The State critiques Jr.'s recruiting in today's paper

When you just read the article, and ignore the spin, it reall says we have a whole bunch of young 4 star recruits, And the future looks bright. Thanks for linking it. We replaced the 4 stars we lost with 4 stars. And we have about 20 4 stars on the team right? Isn't that what the article said?

I will admit spending 300,000 on recruiting is more than absurd
The OP's thread headline is correct, it's a critique but it's not a 'critical' article. In fact, except for the 4-stars we 'missed' who decommitted (all were replaced 'numerically' by OTHER 4-stars) all the article tells me about two years ago and a 'little bit' about 2014 is 'Carolina got a LOT more 'bang for its recruiting buck' than ANYONE else in the conference.
It also tells me we have a really 'young team' with a lot of upside.
I thought it was a GOOD article. I had no idea we had some many 4-star rated players ... I guess I just get worn down by all the negative posting on here and don't check behind their complaints.
The stuff about Chubb is throw-away BS .... Chubb was never going ANYWHERE except UGA ... that's a bunch of crap.
Spin it, rinse it and dry says what in reality we have all said....."Houston, we have a problem". There is no way to fix way.....not with what we have to do it with....
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Chubb was never going to come here.

That said, we have got to hit another gear on the recruiting trail.
Spend some money on recruiting for a change. Market the football program and University to the players and be creative. I bet the University spends more money recruiting regular students with exceptional academic credentials than we do recruiting football players.
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Spend some money on recruiting for a change. Market the football program and University to the players and be creative. I bet the University spends more money recruiting regular students with exceptional academic credentials than we do recruiting football players.

And they should spend as much or more recruiting exceptional academic students.
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When you just read the article, and ignore the spin, it reall says we have a whole bunch of young 4 star recruits, And the future looks bright. Thanks for linking it. We replaced the 4 stars we lost with 4 stars. And we have about 20 4 stars on the team right? Isn't that what the article said?

I will admit spending 300,000 on recruiting is more than absurd
I can't recall if it was on this Board or TOS, but there is an incredible number of 4-star guys who failed to contribute in the past few years. Couple that with 7 walk-ons and a significant drop-off in coaching talent, and here we are. Spin it all you want, but it's the truth. It's also the reason why Tanner DID NOT renew/extend any assistant's contracts this year. CFB is an extremely competitive, cutthroat biz. We are France.
And they should spend as much or more recruiting exceptional academic students.
I agree. They do a great job there. The football program needs to market with the same mentality. It is a great product to sell and their target audience is much smaller.
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I can't recall if it was on this Board or TOS, but there is an incredible number of 4-star guys who failed to contribute in the past few years. Couple that with 7 walk-ons and a significant drop-off in coaching talent, and here we are. Spin it all you want, but it's the truth. It's also the reason why Tanner DID NOT renew/extend any assistant's contracts this year. CFB is an extremely competitive, cutthroat biz. We are France.

The coaches need to do their homework before the offer a kid because the talent pool is larger the the top 300 most recruiting services rank. I heard Coach Hoke was requiring his assistants to
provide a written evaluation on every prospect for the defense and he and the position coach had to confirm approval before offering a scholarship.

There is plenty of unknown talent that needs to be evaluated and considered because some of it is very good. I was watching the Auburn / Jacksonville State game and was very impressed with some of the DL and skilled position talent on Jacksonville State and the effort they played with.
The exact reason we are in the shape we are in. No excuse for a head coach not to be in town when a highly recruited kid like Chubbs comes to town.
When you just read the article, and ignore the spin, it reall says we have a whole bunch of young 4 star recruits, And the future looks bright. Thanks for linking it. We replaced the 4 stars we lost with 4 stars. And we have about 20 4 stars on the team right? Isn't that what the article said?

I will admit spending 300,000 on recruiting is more than absurd

Tell ya what spinr, I haven't participated much at all in the BAM'ing (i.e. b_tch & moaning) in regards to our recruiting budget/costs/expenditures, but the Excel file within the bottom of that article really baffles the hail outta me. Seriously now, if we can't/won't/don't compete with the other 13 teams (Vandy - a private school - wasn't included in the Excel file) in regards to our recruiting expenditures, then how in gawds name can we honestly expect to keep up with them??

Just asking, just asking.
More old news and just a "filler" article.
Every ten goes through something like this.

One good recruiting class generally gets to play for two maybe three years, they take the majority of the snaps and experience from the classes behind them.

This leads to a drop off in experience, not necessarily talent and regardless of their star rating there will be a drop in performance.

Even Bama has that problem..

We're still better off than most people think and the article does cover the fact that not everyone lives up to their ratings just like some walk ons and two and three stars outperform expectations.
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More old news and just a "filler" article.
Every ten goes through something like this.

One good recruiting class generally gets to play for two maybe three years, they take the majority of the snaps and experience from the classes behind them.

This leads to a drop off in experience, not necessarily talent and regardless of their star rating there will be a drop in performance.

Even Bama has that problem..

We're still better off than most people think and the article does cover the fact that not everyone lives up to their ratings just like some walk ons and two and three stars outperform expectations.
So, since every team goes through this it's okay? Sorry, not to me.

Let me spell it out for the apologists. We've paid this man over $40,000,000. We have zero championships to show for it, and we sure as hell aren't getting our money's worth now. This joker isn't even calling the plays. It's all about Jr. who is one of the more incompetent assistants on a relatively poor staff.
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So, since every team goes through this it's okay? Sorry, not to me.

Let me spell it out for the apologists. We've paid this man over $40,000,000. We have zero championships to show for it, and we sure as hell aren't getting our money's worth now. This joker isn't even calling the plays. It's all about Jr. who is one of the more incompetent assistants on a relatively poor staff.
I agree. We are paying these coaches tons of money and not getting much effort from them. This team is lost right now and we have no identity on offense.
Here's what we do.....we get rid of Deke, Botkins, Ward, Junior, Robinson and replace them with Lattimore, Graham, Lawing, Montgomery (Baylor) or Kiffin (Alabama), Tanneyhill, and bring Conner Shaw back and you would have a staff that could relate and recruit and work hard doing it. Say what you want about Kiffin but he can sell....hey...I can dream !
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Last year we had a record breaking offense and the primary reciever has returned. The staff is being progressive to improve the QB position. Hopefully the coaching improves the player quickly and changes the outlook for this team's season.
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This is just amazingly shortsighted...I have no words for the arrogance in this post.
What we pay them is immaterial?
We "just started" paying him 4 mill? (Whew...thank God for that)
His job isn't to make fans happy?
His job is to field "some semblance" of a team?
He only gets to field some semblance of a team with "what he's given"?
Last year wasn't player ability?
Everyone expects perfection?

....This is the definition of "Old Carolina"
Explain where I'm wrong?
Here's what we do.....we get rid of Deke, Botkins, Ward, Junior, Robinson and replace them with Lattimore, Graham, Lawing, Montgomery (Baylor) or Kiffin (Alabama), Tanneyhill, and bring Conner Shaw back and you would have a staff that could relate and recruit and work hard doing it. Say what you want about Kiffin but he can sell....hey...I can dream !

Tanneyhill ?

Former Gamecock! Yes! (And, I'll always remember and appreciate that.) Has also proven to be a pretty good high school coach at times.

Questions loom regarding the personality and personal relationships, dedication to finish important goals, and the level of professionalism.

Maybe some other members know more (on a more personal level)?
Tell ya what spinr, I haven't participated much at all in the BAM'ing (i.e. b_tch & moaning) in regards to our recruiting budget/costs/expenditures, but the Excel file within the bottom of that article really baffles the hail outta me. Seriously now, if we can't/won't/don't compete with the other 13 teams (Vandy - a private school - wasn't included in the Excel file) in regards to our recruiting expenditures, then how in gawds name can we honestly expect to keep up with them??

Just asking, just asking.

oh, i have no idea. i don't even follow recruiting that closely. i used to, but after we lost gary gray, and that defensive player who committed to us but went to florida, i quit following it. but i will tell you 2 things. one, when we had all of those great 11 win teams, we still were at the bottom of money spent on recruiting. the article should have mentioned that. if you got from the article that we quit spending money, and then recruiting went down, then you are wrong and the article is mis leading.
two. according to manning 02, and from what i can gather from the actual facts in the article, we have the most 4 star recruits on the team right now, than we have ever had. so that kind of contradicts the spin some people are saying about how bad our recruiting has been. at least when using stars as their basis.
as to the recruiting budget, i want to spend at the top of the list. not near the top. i want to spend the most. i don't want any school in the sec to out perform our recruiting efforts in any way.
even at the best our recruiting has ever been, it could have been better. i want our players to leave their hearts out on the field after every game. and i want our coaches, and the school to do the same thing. both coaching, and on the recruiting trail. leave no stone unturned.
i don't know if this is true or not, but i read a post on either gamecock central, or tos, that said there are clemson fans who actually keep track of where clemson coaches are, all the time. just to see if they are out recruiting as hard as they can. clemson fans call clemson coaches every day, and ask them what have they done to make clemson better today. i don't know if its true. but i believe it. in a way i roll my eyes at clemson fans over that. but in a way i admire it. so maybe there is more we as fans can do too.
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Spend some money on recruiting for a change. Market the football program and University to the players and be creative. I bet the University spends more money recruiting regular students with exceptional academic credentials than we do recruiting football players.

I 'bet' they do, too! I sure hope so! The quality of our student body is enormously important.

In general, it's the exceptional students who come closest to accomplishing their dreams and making the world a better place for us all. I'm proud for the things our student-athletes have gone on to achieve for themselves after playing ball for the Gamecocks but take more pride in the accomplishments of the large number of 'Carolina students who went on to achieve great things in business, education, entertainment, the arts and politics.

'Those" alumni were more like me than the guy who can dunk it with either hand, throw a 50-yard TD or hit a 500-foot homer. It's always been encouraging to know I was given the same education and afforded the same opportunities as those University of South Carolina 'success' stories.
Tanneyhill ?

Former Gamecock! Yes! (And, I'll always remember and appreciate that.) Has also proven to be a pretty good high school coach at times.

Questions loom regarding the personality and personal relationships, dedication to finish important goals, and the level of professionalism.

Maybe some other members know more (on a more personal level)?

I don't know about on the college level, but he is a great coach. He is very dedicated, detail / perfection oriented and very professional. A lot has changed since his college days in Columbia.
What do you guys criticizing our coaches know about coaching football .Not one damn thing. I'll also bet very few of you give much support to the University, probably don't even spend enough money to buy a ticket and attend the games. Instead of giving opinions of which you know nothing about, why don't you keep your mouth shut?
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This is the epitome of lazy journalism. The article did not address the following points.

The evaluation of talent has been poor (too many Shaq Rolands)

The management of the roster has been poor (too many Jucos and walk ons)

The development of talent has been poor (Deke has not made any Eric Norwoods)

There are too many coaches on staff that contribute nothing to recruiting but are paid massively. Joe Rob. Sands.

Budget is almost totally irrelevant. What matters is the relationships coaches build with players. You have to ID the talent early and forge a bond.

Nepotism is an issue. It is what it is.

Eric Hyman started a process that Ray Tanner has continued. Escalation of the cost to see a game. That is well and good to put yourself in terms of cost with the top of the SEC. The problem is the fans expect something for it. The home record has been terrible starting last year. And the expectation is not that you win all the games but you are at least making aggressive moves to improve.

I look at Auburn as an example. Or Tennessee, or Florida.....our peers deal with non performers quickly. And they are getting better. We are in a phase of stagnation.

One of Spurrier's greatest attributes as a person - unflinching loyalty - is a negative when it comes to being a CEO.Speaking of which that is Spurrier's critical mistake. He like Ward hire all the assistants. He should have done more homework first.
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