Do you think U of SC will be pressured to change our nickname, The Gamecocks? Link below!

It's so surreal that this is even a conversation.

The odds that our logo inspired anyone into the cockfighting arena is less than zero.

Next step is asking the birds themselves if the logo is offensive via a Chicken Whisperer.

I'm sure that's probably around the corner.
If it comes, it will come from the Students of the University of South Carolina. When this crowd of "save the worlders" reunifies in person, everything is up for grabs. I'm all for all higher education being online in perpetuity. I really believe a mascot change will be an inside student's job. The Gamecock article coming in 3....2.....1......
Gamecocks and bulldogs were both used in blood sports. Google bullbaiting or bearbaiting. On my last visit to the poultry exhibit at the SC State Fair I was shown examples of real fighting cocks. They have very short combs and stand out from other roosters with their aggressive tendencies. I dared not stick a finger in a gamecock's cage. The most common in our state is probably a breed called the American Game Chicken.
First of all, I want cock fighting to be dealt with VERY HARSHLY. But, I'm afraid pressure might be added to change our nickname. But there are a lot of schools with the name Bulldogs and as we know there are dog fights, too. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE WHO ABUSE INNOCENT ANIMALS!

Ah yes, Johnson City. During my younger years J.C., Bristol and Kingsport were part of my territory. Never attended a cockfight but I'm sure there were some questionable deeds in those hills.