Spurriers ancestry actually starts in Winnsboro SC.....his great grandfather actually owned slaves....he was born in the Chinese year of the rooster....the people in Johnson City, Tennessee actually hate the man even though he was a high school superstar there...lol......Sen. McConnell made the statement that Spurrier knew he couldn't remove the flag off the state house grounds and wasn't going to fight a fight he couldn't win. He said he was smart enough to know he was a football coach and not a politician....most people think he threw Morris out of the meeting of media people to deflect the spotlight from Garcia's uproar during a team symposium. That most people think a clemsux woman who lived near Garcia and could see the pool from her home turned him in for drinking, the day he was given a surprise alcohol test......the book by Ran Henry has some great reading if you haven't read it. I don't know how much was speculation or how much was fact but it was a good read.