Question: Was listening to 107.5


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Yeah, I know. But I was listening to them. Anyways the host mentioned in his rant this state isn’t big OR rich. And expecting us to become an Ohio State or Georgia or Texas type program isn’t gonna happen. At least sustained it won’t.

I do agree with him. Although Clemsin seems to be doing just fine.
But my question is what is the difference in our state versus the state that is home to the most dominant team... Alabama? They seem very similar resources wise. Population close to the same. Geographically they are bordered by 4 states to our 2. So maybe a small advantage I guess. Do you think if Carolina (or any team for that matter) had made the right hire long ago, that it could be us enjoying dominance? I mean it can’t be just about state money or population. Alabama isn’t high on that list. I reckon the main reason they can sustain is because of their tradition. Tradition hires good coaches. And good coaches sign great players. Alabama tradition was mainly built when you could sign as many as you wanted. And having the Bear at the right time paid dividends long after he was gone. What if we had an admin and coach dead serious about football back in the 50s and 60s? Is it hard to believe SC couldn’t be doing the same thing if timing had been better? I think the haves and have nots of CFB are largely already set in stone. It’s so hard to upset that balance in today’s times. But I believe it was where teams were in the early years that put them in their current places in the pecking order of CFB. Timing has to be the big part of the equation right?
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We've been lazy in our hires going back to the 70's. One of the problems with us is we hired AD's based on some BOT had a buddy that needed a job, then the AD comes in and doesn't know what the he'll he's doing so he hires the first coach that calls him back. That's how we end up with idiots like Sparky Woods. We thought the Scott hire would be great because we didn't understand that Bobby ran that show, not fat Bradstard. It seemed good in theory but was a huge swing and a miss. We fell behind in facilities because, again, the AD didn't know what the hell he was doing. Do you realize we didn't have a coach with SEC experience until Spurrier? How the hell are you going to be in a league 13 years and not have one coach that had experience in that league? The facilities we've built should have been built and torn down and built again since 92! We should be on our second football OP center, we should have completed upgrades to Willy B 10 years ago, we should have had two badass planes and a helicopter instead of the jalopies we use now. We are just now figuring out stuff we should have figured out in the 90's.
A few observations. High school football in this state is pretty good. Tradition has something to do with it. When Alabama was struggling a while back, they still had talent. Kids around here just want to put on the crimson helmet. Now that they have it going, just about every kid in the country wants to put that helmet on.
The difference in Alabama is they got started early. Bama has been financially committed to the sport in a way that others weren't for a long time. The stories of Bear Bryant recruiting guys just to keep them on his bench. The stories of Bama luring him from Kentucky because he got a watch for winning the SEC while the basketball coach got a Cadillac. Etc. Basically, from my reading of cfb history Bama got serious about football very early on and hasn't let anybody catch up.

They are the anomaly. Most of the other blue blood programs won because of a natural advantage they had with geography or resources or both.
Alabama fans care more and always have . Gamecocks fans go to party and socialize. Fans won't go to a Spring Game because of a good tournament. Bama fans care more than Gamecocks fans. It shows in the stands and in their ability to raise money it means more to Bama.

And yes, Bama invested in it 90 years ago. Alabama football has been a NC contender every decade since the 1920s
Other than the Bear Bryant years there was no tradition at Bama. They had their dark years from 1983-2007 with the exception of a few good teams under Stallings. It's not about tradition. If so, what happened to UT? FSU? Southern Cal? Texas? Nebraska? etc, etc, etc. It's more about commitment and consistency. The top programs are committed to winning championships and are consistent in their approach. They hire the best and when if doesn't work they move on until they find the right fit. It also has nothing to do with the size of the state. That is a misnomer. Within about 120 miles of Columbia there are over 7 million people. Charlotte Metro area is only 90 miles from Columbia and is a major recruiting area for us. It is also closer to Columbia than to Chapel Hill or Raleigh. The Augusta CSRA is only 60 miles from Columbia and closer to Columbia than to Athens. Same is true for the Savannah area. We don't lack for size or money or fan base. We need continuity and consistency. We have not had that in the past. We had the opportunity with Carlen and he had a dispute with the President and was fired. We had it again with Morrison and he died unexpectedly. We lacked good judgement on a couple of hires and then we hired Holtz which gave us a temporary boost, but he was always a short timer as was Spurrier. You can't build consistency with short timers. It is time for us to be smart for a change and create an atmosphere of consistency and have patience to build a program that will be successful.
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Yeah Bama is commited to winning in football. The even hired their rivals ex coach. You think we would ever do that?
Yeah, I know. But I was listening to them. Anyways the host mentioned in his rant this state isn’t big OR rich. And expecting us to become an Ohio State or Georgia or Texas type program isn’t gonna happen. At least sustained it won’t.

I do agree with him. Although Clemsin seems to be doing just fine.
But my question is what is the difference in our state versus the state that is home to the most dominant team... Alabama? They seem very similar resources wise. Population close to the same. Geographically they are bordered by 4 states to our 2. So maybe a small advantage I guess. Do you think if Carolina (or any team for that matter) had made the right hire long ago, that it could be us enjoying dominance? I mean it can’t be just about state money or population. Alabama isn’t high on that list. I reckon the main reason they can sustain is because of their tradition. Tradition hires good coaches. And good coaches sign great players. Alabama tradition was mainly built when you could sign as many as you wanted. And having the Bear at the right time paid dividends long after he was gone. What if we had an admin and coach dead serious about football back in the 50s and 60s? Is it hard to believe SC couldn’t be doing the same thing if timing had been better? I think the haves and have nots of CFB are largely already set in stone. It’s so hard to upset that balance in today’s times. But I believe it was where teams were in the early years that put them in their current places in the pecking order of CFB. Timing has to be the big part of the equation right?
Oklahoma is smaller in terms of population.
The difference in Alabama is they got started early. Bama has been financially committed to the sport in a way that others weren't for a long time. The stories of Bear Bryant recruiting guys just to keep them on his bench. The stories of Bama luring him from Kentucky because he got a watch for winning the SEC while the basketball coach got a Cadillac. Etc. Basically, from my reading of cfb history Bama got serious about football very early on and hasn't let anybody catch up.

They are the anomaly. Most of the other blue blood programs won because of a natural advantage they had with geography or resources or both.
Bear Bryant left Kentucky for Texas A&M.
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We had our opportunity after the 11 win seasons to really make a move to the next level, had we really hit the recruiting trail hard. But that didnt happen and here we are. Taters had success even during the 5 in a row and hit the recruiting trail hard and sustained and improved.
Also, doesnt hurt having a money filter like newspring in your back yard, to go along with a shitty conference.
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Well, then, we have a bunch of states surrounding or proximate to us with great players. Norman is at least 500 miles away from some parts of Texas.
We get quite a few out of GA and FL. Need to get more out of NC and especially out of VA. Never understood why we are not that successful in VA.
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Well, then, we have a bunch of states surrounding or proximate to us with great players. Norman is at least 500 miles away from some parts of Texas.
Norman is closer to the Dallas metro and Northern Texas (Wichita Falls) than Austin or College Station.
Other than the Bear Bryant years there was no tradition at Bama. They had their dark years from 1983-2007 with the exception of a few good teams under Stallings. It's not about tradition. If so, what happened to UT? FSU? Southern Cal? Texas? Nebraska? etc, etc, etc. It's more about commitment and consistency. The top programs are committed to winning championships and are consistent in their approach. They hire the best and when if doesn't work they move on until they find the right fit. It also has nothing to do with the size of the state. That is a misnomer. Within about 120 miles of Columbia there are over 7 million people. Charlotte Metro area is only 90 miles from Columbia and is a major recruiting area for us. It is also closer to Columbia than to Chapel Hill or Raleigh. The Augusta CSRA is only 60 miles from Columbia and closer to Columbia than to Athens. Same is true for the Savannah area. We don't lack for size or money or fan base. We need continuity and consistency. We have not had that in the past. We had the opportunity with Carlen and he had a dispute with the President and was fired. We had it again with Morrison and he died unexpectedly. We lacked good judgement on a couple of hires and then we hired Holtz which gave us a temporary boost, but he was always a short timer as was Spurrier. You can't build consistency with short timers. It is time for us to be smart for a change and create an atmosphere of consistency and have patience to build a program that will be successful.

Bama won NCs under Frank Thomas and Wallace Wade. Bama football won the Rose Bowl 30 years before Bear was coach It has always been the elite program of the South since the 1920s
Said it a 100 times on here, we could be in klempson’s position but our fans NEVER demanded commitment from the administration. Thus you have something similar to what you have had with the Chicago Cubs until recently. It is getting better but that is what it is all about. What did dildo say “all in”? Well, that is right. We never have been. There is your answer.
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Said it a 100 times on here, we could be in klempson’s position but our fans NEVER demanded commitment from the administration. Thus you have something similar to what you have had with the Chicago Cubs until recently. It is getting better but that is what it is all about. What did dildo say “all in”? Well, that is right. We never have been. There is your answer.
We are closer to Charlotte than UPC is and not much farther from Atlanta and closer to Jacksonville.
Said it a 100 times on here, we could be in klempson’s position but our fans NEVER demanded commitment from the administration. Thus you have something similar to what you have had with the Chicago Cubs until recently. It is getting better but that is what it is all about. What did dildo say “all in”? Well, that is right. We never have been. There is your answer.

I do wonder why they have the ability to build something and we still can’t. There aren’t many states where the flagship universitys football accolades are lesser than another state school.
I think it’s harder to build now. Everyone has a new this or that. Rules are tighter. I also believe a 1981 trophy in their case, no matter how they ended up with it, made it much easier to recruit at the start of this last build. That trophy was well worth the punishment.
I do wonder why they have the ability to build something and we still can’t. There aren’t many states where the flagship universitys football accolades are lesser than another state school.
I think it’s harder to build now. Everyone has a new this or that. Rules are tighter. I also believe a 1981 trophy in their case, no matter how they ended up with it, made it much easier to recruit at the start of this last build. That trophy was well worth the punishment.
We share the same state, 100 miles away etc. no reason for performance over the years. We have the same opportunity they do.
Many Components - History, Dedicated College Campus, Proximity To Talent, Marketing, etc.

Always wondered what might happen if campus moved just outside of Charleston and use their "Best City in the World" ranking, beaches, dining, culture, etc.
We both know they get their players from Texas.
Texas and Oklahoma put our HS football to shame. I thought we had nice stadiums until I saw some out there. It's a religion out there. Google some of their stadiums. Check out Katy Texas stadium. It blows everything away.
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Bama won NCs under Frank Thomas and Wallace Wade. Bama football won the Rose Bowl 30 years before Bear was coach It has always been the elite program of the South since the 1920s
I couldn't believe the first sentence of the post you quoted when I read it. But then, I'm older.
I do wonder why they have the ability to build something and we still can’t. There aren’t many states where the flagship universitys football accolades are lesser than another state school.
I think it’s harder to build now. Everyone has a new this or that. Rules are tighter. I also believe a 1981 trophy in their case, no matter how they ended up with it, made it much easier to recruit at the start of this last build. That trophy was well worth the punishment.
Football culture and solidarity of the costituency, a culture going back to when it was men only and everyone took ROTC. It's a lot like A&M.
Football culture and solidarity of the costituency, a culture going back to when it was men only and everyone took ROTC. It's a lot like A&M.

People have to want it. I’ve heard it said that klempson is a cult whereas usc is where to be seen. I think that is right. I see a lot of “old Carolina “ on this board. The culture is better but not changed.
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Bama won NCs under Frank Thomas and Wallace Wade. Bama football won the Rose Bowl 30 years before Bear was coach It has always been the elite program of the South since the 1920s
You're talking about the 20's and 30's. College football wasn't even relevent then. USC played at the fairgrounds for most of that time for heaven's sake. Bama became relevent under Bear Bryant. After that they had an average team until Nick Saban (other than the NC under Stallings). Almost every team goes through cycles. Tradition is not nearly as important as some people want to make it out to be.
Miami never had a tradition in football and became the best team in NCAA in the 1980's and they are a relatively small private University that doesn't even have a stadium.
Alabama fans care more and always have . Gamecocks fans go to party and socialize. Fans won't go to a Spring Game because of a good tournament. Bama fans care more than Gamecocks fans. It shows in the stands and in their ability to raise money it means more to Bama.

And yes, Bama invested in it 90 years ago. Alabama football has been a NC contender every decade since the 1920s

I dare say that may be why their fans "care" more, and we simply go to socialize.
You're talking about the 20's and 30's. College football wasn't even relevent then. USC played at the fairgrounds for most of that time for heaven's sake. Bama became relevent under Bear Bryant. After that they had an average team until Nick Saban (other than the NC under Stallings). Almost every team goes through cycles. Tradition is not nearly as important as some people want to make it out to be.
Miami never had a tradition in football and became the best team in NCAA in the 1980's and they are a relatively small private University that doesn't even have a stadium.

Miami has a huge recruiting base and in a state who saw booming population growth in the 80s when that program rose to power.

Tradition, fan support, $$, facilities, and instate talent all factors in
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Miami has a huge recruiting base and in a state who saw booming population growth in the 80s when that program rose to power.

Tradition, fan support, $$, facilities, and instate talent all factors in

So they had no tradition, little fan support, not much money and no facilities. They were 1 out of 5 in the categories you deem important to success and were still successful in 80's. You did not mention consistent outstanding coaching. That was the difference.
So they had no tradition, little fan support, not much money and no facilities. They were 1 out of 5 in the categories you deem important to success and were still successful in 80's. You did not mention consistent outstanding coaching. That was the difference.[/QUO

and late 90’s through mid 2000’s.
Yeah, I know. But I was listening to them. Anyways the host mentioned in his rant this state isn’t big OR rich. And expecting us to become an Ohio State or Georgia or Texas type program isn’t gonna happen. At least sustained it won’t.

I do agree with him. Although Clemsin seems to be doing just fine.
But my question is what is the difference in our state versus the state that is home to the most dominant team... Alabama? They seem very similar resources wise. Population close to the same. Geographically they are bordered by 4 states to our 2. So maybe a small advantage I guess. Do you think if Carolina (or any team for that matter) had made the right hire long ago, that it could be us enjoying dominance? I mean it can’t be just about state money or population. Alabama isn’t high on that list. I reckon the main reason they can sustain is because of their tradition. Tradition hires good coaches. And good coaches sign great players. Alabama tradition was mainly built when you could sign as many as you wanted. And having the Bear at the right time paid dividends long after he was gone. What if we had an admin and coach dead serious about football back in the 50s and 60s? Is it hard to believe SC couldn’t be doing the same thing if timing had been better? I think the haves and have nots of CFB are largely already set in stone. It’s so hard to upset that balance in today’s times. But I believe it was where teams were in the early years that put them in their current places in the pecking order of CFB. Timing has to be the big part of the equation right?
Everybody has an excuse why we can't be good and they always have.

There's, of course, an easy rebuttal - Clemson. They don't make excuses.

I've said it a thousand times: Kids don't care about who won the Sugar Bowl in the 1980s. They don't even care who won the Allstate Bowl in 2014. You can build a winner from scratch. Look at UCF.
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I dare say that may be why their fans "care" more, and we simply go to socialize.
My dad told me last weekend that he went to his first USC game in 1953. He said you could buy 2000 seats together and that nobody even watched the game because they were really there to drink and hangout.
So they had no tradition, little fan support, not much money and no facilities. They were 1 out of 5 in the categories you deem important to success and were still successful in 80's. You did not mention consistent outstanding coaching. That was the difference.

Jimmy Johnson didn't win near as many games at OSU as he did Miami, Dennis Erickson was nothing special at ASU, Schnellenberger was nothing special when he went to Louisville. Miami has insane level of HS football talent and that is how they won big. It helped neither UF nor FSU was elite when they won their first NC
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Jimmy Johnson didn't win near as many games at OSU as he did Miami, Dennis Erickson was nothing special at ASU, Schnellenberger was nothing special when he went to Louisville. Miami has insane level of HS football talent and that is how they won big. It helped neither UF nor FSU was elite when they won their first NC
Jimmy Johnson won an NCAA Championship at a small school and 2 super bowl titles. I think his coaching credentials are pretty much cemented.
We've been lazy in our hires going back to the 70's. One of the problems with us is we hired AD's based on some BOT had a buddy that needed a job, then the AD comes in and doesn't know what the he'll he's doing so he hires the first coach that calls him back. That's how we end up with idiots like Sparky Woods. We thought the Scott hire would be great because we didn't understand that Bobby ran that show, not fat Bradstard. It seemed good in theory but was a huge swing and a miss. We fell behind in facilities because, again, the AD didn't know what the hell he was doing. Do you realize we didn't have a coach with SEC experience until Spurrier? How the hell are you going to be in a league 13 years and not have one coach that had experience in that league? The facilities we've built should have been built and torn down and built again since 92! We should be on our second football OP center, we should have completed upgrades to Willy B 10 years ago, we should have had two badass planes and a helicopter instead of the jalopies we use now. We are just now figuring out stuff we should have figured out in the 90's.

Hired three coaches who have won national championships before coming here. That's "lazy?"
Yeah, I know. But I was listening to them. Anyways the host mentioned in his rant this state isn’t big OR rich. And expecting us to become an Ohio State or Georgia or Texas type program isn’t gonna happen. At least sustained it won’t.

I do agree with him. Although Clemsin seems to be doing just fine.
But my question is what is the difference in our state versus the state that is home to the most dominant team... Alabama? They seem very similar resources wise. Population close to the same. Geographically they are bordered by 4 states to our 2. So maybe a small advantage I guess. Do you think if Carolina (or any team for that matter) had made the right hire long ago, that it could be us enjoying dominance? I mean it can’t be just about state money or population. Alabama isn’t high on that list. I reckon the main reason they can sustain is because of their tradition. Tradition hires good coaches. And good coaches sign great players. Alabama tradition was mainly built when you could sign as many as you wanted. And having the Bear at the right time paid dividends long after he was gone. What if we had an admin and coach dead serious about football back in the 50s and 60s? Is it hard to believe SC couldn’t be doing the same thing if timing had been better? I think the haves and have nots of CFB are largely already set in stone. It’s so hard to upset that balance in today’s times. But I believe it was where teams were in the early years that put them in their current places in the pecking order of CFB. Timing has to be the big part of the equation right?

Pretty much what most people are saying sums it up. Alabama wanted it much more than us. Sure perhaps if we couldve hired the right coach maybe things wouldve been different.

I'd say money was and still is the main factor. For whatever reason Alabama has a lot "a lot" more millionaires that are alum than us. Matter of fact most schools have many more than us. Look at Texas AM and my god , talk about rich alumni wow. Those guys donate money and dictate when a coach is hired or fired.

Also politics have been a problem at USC with campus right by the capitol building. For decades these politicians would make sure every tom dick and harry related to them would be on the team. This was still a problem until Lou Holtz came in.

Those are the 2 main reasons. We have had many boards and presidents that couldnt care less for football. Made many bad hiring decisions especially coaches , presidents and athletics directors . However money and politics has been the long term problem
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