Continuing Ray Tanner Attacks


Jan 4, 2020
I posted this over the Summer and still have not had anyone with any opposite information....

In what world do you think Ray Tanner actually has any authority to hire and fire revenue sport coaches? I know may of y'all assume that all athletic directors do all of the hiring and firing but in reality many/most just manage the programs (the city managers of the athletic department). Yet, I see constant posts about how RT should have hired x or fired y and it make my ears bleed. If you really want to complain about these decisions then go complain to the five or so Board of Trustees members who seem to make all of these decisions.

Agent's Description of hiring process: Article Explaining Power Structure
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Lot of truth in this, but to be clear, Eric Hyman gets full credit for Darrin Horn. Still the worst hire in the history of our program. Since then, 1 tournament in 15 years.
Suppose their are times when the AD makes final decision. IMO, this probably applies to Tanner on the baseball end which makes sense to me.
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I posted this over the Summer and still have not had anyone with any opposite information....

In what world do you think Ray Tanner actually has any authority to hire and fire revenue sport coaches? I know may of y'all assume that all athletic directors do all of the hiring and firing but in reality many/most just manage the programs (the city managers of the athletic department). Yet, I see constant posts about how RT should have hired x or fired y and it make my ears bleed. If you really want to complain about these decisions then go complain to the five or so Board of Trustees members who seem to make all of these decisions.

Agent's Description of hiring process: Article Explaining Power Structure

Just another Tanner boy.

Voicing legit critiques of Tanner based on the current status of our athletic department is not an attack. And something all Carolina fans should be doing. Our mens athletic programs are currently in the crapper.

Your love for Tanner based on 2 trophies as a coach makes you want to basically absolve him of responsibility. And then you criticize those of us who dare to ask for more as attacking RT. Its BS.
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I posted this over the Summer and still have not had anyone with any opposite information....

In what world do you think Ray Tanner actually has any authority to hire and fire revenue sport coaches? I know may of y'all assume that all athletic directors do all of the hiring and firing but in reality many/most just manage the programs (the city managers of the athletic department). Yet, I see constant posts about how RT should have hired x or fired y and it make my ears bleed. If you really want to complain about these decisions then go complain to the five or so Board of Trustees members who seem to make all of these decisions.

Agent's Description of hiring process: Article Explaining Power Structure
Mrs. Tanner, is that you?!?!
I posted this over the Summer and still have not had anyone with any opposite information....

In what world do you think Ray Tanner actually has any authority to hire and fire revenue sport coaches? I know may of y'all assume that all athletic directors do all of the hiring and firing but in reality many/most just manage the programs (the city managers of the athletic department). Yet, I see constant posts about how RT should have hired x or fired y and it make my ears bleed. If you really want to complain about these decisions then go complain to the five or so Board of Trustees members who seem to make all of these decisions.

Agent's Description of hiring process: Article Explaining Power Structure
Football is by far the most important SEC sport. We need a person with a high football IQ for the AD job. The reason we never have sustained success is because the football program has been mismanaged from AD to the BOT. We need football minds making the football decisions, and our program will improve. A baseball coach and others who have limited football knowledge are making the big decisions. This is not the correct recipe for a strong football program.
Football is by far the most important SEC sport. We need a person with a high football IQ for the AD job. The reason we never have sustained success is because the football program has been mismanaged from AD to the BOT. We need football minds making the football decisions, and our program will improve. A baseball coach and others who have limited football knowledge are making the big decisions. This is not the correct recipe for a strong football program.
From other opinions on this forum, they say South Carolina needs a cold blooded CEO that knows nothing about sports to be the AD,
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I haven't read EVERY post here but can't believe anyone here thinks a good Athletic Director should know NOTHING about sports, much less multiple posters. Not calling you a liar but is it possible you misunderstood? I've been here since Cocky Talk shutdown.
Lot of truth in this, but to be clear, Eric Hyman gets full credit for Darrin Horn. Still the worst hire in the history of our program. Since then, 1 tournament in 15 years.
Fully agree Darrin Horn was awful, but was he worse than Steve Newton? Newton took a decent program under Felton into the toilet. He’s so forgettable that no one remembers he was a head coach here.
I haven't read EVERY post here but can't believe anyone here thinks a good Athletic Director should know NOTHING about sports, much less multiple posters. Not calling you a liar but is it possible you misunderstood? I've been here since Cocky Talk shutdown.
Maybe I did misunderstand, but what I read is they wanted a CEO type that was not a previous coach.
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Think about this. When Tanner took over as AD, the football program was a top 10 program. The baseball program was the best in the nation. Where are they now?
The previous AD had ZERO to do with any football success. He stayed out of the way. AD's don't make for great football programs. If they did, we wouldn't seem the teams competing for titles every year while we've had one 4 year stretch of good in over a century of football.
Sadly, this reality will sink in when the next AD takes over and we're still far behind the powers of this league.
Ray I think is that guy who is to nice to be an effective boss. And also a “ROD”, retired on duty. That’s someone who is trying to do as little as possible their last few years.
Under him the football program went to crap. Literally, we are almost into a decade of being mediocre after a winning run.
I’m optimistic under Beamer- but if Beamer fails then Rays finally gotta go. He probably should have been sent packing with Muschamp. If the BOT has any brains they won’t give Ray any crazy buyout clauses for the future…. Keep it cheap to fire him, lol. You have to think like other programs like UGA. They are paying these people millions to win. If they don’t produce, can’t build a winning culture, they got to go.
Ray was obviously a great baseball coach. But not so great as an a/d.
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Maybe I did misunderstand, but what I read is they wanted a CEO type that was not a previous coach.
Oh, ok thats different. It is a CEO type of position running a multi-million dollar operation. One needs to learn the business side of things as well as the sports side. It's usually not an entry level position in the SEC. You start out small, assistant at a junior college or similar, learn what you need to know to succeed at the next level and work your way up. If you prove to be successful you will start to gain a reputation that allows you to then start applying at top conferences and hope one day to get a chance at an SEC position. That's not what happened here and the results show it. That's what has multiple posters frustrated, including myself.
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Lot of truth in this, but to be clear, Eric Hyman gets full credit for Darrin Horn. Still the worst hire in the history of our program. Since then, 1 tournament in 15 years.
He also gets full credit firing him fairly quickly. He didn't wait for the obligatory five years.

All ADs make bad hires at some point. How they deal with is also important. He also hired Frank Martin, who at the time was a considered a homerun hire. After that great FF run though, it seems like Frank has just run out of gas and his shtick is worn out. But he was miles better than Horn.

Oh, and Hyman also hired Dawn Staley, the absolute best coach the university has to this day.
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I posted this over the Summer and still have not had anyone with any opposite information....

In what world do you think Ray Tanner actually has any authority to hire and fire revenue sport coaches? I know may of y'all assume that all athletic directors do all of the hiring and firing but in reality many/most just manage the programs (the city managers of the athletic department). Yet, I see constant posts about how RT should have hired x or fired y and it make my ears bleed. If you really want to complain about these decisions then go complain to the five or so Board of Trustees members who seem to make all of these decisions.

Agent's Description of hiring process: Article Explaining Power Structure

No weak, ineffectual, unqualified puppet has full authority to do anything.

Yet, he has managed to leave his fingerprints all over the crime scene that is UofSC football.

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No weak, ineffectual, unqualified puppet has full authority to do anything.

Yet, he has managed to leave his fingerprints all over the crime scene that is UofSC football.


I saw a lot of posts on here actually discussing their opinion that we do need a CEO, active AD to run the programs here. I don't know if we've ever had that here as they all appeared to be either administrators or rubber steak, circuit rah-rah guys. I think this is an interesting point.

As for the other posts... Mrs. Tanner? Excuses? In what way did I say anything to support Ray Tanner? In the end, with the "#Magoo" and "I blame him..." y'all are just looking to have a villain to blame rather questioning how the decision-making actually works at USC. Again, why do you think he has any authority to make hiring/firing decisions at USC?

The complete debacle of the men's basketball program Frank getting fired, not getting fired fiasco and the actual media about the involvement of the Board of Trustees really suggests that Tanner is here to tell stories and manage the athletics budget. I'd love to know the truth but if y'all are unhappy with the direction of the athletic program, you may be wanting Ray to go to only have another person with no authority appointed to the same role so you can live a delusion while the puppet masters keep doing the same thing they've always done.
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Football is by far the most important SEC sport. We need a person with a high football IQ for the AD job. The reason we never have sustained success is because the football program has been mismanaged from AD to the BOT. We need football minds making the football decisions, and our program will improve. A baseball coach and others who have limited football knowledge are making the big decisions. This is not the correct recipe for a strong football program.
How "important" any one sport is, is subjective at best. Baseball is the most important SEC sport for me. It might be tennis for someone else.

I've stated before that I strongly believe that the AD should not be the head coach of any varsity sport. And I agree with DarkHorse2001 that the BOT at USC meddles too much in athletic department affairs.
Ray I think is that guy who is to nice to be an effective boss. And also a “ROD”, retired on duty. That’s someone who is trying to do as little as possible their last few years.
Under him the football program went to crap. Literally, we are almost into a decade of being mediocre after a winning run.
I’m optimistic under Beamer- but if Beamer fails then Rays finally gotta go. He probably should have been sent packing with Muschamp. If the BOT has any brains they won’t give Ray any crazy buyout clauses for the future…. Keep it cheap to fire him, lol. You have to think like other programs like UGA. They are paying these people millions to win. If they don’t produce, can’t build a winning culture, they got to go.
Ray was obviously a great baseball coach. But not so great as an a/d.
The BOT needs to get out of the way.
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