Maryland fires Durkin...

Trying to put myself in that coaches shoes -- I don't know if I would've WANTED to say after that kid died. It's gotta be a gut check and a horrible damn thing to be a part of, and party to, and ultimately responsible for.

And I'd have to know I'm a lightning rod whether there was anything I can do or not. He might've been better off taking a buyout and a year off. Or maybe he felt he could do more for the program as a part of it .... hell if I know.

If it were me, I would've given up coaching for a while just to get my head straight.
Oh, he gets his $5.1 mil buyout.
They still look like crap. They knuckled under to the inevitable outrage that educated people should have been able to foresee. Now that this has transpired, every board member that went along with retaining him ought to be removed. They aren't competent to run a university.
are you advocating that Maryland or any other university should be run by consensus? Not trying to start some shit here...just asking
are you advocating that Maryland or any other university should be run by consensus? Not trying to start some shit here...just asking
No, but there's baggage a person or group has to carry and baggage a person or group doesn't. The best long-term interests of an organization are paramount. Those would not be furthered by keeping this man. There are many reasons, but recruiting alone would make his retention prohibitive. And then, what if they have another scandalous incident in the football program while under his direction? The leaders of the institution should have had greater insight.
That is not a fair description of the report that largely exonerates the coach, says there was not a toxic culture and he was not responsible for the player's death. I don't know that I agree with the report, but it doesn't read at all like you imply.
It is a totally fair description. They admitted they did not follow their own protocols and paid out a large settlement. They also admitted that there was toxic and abusive culture around the football program. But yes they exonerated/shifted blame away from Durkin. You tell me what doesn’t add up in this scenario. They blamed somebody on the S&C staff as the culprits. That feels very much like a scapegoating to save the institution and the football program. How long did it take the AD and Durkin to visit the family? Weeks... because they knew and were legally scared and ashamed. UMD said they form a committee to investigate.... six weeks passed... no committee..... hell they had not even talked to those players present..... “they wanted to honor their grief process”
They attempted to bully/threaten the president to not fire Durkin. At every step they have failed to do the right thing. I do not believe Durkin was evil or intentionally looking to do harm BUT he was the boss that encouraged coloring outside the lines and acts shocked that the painting is a tragic mess
It's based on emotion, not reality unfortunately. I don't have a dog in the fight, I just hate to see a guy hung out to dry when they didn't find any evidence of wrongdoing by him. It's no different than when someone runs a red light and you T-bone them, killing their child in the backseat but people want YOU tried for being a child murderer because you didn't do enough to prevent it. If you don't know it's happening or just found out about it, it's terribly hard to prevent.

What happened to accountability? I thought folks were all about others being held responsible when they are in charge and something happens on their watch.

But now I guess we are advocating for absolution for certain people.
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Well, now the Chairman of the Board of Regents has stepped down, having seen the light too late. But he is 78 years old. Maybe the light couldn't get through.
What happened to accountability? I thought folks were all about others being held responsible when they are in charge and something happens on their watch.

But now I guess we are advocating for absolution for certain people.
the relationship between accountability and responsibility has ceased to exist for years...ask UNC, Southern Cal, both political parties, Rick Pitino and many many others ad nauseum:( not sure but I think somebody busted Mother Theresa recently :confused:
It is a totally fair description. They admitted they did not follow their own protocols and paid out a large settlement. They also admitted that there was toxic and abusive culture around the football program. But yes they exonerated/shifted blame away from Durkin. You tell me what doesn’t add up in this scenario. They blamed somebody on the S&C staff as the culprits. That feels very much like a scapegoating to save the institution and the football program. How long did it take the AD and Durkin to visit the family? Weeks... because they knew and were legally scared and ashamed. UMD said they form a committee to investigate.... six weeks passed... no committee..... hell they had not even talked to those players present..... “they wanted to honor their grief process”
They attempted to bully/threaten the president to not fire Durkin. At every step they have failed to do the right thing. I do not believe Durkin was evil or intentionally looking to do harm BUT he was the boss that encouraged coloring outside the lines and acts shocked that the painting is a tragic mess

You said: "They also admitted there was toxic and abusive culture around the football program."

Here is what the report said: "By definition Maryland's football culture was not toxic".

I submit you are not making a fair description of what the report said.
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