Best Picture Ever

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Not mu idea of a good picture. As a matter of fact, I hate when I see this.

LOL! That's supposed to read "debil" though ain't it??

I had a facebook site for just a few months to keep up with my boys. While going thru the divorce (Thank Gawd!), my Ex had her "friends" watching my site. One Saturday night while at dinner with friends, someone took a photo of me and another woman. It was posted on that woman's facebook site THAT NIGHT. I got a call from my soon-to-be-Ex that Sunday morning.

She wanted to know whom the other "woman" was. I told her I'd have to check facebook and get back with her. So I did. And then I text her back and said, "Dear, the lady that I had dinner with is my cousin, you know, the one that was in OUR wedding??!! Her husband, my cousin in-law took the pic dear, and he posted it on facebook; he's my friend. Sorry to disappoint you with the non-evidence dear. Sayōnara."

I killed that facebook site that same day. To hail with having somebody having somebody keeping up with WTH I'm doing or up to. Just ain't of my interests folks. But to each his/her own. JMHO.
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