The whole gist of it is this. No matter which side of the pot fence you are on, the rule was no pot. It would not be any difference if it was no steroids or no blood doping and she broke those rules. Of her own volition and her reasons, she decided to smoke. I have no comment on that except by smoking and thereby getting caught and disqualified, she gave up her chance at Olympic fame and endorsements. That's terrible for her. She will be remembered as the athlete who was disqualified because of pot. She isn't a courageous martyr and never intended to be one. I would bet if you ask her that was never on her mind she just felt that she needed to smoke. Kudos to her for owning it. I don't believe i have heard one works from her about protesting unfair laws. Some of y'all are so into your agenda, every thing looks like racism or sexism or any other ism