USC/ UT game thread.

We really do make other teams qbs and wrs look better than they are...consistently!! Our dbs are really bad,with the exception of 24 vs. georgia,they are undersized ,unphysical, play way off the ball zones that ANY off. Coordinator in ncaa can simply run patterns across our zones for WIDE OPEN completion
S while we look like high school defense...i truly am not trying to bash our team,its just facts
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I repeat- IBE should not be on the field. He is out of position on every play

he is biting on play action, why in the world is the safety biting on play action when he is 20 yards from the line of scrimmage?

this is amateur hour
Their offense is like freaking Tecmo Bowl. Drop back and throw it deep. Can't stop it!
Fukking pathetic excuse for a secondary!
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Players are pussying out. Sorry folks, got nothing to do with Muschamp or any of the other coaches.
I've asked this time and time again: If you were a promising up and coming coach (especially an OC), would you really leave the safety of your current job to work for Muschamp? I sure wouldn't.

You and I have both said this several times. The answer is clearly no. We are stuck with this staff until someone leaves on their own or Muschamp is gone.

I had some of my faith restored after the UGA game but it's all gone now.

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