Dabo the Rarity


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Nov 24, 2004
Just finished reading Gene Sapakof of the Post & Courier writing about Swinney's being a stay put guy at college football's top program ..... Clemson University. Well Gene, why would Dabo or anyone else leave that comfort nest in Pickens County ? The fanatic fans and powers to be think they have the greatest coach in history based on last season and this season and are paying him with a package right there with Meyer and Sabin and a buyout that only Bill Gates could afford, plus, able to recruit in the top 15 each year in the weakest power 5 conference which equals automatic 7-9 win seasons each year. These are the same reasons Bobby Bowden stayed at FSU so very many years and he will admit it.
The thing to me that is rare and really makes you think is why has Dabo not been sought after by anyone replacing a head coach, no, not any school to my knowledge. Dabo states he has had many opportunities but nobody but him has any knowledge about these offers.
The above mentioned is the real reason Swinney remains at Clemson. When Sabin retires at Alabama, Dabo (if his luck holds out and he is still at Clemson) won't be mentioned as a potential candidate let alone offered the job.
It will be such a relief after OSU sends Clemson home and all the Dabo praise will be over.
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Killing it but not in the same league as FSU, BAMA, FLORIDA, LSU, OSU,TAM ETC, ETC. yet Swinney would lead you to believe he is. Clemson in recruiting is a top 15 program.

You couldn't be more wrong dude. They were #4 in 2015 and #6 in 2016. Seems pretty on par with those 6 teams you mentioned the last two years.
You couldn't be more wrong dude. They were #4 in 2015 and #6 in 2016. Seems pretty on par with those 6 teams you mentioned the last two years.
Yes, the big majority of their media and fan support is based on the last two years. Dabo became head bumpkin in 2006 and in the 10 year span, Clemson cracked the top 10 twice, 15 and 16. Teams like BAMA, FSU, OSU, LSU are top 10 almost every year. Clemson won't even out recruit Will Muschamp in the next five years. So far, not doing it this year in spite of our mess Spurrier left us in.
Yes, the big majority of their media and fan support is based on the last two years. Dabo became head bumpkin in 2006 and in the 10 year span, Clemson cracked the top 10 twice, 15 and 16. Teams like BAMA, FSU, OSU, LSU are top 10 almost every year. Clemson won't even out recruit Will Muschamp in the next five years. So far, not doing it this year in spite of our mess Spurrier left us in.
You think South Carolina's class this year is better than Clemsons? You need to look deeper than just the numerical ranking beside the name of school.
I like most, find Dabo's act a bit tiresome. And don't think he, or his assistants are coaching geniuses. Even the newly crowned defensive genius Brent Venebles. He is no better, or worse, than most others. Remember a few short years ago when he was being demoted at Oklahoma because his defense couldn't stop anything. Then Clemson bailed his career out. But I will give Dabo's bunch one thing. They can recruit. Whether by Dabo's country bumpkin ways, lake houses, or bag men handing out the cash, they are getting the players. Talented players make coaches look awful good. And that is the case at Clemson. So somebody in Columbia would be well advised to figure out their method and match it, Or this thing isn't going to get any better.

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