IMG Academy Scandel

Like I said when the FBI gets involved the NCAA all together could be exposed I'm betting there are some colleges sweating bullets. The Feds could call an investigation into the whole ball of wax if these people know something we don't and start naming names. You know the old "But what about them" defense.
I heard or read somewhere that this admissions scandal (operations varsity blues) was something the feds stumbled on as part of another investigation. I wouldn't be surprised if all of this came out of the FBI probe into college basketball. If the director of admissions from IMG is involved, this could be the tip of the ice berg of what we could be hearing in the future.

The DOJ already said that the close to 50 individuals charged yesterday was not all of those that would be charged. Again, the fact that the director of admissions IMG already plead guilty tends to suggest that he has agreed to a plea deal in exchange for cooperating with the feds. If there is anything crooked going on with football and basketball at IMG it will likely be exposed as part of this. That's just my hunch/hope.
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Rich liberals getting there

Rich libs cheating to get there bratty kids into liberals schools . They will never see a day in jail

If you look at who the people indicted thus far donate to, you'll see that this just isn't correct (which is not surprising). What's most interesting is seeing that many of them donate big to both parties. They're not necessarily paying to support a specific candidate, party, or cause; they're buying influence with big names on both sides of the aisle. This is just a manifestation of that. At least we're finally seeing some bipartisanship.
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The DOJ already said that the close to 50 individuals charged yesterday was not all of those that would be charged.
Last I've read it is more than 300 involved. One reason I would hesitate to stake out political grounds on this one yet. More chips will fall....and you don't know which way they are going to fall.
Clemson is not sweating, they have the financial resources to payoff the IMG people.
Clemson is not sweating, they have the financial resources to payoff the IMG people.
Fans underestimate how DEEP Clemson's ties, assets, and influence have become in the world of college sports - football in particular. Ever notice that Clemson never appears to have any problems with the Clearing House, SAT, ACT, NCAA admissions, ACC admissions, in house admissions etc? Are ALL of their signees simply future Rhodes Scholars?

The guy at IMG is simply another valuable asset and so is IMG Academy. This guy doesn't just take the entrance exams for students at IMG or just so students can get accepted to prestigious schools, he takes the entrance exams for students all over the country - for a price! He is a professional and knows how to achieve a score that will NOT get flagged. That fact has been brought out in many of the articles already published.

Remember the XT drama? Who doesn't, right?! Well, I said back then that a little research would reveal that a very powerful, well-known, well-respected, Clemson alumn had very strong connections to college admissions programs and college testing programs. Their recruits get in without incident, yet ours (and it's usually recruits we rely upon to get an early start or make an immediate impact) are subjected to delayed enrollment due to 'academic/admission' issues.

This is NOT a coincidence. Come on people - connect the dots!
I don't disagree with what you're saying. I do think there already are "football" or "basketball" majors, for athletes who are at a school for the purpose of playing a revenue sport. Underwater basketweaving, etc.

As for going to a professional model, I think it could be done, and should be done, and in some way shape or form will eventually happen. I hope so, anyhow.
Will there be obstacles and issues? Yes, undoubtedly.

But right now what we have is essentially a sham. And the NCAA is the biggest conman in the game.

I still love college football, but I'm increasingly of the opinion that it's a broken system.
College sports have come so far from their original intent they the originators would not recognize college sports anymore. Teaching sportsmanship and practicing it in a game will get your rear sitting on a bench in a blink of an eye Instead, too often, it's using something illegal to try to hurt the opposing player. Play a game at a time that conflicts with a player's schedule who cares. What's education got to do with any of this?? Sad.
With that system, all your 5* and probably all of your 4* (or a great majority) and decent number of 3* would never set foot on campus. That means you'd have college teams composed almost entirely of 3* and 2* guys. Interest in college football would vanish overnight.
No it wouldn't. College stadiums outdraw NFL stadiums by a huge factor now and not one person in those college stadiums is under the delusion he is watching a higher caliber of football than he would see in an NFL stadium. They go because they are fans. If your theory was correct, the AAF would be outdrawing college stadiums because the overall level of play is higher.

I don't want to watch a Gamecocks team comprised of 3* and 2* players if the other team has 4* and 5* players, but if all the teams are playing with 2* and 3* recruits, then the games will be just as competitive, star players will still emerge, national championships will still be won, and coaches will still be hired and fired.
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That would mean NCAA would lose Billions. Do you think they will let that happen?

How much the NCAA loses may depend on how much involvement they have with the plan. The NCAA is, quite clearly, on a path to irrelevance. I don't know if it happens in 5 years or 20 years, but that's the current trajectory. The paradigm is going to shift whether the NCAA wants it to or not. They can either continue whistling past the graveyard, or they can be proactive and try to work out something with the NFL to strike a balance that appeases the pro-sports interests while maintaining some semblance of academic integrity and amateur status.
Clemson is in bed with the IMG marketing group. Now they pay the “Same” marketing group multi Million of dollars to advertise for them. It made a big stink when they broke off and went to the IMG connected group just a few years ago.

Nothing to see here. Its all legal. Just paying for advertising and hometown hero billboards.

Meanwhile USC gets in trouble for having a players photo on a poster at a local club . Gotta love playing by the rules when others can care less.
Rich liberals getting there

Rich libs cheating to get there bratty kids into liberals schools . They will never see a day in jail
suspect this type of scheme has been around in some form for many years and has been used by people of all stripes. After all Trump got into the Wharton school of business many years. You brought politics into this discussion.
Clemson is in bed with the IMG marketing group. Now they pay the “Same” marketing group multi Million of dollars to advertise for them. It made a big stink when they broke off and went to the IMG connected group just a few years ago.

Nothing to see here. Its all legal. Just paying for advertising and hometown hero billboards.

Meanwhile USC gets in trouble for having a players photo on a poster at a local club . Gotta love playing by the rules when others can care less.
And this why I say we should either get off the porch and cheat like the big dogs or just shut it down and become a Vandy, Yale or Wake.
Cmon guys. Can we just leave politics out of ONE thread?!?

I think we can all agree that we hope this IMG business ends up unearthing some dirt on our inbred neighbors to the north, yes?
I'm so sick of it (and certain posters) that I spend very, very little time here any more. There is NO WHERE you can hid from it.
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In his autobiography he admits he couldn't read at all, yet managed to get into and pass four years of classes at Oklahoma State.

I can only go by what I saw and heard. The woman who lived across from him, an unemployed lawyer from Tulsa, said he was clumsily aggressive. But I never saw him act out, unlike Tarpley and Washburn.
Fans underestimate how DEEP Clemson's ties, assets, and influence have become in the world of college sports - football in particular. Ever notice that Clemson never appears to have any problems with the Clearing House, SAT, ACT, NCAA admissions, ACC admissions, in house admissions etc? Are ALL of their signees simply future Rhodes Scholars?

The guy at IMG is simply another valuable asset and so is IMG Academy. This guy doesn't just take the entrance exams for students at IMG or just so students can get accepted to prestigious schools, he takes the entrance exams for students all over the country - for a price! He is a professional and knows how to achieve a score that will NOT get flagged. That fact has been brought out in many of the articles already published.

Remember the XT drama? Who doesn't, right?! Well, I said back then that a little research would reveal that a very powerful, well-known, well-respected, Clemson alumn had very strong connections to college admissions programs and college testing programs. Their recruits get in without incident, yet ours (and it's usually recruits we rely upon to get an early start or make an immediate impact) are subjected to delayed enrollment due to 'academic/admission' issues.

This is NOT a coincidence. Come on people - connect the dots!

You just need a little history. XT said he was going to Clemson because he could win a championship. Well, guess effing what?
You just need a little history. XT said he was going to Clemson because he could win a championship. Well, guess effing what?
You need to follow the thread more closely and stop with the 'let me say something completely off topic' tactic in order to detract attention from the real conversation.
Nothing has been proved relative to our President being guilty.
I was referring to rich people getting into schools where they wouldn't qualify otherwise. Like Trump and his kids. But yes, nothing will be proven until he is out of office, and then maybe you can get on the list to visit him in prison to take him some orange hair color.
I was referring to rich people getting into schools where they wouldn't qualify otherwise. Like Trump and his kids. But yes, nothing will be proven until he is out of office, and then maybe you can get on the list to visit him in prison to take him some orange hair color.

He's not going to prison for anything. I'm looking forward to watching the Dems try to find someone that they think can beat Trump. That's going to be the funny part.
I was referring to rich people getting into schools where they wouldn't qualify otherwise. Like Trump and his kids. But yes, nothing will be proven until he is out of office, and then maybe you can get on the list to visit him in prison to take him some orange hair color.
Will the never Trumpers please not go into tirades on every thread? The rest of us are tired of it. Go hate someone else for a while.
Do you think he would say he's going to Clemson because he wanted someone to buy his fathers car wash and get him out of the slammer? Laughing

His dad rented the space for the car wash - I've driven by it on the way to the Ford dealer many, many times. The city bought the land for a new grocery store, from the landowner, not his father.
Will the never Trumpers please not go into tirades on every thread? The rest of us are tired of it. Go hate someone else for a while.
Perhaps you should read the thread and chew out your fellow Trumpster for firing the initial shot. But thats just what I would do...put blame where it belongs. Pepsi Cock interjected politics. The rest of us are tired of Trumpsters playing the persecuted victim.

A Two Party Hater
suspect this type of scheme has been around in some form for many years and has been used by people of all stripes. After all Trump got into the Wharton school of business many years. You brought politics into this discussion.

Trump enrolled at Fordham University in 1964. After two years, he had grades that were good enough so he could transfer to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated from there in May 1968 with a B.S. in economics. That doesn't much sound like someone buying their way in or he would have just bought in where he wanted the degree in the first place. But go on and continue bashing without any evidence, that is what his detractors do and why no one listens to them anymore.
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I don’t think we are going to see the major sports implicated in this particular scandal. This one is about money.

Two reasons:

1. Football and basketball coaches at P5 are already millionaires. You’d have to be especially greedy and stupid to need an additional criminal income stream.

2. Fans and media follow every single detail about every recruit, unlike a sport like Tennis or Rowing. If some coach tried to sneak in a kid who had never played the sport, pretty sure that would not go unnoticed.

The fact that IMG's Director of College Admissions test prep is directly implicated suggests that there could very well be widespread test fraud going on. That doesn't mean it's being coordinated by the colleges themselves necessarily, only that players are being admitted who don't really have the grades or test scores to qualify. We've all suspected that for years, but this development certainly raises those suspicions.