To the anti-Spurrier fans

A guy ask me last night at work if I wanted spurrier back.i said the earlier spurrier not the later spurrier.i told him he stayed 2years to long..
Sorry you see it that way - I don`t. The way I look at it, he felt it was best for the program, the team, and yes himself. That guy wanted to win more than anyone I`ve ever seen - our winningest coach ever. If it wasn`t for him, we would all be satisfied with mediocrity more than likely, because that`s what we would expect.
Sorry you see it that way - I don`t. The way I look at it, he felt it was best for the program, the team, and yes himself. That guy wanted to win more than anyone I`ve ever seen - our winningest coach ever. If it wasn`t for him, we would all be satisfied with mediocrity more than likely, because that`s what we would expect.
Spurrier had two of the most "disinterested" recruiting years which followed multiple years of well managed recruiting... the only thing he was remiss in was filling vacancies with less than prime talent (and dorking around with OB's who were imposters(only Garcia had the talent- and mentally he was a wasteland).

I've often heard it said that age will cause our minds to make dates that our other facilities can not keep. Spurrier's tank had run to empty and he walked out in exasperation. Ultimately he misjudged his desire to coach. The "want-to" was still there but the effort to succeed had been used up by the years spent in pursuing all the w's he racked up in his career so he put on his hat and closed the door. A sad moment but not one that denigrates the man.:)
Spurrier had two of the most "disinterested" recruiting years which followed multiple years of well managed recruiting... the only thing he was remiss in was filling vacancies with less than prime talent (and dorking around with OB's who were imposters(only Garcia had the talent- and mentally he was a wasteland).

I've often heard it said that age will cause our minds to make dates that our other facilities can not keep. Spurrier's tank had run to empty and he walked out in exasperation. Ultimately he misjudged his desire to coach. The "want-to" was still there but the effort to succeed had been used up by the years spent in pursuing all the w's he racked up in his career so he put on his hat and closed the door. A sad moment but not one that denigrates the man.:)

No disagreement, not in the least, but at what point did Tanner weigh in to make him stay. Just asking as that seems to be an argument. Thanks.
I am tired of arguing with fools about what Coach Spurrier meant to our football program.
No disagreement, not in the least, but at what point did Tanner weigh in to make him stay. Just asking as that seems to be an argument. Thanks.
Tanner didn't make him stay. Jeri Spurrier did not want him to retire, and he has said this publicly.
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We teach kids to never, ever quit. It doesn't matter what the score is, what the team's record is, how many kids are playing in front of you. Never quit. For a head coach to quit in mid-season is inexcusable. Period.
Remember that time Spurrier told everyone he was retiring by telling recruits he wouldnt be there when they graduate??? Then the shitstorm started with retractions and recruiting decomits and Tanner begging him to stay??

Well he said his time was up but us Gamecocks will not let a coach go unless they run the program into the ground on the way out