Akron game

In fairness to him, he said, no, we are not the same person. But, he has merged me with others here in the past, including today. I get a good laugh from it though. LOL

He did say, something to the effect that, you are in a league of your own, though. LOL

I am in a league of my own.

he’s such a liar, it’s hard to keep up. also a world class coward, but I won’t go into that again. maybe we will meet one day in person if the coward in him ever subsides. But of course that would never subside. LOL
I do not know how he figures that I am someone else.
I state my own opinions on here. I am just a 49 yr. fan that has gotten to be an even bigger fan these past few years since I started buying season tickets back in 2018. I went to plenty of games and bowls before, but now I never miss a home game. I have pulled for this team since 1975 and really pull for the team even more because I pay even more.
BTW Ward Jr. I am also a Baptist Preacher. I can add you to my prayer list. You seem pretty delusional at times. I apologize that this board affects you so much that you accuse others of such accusations. I mean a lot of times you and USCWatson21 both seem just as negative as each other. Are you the same person?
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