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  • Thread starter Brian Shoemaker
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Brian Shoemaker

Occasionally, I will unknowingly post an article here on FGF that requires a subscription to view (and not include a disclaimer that a subscription is required).

Specifically, that means I don't pay close enough attention in the admin to realize it's a premium article. (I did that this morning with a basketball story.)

When I do that, please let me know. Email me or reply to the post or whatever.

Occasionally, I will unknowingly post an article here on FGF that requires a subscription to view (and not include a disclaimer that a subscription is required).

Specifically, that means I don't pay close enough attention in the admin to realize it's a premium article. (I did that this morning with a basketball story.)

When I do that, please let me know. Email me or reply to the post or whatever.


That's ok, I may unknowingly read a subscription post without knowing, but when I do read it, I like it...
Occasionally, I will unknowingly post an article here on FGF that requires a subscription to view (and not include a disclaimer that a subscription is required).

Specifically, that means I don't pay close enough attention in the admin to realize it's a premium article. (I did that this morning with a basketball story.)

When I do that, please let me know. Email me or reply to the post or whatever.


I need to send you an email. What is your address?
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