Jamie Shaw
6’1 2022 Jazian Gortman of Keenan High in Columbia, SC played in his final AAU event of the summer this weekend. He averaged over 20 a game and even picked up a Florida offer afterward
This has been a huge summer for Gortman, picking up double digit offers, from around the ACC, SEC, Big 12, Etc...
Shingler has been on this one for a while and USC was one of his first power 5 offers. Here are highlights as well as a quick interview with Gortman From this weekend
He says Jamal Crawford, who does Gortman’s unique style remind you of??
This has been a huge summer for Gortman, picking up double digit offers, from around the ACC, SEC, Big 12, Etc...
Shingler has been on this one for a while and USC was one of his first power 5 offers. Here are highlights as well as a quick interview with Gortman From this weekend
He says Jamal Crawford, who does Gortman’s unique style remind you of??