Message from Vin...

Mr. Scully is a part of the "Greatest" generation.
In times like this, I miss my dad and father-in-law who were his age. Now, it is up to us to step up and help each other through this challenge.
Many of you have not been through similar challenges, ask your elders for advice. I remember hurricane Hugo and not having power for 17 days, no money to buy the diapers for my newborn.
No gasoline in the oil embargo in the early 70's...basically gas rationing and waiting in lines for hours to get gasoline. What we did was help each other out, LOVE and PRAY for each other. We didn't care if the individual was Democrat/Republican or an Independent, he/she was an AMERICAN.
A rarity in these times, an individual that handles himself with humility, class, and grace.

Thank you Mr. Scully.

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