Double standard?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2001
If one of the Wisconsin players had made the same statement, there would be a media firestorm. I'm guessing Harrison won't be suspended like that girl at Carolina this week.
I would provide a link to the deadspin footage of the postgame press conference, but rivals won't even allow the link do to the word.****-that-1695776906?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

This post was edited on 4/5 12:50 AM by fightingcock103
1st, don't be so quick to blame Rivals for the problem with your link. I know...I'm the one that clicked on it so it's my fault, and I should've known better after hearing your whining...but it just set off sirens and froze my PC. Which sucks for me. Now I'm going to spend a 1/2 hour scanning and cleansing, and probably cuss 75-100 more people for the next month trying to make money calling phone numbers day and night that just got my cell number. So thanks for all that.

2nd, what else would you expect? Seriously??

Now I'm off to play cyber-doctor.
Because deadspin is such an out there site. And rivals told me it was because of words used in the link.
I'm sure this will eventually be moved to Small Talk, but I'd like to insert some preemtive common sense before this thread gets bogged down in outraged white folk.

There IS a double standard. It's not logical, but our society has made this determination over time.

Do I think certain people in our society use race to their advantage? Yes.

Do I roll my eyes when Jesse Jackson pops up at a completely non-related event? A lot of the time.

However, give me a break with the fake outrage. White people can't use that word. Are some of you that obtuse? Can you venture a guess why a white person would be criticized for using it and not a black person? I think that makes sense, but again, I'm not over analyzing this and looking for a reason to be an offended, oppressed white male.

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