Spurs Up


Nov 12, 2007
Most every Gamecock poster on here uses the term "Spurs Up" to denote something good just happened, but it may interest you to know that that term has a very different meaning at an actual cockfight. The term is used to indicate which "competitor" actually lost the contest. Someone at a cockfight will ask a fellow competitor "How'd your bird do in his last fight?" If the reply is "spurs up", it signifies the results ended with the contestant on his back, dead with his fighting spurs in the air....."Spurs Up!"
Spurs Up, clemPson!

3-9, lost to The Citadel, and your coach quit. All your old gifs don't change the irrelevancy of your dumpster fire program. But hey, yay for women's bball!
Is that all you see is womens' basketball? Got those orange blinders on I see. Those are all the programs we've got a winning record vs clemPson in the past 5 years. Football, basketball, baseball, and womens' basketball. Maybe you can find something y'all have been better than us in for that period of time, but I'm tired of looking.

SPURS UP, clemPson!
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3-9, lost to The Citadel, and your coach quit. All your old gifs don't change the irrelevancy of your dumpster fire program. But hey, yay for women's bball!
Cootsareajoke, If the old saying is correct "you got to be one to know one" then I would guess you must be some joke. Here' for raining on your parade. Roll Tide
Hey i got one for you jerk, how many natl titles in football yall won when you did not get caught cheating not once but twice and almost got the death penalty like SMU. I was there back then, i remember it but it all got blamed on Charley Pell rather than Danny Ford.
Great, so 5 out of the last 7 years in football and 4 out of the last 6 years in basketball clemPson was Spurs Up against the Gamecocks. Thanks for the info.

Check my sig below:

Spurs Up, Knoko! lol

That's why we use the means in slang we just killed it.
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Most every Gamecock poster on here uses the term "Spurs Up" to denote something good just happened, but it may interest you to know that that term has a very different meaning at an actual cockfight. The term is used to indicate which "competitor" actually lost the contest. Someone at a cockfight will ask a fellow competitor "How'd your bird do in his last fight?" If the reply is "spurs up", it signifies the results ended with the contestant on his back, dead with his fighting spurs in the air....."Spurs Up!"
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't cockfighting illegal in the U.S.? Maybe it's not in Clemson and that's why you're so hip on all the terminology.

What do you guys say when something good happens? "Thanks, father Dabo!" or is it more like "Pussy up!"

Most of us like the sound of Spurs Up. Don't care that it comes from an archaic form of entertainment in the old South. It went away when the rest of the state modernized, leaving your corner of the upstate behind.

And here's a little history on your "Tiger Rag" (which kinda sounds like a tampon to me).
"Frank Tirro states in Jazz: A History, "Morton claims credit for transforming a French quadrille that was performed in different meters into "Tiger Rag".[5] According to writer Samuel Charters, "Tiger Rag" was worked out by the Jack Carey Band, the group which developed many of the standard tunes that were recorded by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band.[6] The work was known as "Jack Carey" by the black musicians of the city and as "N****r # 2" by the white."
Fits well with your tradition up there in Calhoun, Tillman country.
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Most every Gamecock poster on here uses the term "Spurs Up" to denote something good just happened, but it may interest you to know that that term has a very different meaning at an actual cockfight. The term is used to indicate which "competitor" actually lost the contest. Someone at a cockfight will ask a fellow competitor "How'd your bird do in his last fight?" If the reply is "spurs up", it signifies the results ended with the contestant on his back, dead with his fighting spurs in the air....."Spurs Up!"

You prefer erection???
Amazing isn't it guys? A couple of years ago their stadium had 70% capacity and now every 'neck in the world is wearing orange yet our roads still have litter all over them. Biggest bandwagon jumping "family" in College sports. What a sick bunch of twats.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't cockfighting illegal in the U.S.? Maybe it's not in Clemson and that's why you're so hip on all the terminology.

What do you guys say when something good happens? "Thanks, father Dabo!" or is it more like "Pussy up!"

Most of us like the sound of Spurs Up. Don't care that it comes from an archaic form of entertainment in the old South. It went away when the rest of the state modernized, leaving your corner of the upstate behind.

And here's a little history on your "Tiger Rag" (which kinda sounds like a tampon to me).
"Frank Tirro states in Jazz: A History, "Morton claims credit for transforming a French quadrille that was performed in different meters into "Tiger Rag".[5] According to writer Samuel Charters, "Tiger Rag" was worked out by the Jack Carey Band, the group which developed many of the standard tunes that were recorded by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band.[6] The work was known as "Jack Carey" by the black musicians of the city and as "N****r # 2" by the white."
Fits well with your tradition up there in Calhoun, Tillman country.

He said "Pussy Up". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is the most awesome thing I've prob ever read.
I thought "spurs up" was a Spurrier pun?
I guess Boom is using it, too.
Hard to talk trash about illegal cock fighting when the mascot is a an illegal cock fighter.
I thought "spurs up" was a Spurrier pun?
I guess Boom is using it, too.
Hard to talk trash about illegal cock fighting when the mascot is a an illegal cock fighter.

That's what you get for thinking. The mascot is an animal not a person engaged in an illegal activity. If you fail to understand the difference well uh . . . . good day sir.
That's what you get for thinking. The mascot is an animal not a person engaged in an illegal activity. If you fail to understand the difference well uh . . . . good day sir.
Yeah, but the animal/fighting gamecock is an integral part of the illegal activity. I was refering to the actual bird when I said "cock fighter," not the person that throws the bird into the ring. IDK, the only cockfight I ever saw was on the Seinfeld episode with Ruben Blades and "little Jerry Seinfeld." Classic.
And, did Spurs up not show up with the Head Ball Coach?
Doesn't really matter. Sorry to even bring it up.
Has anyone made the point that it takes a Clemson fan to know the intricate details of cock fighting?
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My post was to save you guys future ridicule from my Clemson brethren. Now some you are threatening to turn me over to the DNR! There's a lot of "cock fighting" in and around Orangeburg and the greater Columbia area. Cut me some slack, guys. I mean no harm. Just trying to enlighten........#Spurs on the ground! That means the cock won!
Well, you are just a really special guy. Really special. Thank you sooooo much for your attempt to provide a lexicon for us as the uninitiated into the illegal world of cockfighting.

Dabs would be proud.

Most every Gamecock poster on here uses the term "Spurs Up" to denote something good just happened, but it may interest you to know that that term has a very different meaning at an actual cockfight. The term is used to indicate which "competitor" actually lost the contest. Someone at a cockfight will ask a fellow competitor "How'd your bird do in his last fight?" If the reply is "spurs up", it signifies the results ended with the contestant on his back, dead with his fighting spurs in the air....."Spurs Up!"
"sheep up"