Women got screwed!

If they were just a little more focused on the game and not social justice- then maaaaybe the outcome would he different.
Even though they were disrespecting the National Anthem before games, I still hoped for them the beat. Maybe by next season the hate in their hearts will be healed and they will win it all.
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They will have a much better team next year which considering how close they came to playing in the final this year should be very scary for all the other teams.
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Wah, Wah, Wha. Face up to the loss. Women didn't play well. I get it. So you want to blame it on the refs, or the NCAA, or the CIA. Cocks had plenty of opportunities to win. Love watching these incredible ladies play, but tonight, they played poorly against a strong team, just as they have all year.
Haven’t heard anyone blame the CIA but you. Naïveté seems to be your long suit. Enjoy.
They got exactly what they deserved for disrespecting this country.

While I do not agree with the kneeling, I do respect and appreciate the effort they gave in this game. They left it all on the floor. To see Boston after the game made one see her heart. She was devastated and felt she let her team down. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thank you ladies for the ride. There were a few bumps along the way but no one can question your heart to win.
If they were just a little more focused on the game and not social justice- then maaaaybe the outcome would he different.
Even though they were disrespecting the National Anthem before games, I still hoped for them the beat. Maybe by next season the hate in their hearts will be healed and they will win it all.
Get a life. It amazes me how people can think black athletes do not have a right to speak up for what they see as racism. Guess they are just supposed to shut up and play ball so you don’t get offended. We all pull for them and love them when they win games for our team, but if they speak out or take a stand about something they have personally experienced- people get offended. Taking a knee isn’t a violent act- doesn’t hurt anyone, like the protests in the streets have.
Get a life. It amazes me how people can think black athletes do not have a right to speak up for what they see as racism. Guess they are just supposed to shut up and play ball so you don’t get offended. We all pull for them and love them when they win games for our team, but if they speak out or take a stand about something they have personally experienced- people get offended. Taking a knee isn’t a violent act- doesn’t hurt anyone, like the protests in the streets have.
They didn’t take a knee. They sat on their ass.
They didn’t take a knee. They sat on their ass.

Some sat. Some took a knee. One had the courage to stand for what is truly right.

I love this team and Coach Staley. I went to the welcome home yesterday along with so many others. While some of you will dissect their every word and gesture, thousands (if permitted) will be in the CLA next season supporting and cheering on these amazing women.
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Some sat. Some took a knee. One had the courage to stand for what is truly right.

Educate yourself on why they aren't standing. Doesn't have anything to do with disrespecting the flag. Just because you want to think that doesn't make it true. By the way. Trump lost. NOW THAT WAS A REAL ASS WHIPPING
Educate yourself on why they aren't standing. Doesn't have anything to do with disrespecting the flag. Just because you want to think that doesn't make it true. By the way. Trump lost. NOW THAT WAS A REAL ASS WHIPPING
Then shouldn’t they protest in front of police stations and courthouses? Protesting the anthem over police brutality is like boycotting an Irish pub because you don’t like burritos.
Educate yourself on why they aren't standing. Doesn't have anything to do with disrespecting the flag. Just because you want to think that doesn't make it true.

Yeah, we know. Hands up, Don't Shoot. Unarmed Jacob Blake. Most (not all) of that is based on lies and people know it. But people would rather sit around believing lies so they can tweet something or "protest" something to make themselves feel good about themselves.

But that's not the issue. I don't care what your cause is, doing it during the National Anthem is disrespectful. Just like protesting at a fallen soldier's funeral is disrespectful. Just like the person that yelled out something during a moment silence for the victims of the Paris attack at the Packers game. Of course, people that do this know that the Anthem is consider sacred to most American and they do it put a thumb in the eye of those folks. Fixes nothing and creates division and anger. Just agitating.

By the way. Trump lost. NOW THAT WAS A REAL ASS WHIPPING

Exhibit A. But gloat all you want. When the same horrible policies that have turn Democrat strongholds into cesspools of poverty and crime go national and start to do the same, the tide will turn. It's just a shame people are so gullible to believe that demented, hypocritical moron in office now is the answer to anything.

But keep kneeling. That's exactly where Democrats want you. On your knees.

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Refs will always make mistakes. Some times they will make a lot of mistakes. Basketball has gotten to the point where the rules are too subjective and the refs have too much say in the outcome of the game. More reviews won't fix the problem. Rules changes are needed to get the Refs out of the game.
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Imo the NCAA wanted a Stanford-UConn match-up and that's what the got.

Worst basketball NCAA officiated game I've ever witnessed.
Guess you posted a bit early. Arizona (who was not even shown on the promo for the Final 4) spoiled the NCAA's party. They also exposed Paige Buecker as pretty much a one-trick pony. The girl can shoot. You have to give her that. She is on a strong UConn team and that helps. If UCONN really had the best player in the country, they would be facing Stanford today. One of the best shooters in the country - Yes. Good player - Yes. Player of the year in WBB - I would like a recount, please.
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Guess you posted a bit early. Arizona (who was not even shown on the promo for the Final 4) spoiled the NCAA's party. They also exposed Paige Buecker as pretty much a one-trick pony. The girl can shoot. You have to give her that. She is on a strong UConn team and that helps. If UCONN really had the best player in the country, they would be facing Stanford today. One of the best shooters in the country - Yes. Good player - Yes. Player of the year in WBB - I would like a recount, please.
Were there others who could have been player of the year? Certainly. But Buecker is amazing
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Were there others who could have been player of the year? Certainly. But Buecker is amazing
I'm not saying she's isn't a really good offensive player. If you go back and look at the UCONN schedule, I see examples of her stats being padded. You are beating a team 60-27 at the half and Buecker plays 36 out of 40 minutes. UCONN plays in the Big East and some of the players I would want ahead of her play in the Power 5 conferences. Best player of the year, maybe? But I wouldn't put her on the Final Four all-tournament team. Let's see how she grows into her game during the next three years. I will leave it at that. Have a good evening.