We have a baseball team? I was too stoked over the lady basketball game/win to even notice.
This becoming a nightly thing. Our team defensively is weaker than it has been in ten years. These should be rather routine for college players.
Add that to our inability to hit the freaking ball and you have our season in a nutshell.
Watching the baseball game instead and I know my fingernails appreciate it after seeing the ladies final score.
This post was edited on 3/27 10:15 PM by scifiguy94
Originally posted by scifiguy94:
Watching the baseball game instead and I know my fingernails appreciate it after seeing the lady's final score.
Don't know how you're more relaxed watching the baseball team just blow another lead.
This team lost a bunch of juniors to the draft last year, and we are stuck with a bunch of young players who aren't hitting very well and who can't field well. We look a lot like Clemson, to be honest, and they lost to a crappy Wake team tonight.
There is absolutely no excuse for making the amount of errors that we make. One a game, not great but usually can deal with it. When we start getting two and three a game BY THE SAME GUYS is unacceptable. I'm not giving this team any free excuses.
Originally posted by sclawman77:

Originally posted by scifiguy94:
Watching the baseball game instead and I know my fingernails appreciate it after seeing the lady's final score.
Don't know how you're more relaxed watching the baseball team just blow another lead.

Pretty simple, because a loss doesn't mean it's the last basball game of the season.
Gawd, you are over here criticizing a Carolina baseball player before/after defending the Greensboro ACC referee convention. Makes me sick.

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