You and I will never agree on this but here I go...I hope that Tanner can make the right calls in the next few years regarding coaches. He will have to replace Spurrier at one point and it's starting to look more and more like he's going to have to make a baseball hire. I think Martin is going to get us there but who knows? He might have to make a basketball hire too. These decisions will affect USC athletics for years to come. If he makes the wrong decisions we will regret the day that we let Hyman walk. Hyman may have been an asshole but he made the tough decisions that no one else wanted to make.
Send the band to the NIT? We don't have the money. Fire Dave Odom? We don't have the money? Hire Gregg Marshall? We don't have the money. McGee kept everything so cheap that we didn't have the money to do much of anything the first few years of Hyman's tenure. We had cheap football tickets and that's what kept Gamecock Club donations and ticket sales at record numbers. That's all McGee did besides make a few great hires. I'm not saying he was a terrible AD but he did make a few great hires.
Hyman came in and made the tough decisions. He had a vision and came up with a plan to bring our facilities out of the 1980's. The YES program was implemented for the 2009 season. Average attendance dropped from 80,500 in 2008 to 75,300 in 2009. The team also sucked during this period and we were in the middle of a recession. Was it a bad time to implement it? Probably. But average attendance was back to 79,100 by 2011 and 80,000 by 2012. Once we got the old time Century Club donors out of the west lower it only took a few years to fill all of the seats back up.