Pick From The Prophet. Volume 3. Week 1.

Aug 31, 2018
I'm back folks. Let's get into it.

USC vs. CCU - Expecting big plays from Rico, Edwards, August, and the entire defense. We cruise to a 42-10 win, setting up a massive throw down with the puppies a week from tomorrow. Starters won't be on the field midway through the 3rd.

ND vs. Harbough's Goons - Is there a bigger fraud in all of college football than Jim? ND beats them 24-21 and the hot seat grows much warmer for Jim.

AUB vs. UW - Huge game here, but travel and an SEC environment should wear on the Huskies. Auburn 35-28.

Bama vs. Papa Johns U - Blowout. Bama.

Pickens vs. FU - Blowout, but don't be surprised if the Paladin O-lineman aren't diving at legs. I've got an unbelievably reliable inside source that says chop blocks will be thrown often. Go Paladins, Dabo falsely uses religion to get recruits/line his pockets.

And that's it! See yall folks next Friday. Go Cocks!

The Prophet.
That block is now illegal. Think I read where they have to block above waist inside 3 yards.
I think Louisville will cover the 24.5. Got a feeling that Jackson's replacement is gonna be up to the task.
Pretty good man... fairly accurate. Got the winning lotto numbers? DM is preferable... i dont want to solit it with 20 people...