.
Originally posted by Cocky kebo57:

I have a collection of old (obsolete 2G) cell phones, wall warts, car chargers, and some other obsolete electronics like 10yr old DISH receivers, remotes, and bad hard drives that have been piling up. I'm in the Lexington area, where can I take these to get them recycled?? I don't think our local waste recycle stations will take them? Or will they?
Had someone once tell me that the waste stations (or "the dump") will take anything that will fit in a Hefty bag.

They make it so difficult to get rid of certain things .......... Try to get rid of an old TV, or monitor, or, heaven-help; an old tire.