Good news! YouTube TV has resolved issue with Disney......ESPN is back

Do we know who gave in? As a network, the programming is garbage. SportsCenter became irrelevant once you could find highlights for every game ever online. And then it seems like every other show is just idiots yelling at each other about sports (and somehow they figured out how to repackage this same show in 10 different ways). PTI is good though.

All that said, the platform, with cable, ESPN+ and Watch Espn app, is unrivaled for watching sports. It’s coverage is shocking to me sometimes with how much it blankets so many different sports and programs big and small. It is the best sports product, hands down, on the market.

So who gave in? And I only pose it that way because a mutually beneficial agreement seems so few and far between these days.
I would think Disney would hold the upper hand in negotiations because ESPN truly is a sports monopoly and for me, I was about to jump ship from YT TV until I got the email yesterday

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