I hear there's more protest in Ithaca college in New York college

Now they're saying campuses at Syracuse, Michigan, Georgia Tec, Columbia University and a couple more I didn't catch on the news. I think so their mamas and daddies need to pull the funding from their tuition .

Let them experience life in the real world.
This President is really uniting this Country isn't he? He was supposed to be the one to take our Country to new levels.

All he has done has incited riots. I think he has us right where he wants us. Hating each other more instead of loving each other more.

I have kids in college and I hope I taught them well..
This President is really uniting this Country isn't he? He was supposed to be the one to take our Country to new levels.

All he has done has incited riots. I think he has us right where he wants us. Hating each other more instead of loving each other more.
"He was the one to take our country to new levels? " Only Obozo, Libtards, and complete stupid people thought that!!! Thanks to ignorance by the stupid people in this country we are paying the price of Obozo!!
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"He was the to take our country to new levels? " Only Obozo, Libtards, and complete stupid people thought that!!! Thanks to ignorance by the stupid people in this country we are paying the price of Obozo!!

I just think kids today are bunch of whiners and babies they want to be taken care of.

I member when I went to college, I couldn't wait to get out of the house, get away from mom and dad. Paid for my own tuition and went to school and got the hell out school and found real paying job .
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This President is really uniting this Country isn't he? He was supposed to be the one to take our Country to new levels.

All he has done has incited riots. I think he has us right where he wants us. Hating each other more instead of loving each other more.

This is the president's fault?

Does anyone remember the state of the country in 2008?

You think we were loving each other then? Half of the country was bankrupt and the other half was still looking for weapons of mass destruction.
This is the president's fault?

Does anyone remember the state of the country in 2008?

You think we were loving each other then? Half of the country was bankrupt and the other half was still looking for weapons of mass destruction.

Should have let the big banks go bankrupt and all we would have or just good small regional banks to deal with.
Oh my God! The horror. Idealogical college students protesting in mass. That's never happened before. This country is surely headed down the path toward fire and brimstone. Which generation has not put down the generation that comes after them and predicted that their "ways" will sink the country. You've all turned into that grumpy old neighbor down the street that everyone hated because he was always mad about something. Listen to Sgt. Hulka and lighten up, Francis.
They want the same news coverage that Missouri got. One problem, Missouri use the football team and I don't think Ithaca College has a football team.

Actually Ithaca does have a football team (season finale is Saturday vs SUNY Cortland). They compete in NCAA Div III's Empire 8 Conference.

That I had to look it up indicates that the IC football team has nowhere near the kind of high profile that a football team at an SEC school does.
"He was the one to take our country to new levels? " Only Obozo, Libtards, and complete stupid people thought that!!! Thanks to ignorance by the stupid people in this country we are paying the price of Obozo!!

Libtards - that's awesome. See, he combined liberal with retard. Damn, that's clever stuff.

Always glad to see the usual suspects lamenting the lack of intelligence of anyone they disagree with. I guess they don't teach irony wherever this guy went to college. "complete stupid people" Yikes.
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Should have let the big banks go bankrupt and all we would have or just good small regional banks to deal with.
Um, that's not what would've happened if the banks failed. The economic metrics in 2008 were worse than 1929. Now, breaking them up after the financial system was on sound footing, that's another matter entirely.
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Um, that's not what would've happened if the banks failed. The economic metrics in 2008 were worse than 1929. Now, breaking them up after the financial system was on sound footing, that's another matter entirely.

Depositors at the time, wouldn't lose their money up to $100,000. Since then they changed it to $250,000...

Stock holders, bond holders and Hedge Fund managers would have taken a big loss... That's ok with me... I picked up AXP, SBUX, and a few stocks on the cheap... around $9.00 per share.. Missed out on PCLN when it was $50 per share...

When you have a Goldman Sachs man running the US Treasury and holding a gun to the heads of CEO to take the TARP money tells me this is good for Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund managers and not good for the people...

I lost a lot of money in C, BAC, WB and will not own banks again...
Just the credit card processing companies, specially the ones who don't hold debt...

We really need a market crash like in1988...
Libtards - that's awesome. See, he combined liberal with retard. Damn, that's clever stuff.

Always glad to see the usual suspects lamenting the lack of intelligence of anyone they disagree with. I guess they don't teach irony wherever this guy went to college. "complete stupid people" Yikes.
Not so much disagreeing, just speaking the facts of liberals and what Obozo has done to hurt this country.
that's what they do. these splinter groups act like the majority do not matter. And PC knuckleheads leading these schools are to blame. You cannot foster an atmosphere of learning in total chaos. What the hell does a "safe space" mean? Is that like a sanctuary city where anything goes if you can get there. you simply cannot allow anarchists to run things and expect anything positive to come out of it. Law & Order must prevail. It's the basis for civilization.
that's what they do. these splinter groups act like the majority do not matter. And PC knuckleheads leading these schools are to blame. You cannot foster an atmosphere of learning in total chaos. What the hell does a "safe space" mean? Is that like a sanctuary city where anything goes if you can get there. you simply cannot allow anarchists to run things and expect anything positive to come out of it. Law & Order must prevail. It's the basis for civilization.

Send them to Paris and see what real life is..

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