Cam Newton

Man I would be pissed too if I went from a 15-1 Super Bowl team to a Lottery pick because my GM is a moron . He's MVP and the team did nothing to get him any protection or playmakers.... and let an all pro corner walk because they didn't want to pay him and now every game is like a track meet . They had the 5th most Available Cap space in the NFL and did nothing to improve . Still extremely immature what he did , would never see Brady or Brees behave that way no matter how bad it went . I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better and I think he's probably gonna implode by the end of the year if he makes it thru the season .
I liked him and pulled for him last year, but his post game conferences after the Super Bowl and yesterday shows that he's not going to grow up.
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The NFL is nothing more than an adult day care. I am surprised to be at a place in my life that I care nothing about the NFL because of all the whiny babies. I haven't watched a game this year and will not.
Man I would be pissed too if I went from a 15-1 Super Bowl team to a Lottery pick because my GM is a moron . He's MVP and the team did nothing to get him any protection or playmakers.... and let an all pro corner walk because they didn't want to pay him and now every game is like a track meet . They had the 5th most Available Cap space in the NFL and did nothing to improve . Still extremely immature what he did , would never see Brady or Brees behave that way no matter how bad it went . I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better and I think he's probably gonna implode by the end of the year if he makes it thru the season .

Somebody watched Steven A. Smith today. Just regurgitate the drive by liberal media talking points.....
All he is missing is being grateful and learning how to forgive if he can learn those two things his whole world would change for the better.
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Guess I'm in the minority but I like Cam. His defense went from best in the league last year to worst this year. Can't stop anyone.
Guess I'm in the minority but I like Cam. His defense went from best in the league last year to worst this year. Can't stop anyone.

I certainly respect his athletic ability. But his Superman and dabbing and over the top first down dance is a bit much for me. Just play the game and let your play do the talking. And when you do have a bad game or a loss, man-up and act like an adult.
He is a cry baby who is used to getting his way by CHEATING in college, robbing people and still getting second chances... his athletic ability has always given him a pass in life so he feels he can act however he wants and people will keep paying him which they will apparently... so why should he change? Obviously the word "Professional" means nothing to him or half of professional athletes today. There should be a discretionary "bitch" incentive in all NFL contracts. You act like a bitch, your coaches have discretion to doc your pay out to 50%. Might see a few of these punks man up and act like pros then. My boss has discretionary portions of MY incentives... if I don't perform the activities asked of me on a day to day basis- even if I produce solid numbers- it can cost me thousands every quarter. If I was a Whitney little bitch all he time, he WOULD doc me for it. This is how the world works. Someone needs to make him aware of it. The NFL should fine him....
I liked him and pulled for him last year, but his post game conferences after the Super Bowl and yesterday shows that he's not going to grow up.
If they were undefeated u would still like him, it's called bandwagon!!!

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