Grandson Update


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
For those long timers that have been growing up with my's 4-0 with 2 saves so far this season...Friday night he beat Catholic High School 6-3, one of the best baseball programs in the state of Florida. pitched 5 innings, struggled in the 2nd innings hitting the 1st batter, K on the 2nd, then walked next 4 batters, KS, and then G3...came back the next 3 innings and shut them down...ERA 0.00, went 2-4 at plate. Overall leading the team in batting at 351...Congrats to him....
That awesome Gulf, nothing wrong with bragging on your kids. I do it on here all the time. Lol
Sign him up!!!!
I've seen the pics you've posted over the years....he is growing...didn't realize he was in florida though. Good luck to the young man.
Good for your grandson! You must be proud. Hopefully he will be a gamecock one day. I do question your ERA calculation though. If he hit a batter and walked four in a row, he had at least 2 earned runs unless the base runners advanced on fielding errors. Walks and hit batters count against the pitcher like base hits would, while fielding errors are not so that the pitcher is not penalized for mistakes of teammates.
Re: He told me the other day if Carolina would offer he would go...YEAH BABBYYY

Seems like I remember pictures of his first games. Damn yall are getting old!
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