Merican Bandstand rating of Usher's Super Bowl performance.

Southern Fried Chicken

Gold Member
Sep 6, 2022
The presentation was unbelievable and second to none. I didn't understand a single word muttered. And it was difficult to dance to. I give it a 43.

I'd go lower but, don't want to offend anyone who feels that it was inspirational and is running to the record store to buy an album copy. I realize there are NO Record Stores any longer.

EDIT: Usher and Janet Jackson would be well advised to keep their clothes on! Kinda Cheap, wasn't it?
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I don't know his music but I thought it was a good show. I did recognize the last song. But the show isn't targeting people like me in their 50s.

Regardless, I am a fairly big Romo fan but I do not think he's having a good game. He's just not offering any insight. I know CBS asked him to tone some things down but he's just not adding anything that isn't obvious. He was so much better a few years ago.

I really like Greg Olsen so much better. You can tell he really studies teams and tendencies and mixes in a lot of stats and such.
Romo had a much better 3rd quarter. Thought he was solid. Maybe it's just a matter of the game action giving him some good things to talk about.
The presentation was unbelievable and second to none. I didn't understand a single word muttered. And it was difficult to dance to. I give it a 43.

I'd go lower but, don't want to offend anyone who feels that it was iinspirational and is running to the record store to buy an album copy. I realize there are NO Record Stores any longer. And "Crap Music" is part of the reason.

EDIT: Usher and Janet Jackson would be well advised to keep their clothes on! Kinda Cheap, wasn't it?
Crap junk noise and what is (Merican Band Stand) which is about right they have taken AMERICAN away from us.
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I thought Romo had a really good 2nd half and overtime. Maybe it was just because the game was better and gave him more to discuss.

But I was thought he was really solid overall. He had a rough first half but put it together quite well.

Just a heck of a game and a terrific Super Bowl this year.
Crap junk noise and what is (Merican Band Stand) which is about right they have taken AMERICAN away from us.

I am not sure what this means. I do not know much about Usher's music because it's not intended for someone my age but my 20 year old son thought it was terrific. He didn't know all of the music but he said several of the songs were big ones that even he knew.

Seemed very American to me- not that such a thing really matters. The Super Bowl is a world wide event now.
At least he wasn't lip syncing...IMO, the performance actually more classy than a few previous but the bar has been set pretty low at this point.

Overall, the Corporate Bowl has little to no spirit of the game anymore. The level of play is not nearly on par with regular season or other playoff games as the players have to deal with all of the ridiculous pomp and circumstance, It's just a hog-podge of lights and lame entertainment to capture an audience who no knows and cares little to nothing about football.

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