#4 Final AP ranking in 2013 to laughingstock two years later


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
Starts with coaches resting on their laurels and slacking off on recruiting-and some bad coaching hires and promotions.
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We are run like a family business and it simply can not be that way. It is hard to hold family and friends accountable without being the bad guy.
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This is the hardest thing for me to come to grips with. We finished freakin #4 in 2013. Now we look like our '97 team. How does this happen?!!!!
Mayne the family members up there are worth a damn but here, at USC, they are horrid.

I don't get it either. Hire your WR coach as the head guy, a high school coach as your coordinator, then two nobodies on your staff to replace him.

We have two HoF coaches in a row.
This needs to change and as fans we should demand better. Fans of big name programs(Michigan, Florida, Tennessee, ) demand better, get the changes they need go forward.
This is the hardest thing for me to come to grips with. We finished freakin #4 in 2013. Now we look like our '97 team. How does this happen?!!!!

Well, in the business world this kind of thing happens when there's little or no accountability. When middle management (assistant coaches) become 'anointed princes' instead of the 'hired hands' - employees-at-will - that their job description details. When cronyism (old college pals and/or drinking buddies) is abound in the operation. When the CEO (Head Coach) has the Board of Directors (Trustees) and top officers (AD and school President) 'snowed' into believing that he (the HBC) is an 'untouchable' football 'god' and to question him on ANYTHING is tantamount to treason to the corporation (school and football program).

There's more, but I won't bore ya'll tonight.
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This is the hardest thing for me to come to grips with. We finished freakin #4 in 2013. Now we look like our '97 team. How does this happen?!!!!
It happens when you get out-worked and out-competed. Moreover, it could happen anyplace where they let that happen - anyplace.
And guess's the exact same story as far as lazy recruiting with baseball...same results. Tanner doesn't walk on water as AD does he?
Tonight we were out coached I admit.

It wasn't so much being out coached. We had much less talent on the field. We probably only have 3 or 4 players that could start for Georgia. Our coaches have done a terrible job recruiting the last 3 or 4 years. No matter how often, or loud, you and others say trust the coaches and that they know more than we will ever know about football, it doesn't change the fact our team is light years less talented than they were just a couple years ago. Last year's team should have been a wake up call to everyone that we were in a lot of trouble.
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Texas fired their AD. Some schools demand accountability. We are no different than a $100MM Corp.
It wasn't so much being out coached. We had much less talent on the field. We probably only have 3 or 4 players that could start for Georgia. Our coaches have done a terrible job recruiting the last 3 or 4 years. No matter how often, or loud, you and others say trust the coaches and that they know more than we will ever know about football, it doesn't change the fact our team is light years less talented than they were just a couple years ago. Last year's team should have been a wake up call to everyone that we were in a lot of trouble.

Who would start for UGA besides fry? Maybe maybe Moore? Talent is the issue. Coaches didn't forget how to coach
It could very well be a "Tanner is my buddy, no need to get too worried. He's a nice guy."....and nice guys ? Finish last.......