Needs to be the losing coachhonestly, this is nasty and needs to go away
This would be so awesome!Needs to be the losing coach
Love the fact that he didn't let it go unanswered.
Dobbs deleted the original tweet. What did he say to get that response from Beamer?
Said how pathetic we have become as a society that we are entertained by grown men getting dunked in Mayo. And bowls suck. That about sums it up.Dobbs deleted the original tweet. What did he say to get that response from Beamer?
Next time don't order the MayoBurger.Rushes put about that much Mayonnaise on my burger once after I said NO MAYONNAISE! Yuck!
Little known fact: That mayonnaise was “kept under Funk and Wagnalls' porch since noon today.”He can get his covid and concussion protocols over at the same time now that the season is over.