“Corona Hasn’t Forced Business Owners To Lay Off Workers”.

My anger is not with the situation . I’ll be fine . I had another job 2 days later . My point is ..if I just laid off half my employees I wouldn’t be cruising around the bay in my multiple million dollar boat partying with my buddy’s less than 24 hours later . It’s just a bad look. I for one would not be flaunting my wealth and lifestyle when the rest of the community is struggling to make it week to week . That’s my only issue .
Most people have been out of work for about a month at this point. Anyone struggling now was struggling before all of this happened.
Most people have been out of work for about a month at this point. Anyone struggling now was struggling before all of this happened.

Agreed . However if those folks were living paycheck to paycheck then ; now what do they do now ?? Especially folks that work in the service industry: cooks , waitresses , bartenders , Musicians etc etc . Those folks are in serious difficulty. Don’t get me wrong , I feel for those whose investments and portfolios took a hit , it sucks and I get it . However Im much more concerned about the people who can’t put food on the table or pay rent or utilities. I’m very lucky compared to most but I know some who or truly suffering . My point is if a 401K drops 25 or 30 grand that sucks , but those people aren’t going to lose their homes and struggle to put food on the table . Again , I place no blame on government officials or businesses , this is unprecedented. All I’m asking is a little compassion for those people who are being affected the most .
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One the government giveth, the Dems will make sure they can't taketh away without demonizing the takers.

I guarantee you a lot of commie Dems are looking for a way to make this permanent. Backdoor way to universal guaranteed income.
No I was on the water deckhanding on my buddy’s charter boat and he drove right by us . Dude why would I make that up ?? Not at all jealous or envious . Just a pretty bad look when you just laid off half your employees permanently . Also a pretty bad look to have a boatload of people partying your ass off in the middle of a global pandemic.
And they were all situated two meters apart on the yacht?

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