ATM playing CU tough

classof95# Member/Supporter
Gold Member
Sep 30, 2001
Either ATM is much more talented than I thought or Jimbo is a pretty good coach. I'm guessing a little of both.

CU's Christian Wilkins with a blatant roughing the passer penalty earlier. After ATM's Mond threw the ball, Wilkins lifted Mond off the ground and plowed him into turf, under his 300+ lb body weight. Seemed like he was trying to take him out of the game.
The A & M QB is doing what I hoped Jake would do today- growing up big time in the game.

That QB was suspect last year and win or lose, he’s playing better as the game goes on.
Seems odd to mention this after our beatdown but CU playing these type games week in and week out would’ve kept them from building like they did. This is probably the toughest game on their entire schedule.
And Kentucky doing what USC probably won’t in the swamp.
This is shaping up to come down to A&M needing a 2 pt conversion to tie. It’s really gonna suck if the Taters escape with a 28-26 win.
If there's any justice, a Clowney-esque play is about to happen.
Classic Dabo speak after the game: "You only need one more point than they do"
Taters horseshoe worked overtime tonight. A&M kicker did not miss under 40 yards last season, but misses one on their very first possession. Has another blocked. Then they get hosed on the fumble they tge end zone call. Unbelievable.
Yep just watched replay on fumble out the endzone, the side judge right at the pylon did drop a bean bag just before the pylon so he got over ruled by the others.
Seems odd to mention this after our beatdown but CU playing these type games week in and week out would’ve kept them from building like they did. This is probably the toughest game on their entire schedule.
Nobody plays these games week in and week out! How many 100k stadiums are there? Surely you don't consider KY, Vandy, Mizzou, etc., in the same category. You have to admit SECe has been down for a few yrs so saying anything about Clem's schedule really don't hold water. Not necessarily directed towards you but all these people living in the SECe past when Tenn, FL, UGA, USC and even Mizzou were nationally relevant hasn't existed for at least 4yrs. That said, it doesn't matter who is on your schedule if you can't beat them and go nearly undefeated annually. Any Power 5 team that goes 11-1 will get their chance to play for a Natty. But these people that keep saying whoever wouldn't survive our schedule are just making excuses.

I'm just tired of hearing all t dam excuses, it's just time to friggin win already! I'm over the "But if's" BS. Let's just start beating people and not worrying with these feel good statements!
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